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CLINICAL APPLICATIONS injury and showed the feasibility of using telerobotic
manipulation to perform microsurgical root‑to‑root
All properties mentioned above are not available with nerve repair of the brachial plexus with an endoscopic
the DaVinci robot. However, some of them already allow approach. In a cadaveric and experimental study, we
telemicrosurgical clinical applications. Among the many already accomplished neurotization of the spinal accessory
clinical applications, we describe its use in peripheral nerve to the motor branch of the musculocutaneous
nerve surgery. nerve, neurotization of the long portion of the triceps to
the anterior branch of the axillary nerve, neurotization
What has been done until now? of the motor nerve fascicle of the ulnar nerve on the
Our first experimental study using telemicrosurgery musculocutaneous nerve, neurolysis of the long thoracic
technique assessed the feasibility of peripheral nerve nerve, and neurolysis of the intercostal nerve. A series
repair. Regardless of the different type of anatomical of eight clinical cases of nerve damage around the
materials used (rat, pig, and human cadaver), the shoulder girdle were operated on using the DaVinci
telemanipulator removed the physiological tremor robot. Successful microneural repair was confirmed in
factor during anatomical epiperineural repairs. From all clinical studies. However, an open incision was still
this experimental result, we moved to our first
clinical trial to test the feasibility of the restoration of required. Robotic‑assisted surgery of the shoulder girdle
elbow flexion by Oberlin procedure using the DaVinci and brachial plexus is still in its early stages.
robot. All patients recovered elbow flexion and good What are the future fields of application in nerve
functional results despite a slight difficulty in visualizing surgery?
the operative field by an endoscopic approach. The In a recent experimental study, we reported on the
development of specific retractors and instruments will feasibility of robotic phrenic nerve harvest in a pig
probably ease these challenges. In a second clinical model. The advantages of using an endoscopic technique
trial, we presented a new approach to brachial plexus to harvest the phrenic nerve include a magnified, clear,
surgery using mini‑invasive robot‑assisted surgery to and illuminated visualization, a better remote access
perform a biopsy of an intraneural perineurioma in a incision site and an atraumatic technique. Robot‑assisted
12‑year‑old girl. Tigan et al. also studied the surgical neurolysis may be clinically useful for harvesting the
dissection of chronic peripheral nerve tumors using the phrenic nerve for brachial plexus reconstruction by the
telemicrosurgical technique to improve their results. Most thoracoscopic approach.
recently, robot‑assisted neurotization of deltoid muscle
using the nerve to the long head of the triceps was CONCLUSION
described as a feasible application for the restoration of
shoulder abduction after brachial plexus or axillary nerve Microsurgical techniques, magnification, and micro‑
injury. These results demonstrate that telemicrosurgery instruments, have not evolved since their first use in
allows very safe and precise peripheral nerve repairs by the 1960s. Endoscopic telemicrosurgery, through the
counteracting physiological tremor and by improving the amplification of human capabilities, may be the expected
view of the surgical field.
technological leap to introduce microsurgery in the
What are the clinical indications? 21st century.
From an anatomic positional point of view, brachial
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224 Plast Aesthet Res || Vol 2 || Issue 4 || Jul 15, 2015