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Case Report Plastic and Aesthetic Research
Use of tensor fascia lata flap for
reconstruction of the defect created
following inguinal block dissection in a
case of carcinoma penis: a case report and
brief review of literature
Amitabh Jena , Banoth Manilal , Sriharsha Haranadh , Rashmi Patnayak 2
1 Department of Surgical Oncology, Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati 517507, Andhra Pradesh, India.
2 Department of Pathology, Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati 517507, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Address for correspondence: Prof. Amitabh Jena, Department of Surgical Oncology, Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences,
Tirupati 517507, Andhra Pradesh, India. E-mail:
Tensor fascia lata (TFL) flap is a versatile myofasciocutaneous flap. It has varied usages as both free
and pedicled flap. As a pedicled flap, it is a good option for reconstructing soft tissue defects after
tumor ablation. The TFL perforator flap is a good alternative for anterolateral thigh (ALT) flap. The
advantages of TFL flap are that dissection can be made through the same incision, without impairment
of other donor sites. The reconstructive plan remains same as that of ALT flap. TFL flap offers a good
volume of skin and can be made thin removing variable portions of muscle. The present case is a
63-year-old patient with a carcinoma penis who underwent left ilioinguinal block dissection resulting
in a defect of 8 cm × 8 cm in the left inguinal region. TFL flap was raised with U-shaped incision and
used for closure of the defect with good result.
Key words:
Groin reconstruction, myofasciocutaneous flap, tensor fascia lata flap
INTRODUCTION The problem with TFL is distal necrosis in both pedicled
and free form. The flap’s safe dimensions and adequacy
Tensor fascia lata (TFL) flap is a myofasciocutaneous flap. to minimize distal tip necrosis for a sound abdominal wall
In 1934, Wangensteen, first described it for abdominal reconstruction remains controversial. [2-5]
wall reconstruction. It is a versatile flap with many uses The aim of the present case report was to share our
in reconstructive plastic surgery like in management of experience and clinical observations with TFL flap used
pressure sores, facial reanimation and as a free flap in
head and neck reconstruction. As a pedicled flap, its in the reconstruction of a challenging defect following
strong fascial layer has the advantage of reaching the inguinal block dissection in a case of the carcinoma penis.
lower abdomen and the groin. Thus, it is a good option
for reconstructing soft tissue defects after tumor ablation. CASE REPORT
Access this article online A 63-year-old male patient who was a diagnosed case of the
carcinoma penis with bilateral inguinal lymphadenopathy
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Website: underwent partial penectomy 6 months back. Left inguinal
lymph node dissection was also planned after 2 weeks,
and he was discharged on antibiotic cover. The patient
DOI: defaulted for 3 months and presented with a fungating left
10.4103/2347-9264.157111 inguinal lymph nodal mass. He was treated with external
radiotherapy with 60 Gy in 30 fractions over 6 weeks.
144 Plast Aesthet Res || Vol 2 || Issue 3 || May 15, 2015