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a marked effect on facial aesthetics. Hence, effective   time-saving  and light in weight,  the surgeon can
          treatment modalities for these defects are mandatory.    recommend  it  to patients  who require  an economical
          Small defects can be managed by surgery, but large defects   alternative or who are not willing  or able to undergo
          require prosthodontic rehabilitation by obturators.   surgical reconstruction of their defect.
          A multidisciplinary team consisting of an oncologist, an oral   The  light-weight  plastic-based  hollow  bulb obturator
          and  maxillofacial  surgeon,  a  maxillofacial  prosthodontist,   fabricated in the present case rehabilitated the
          a specialist nurse, a dietician and a speech therapist is   patient aesthetically and  functionally, providing him
          ideal for  care  of  head  and  neck  cancer  patients. A  high   an  opportunity  to  live  his  life  as  close  to  normal  as
          level of cooperation between the prosthodontist and the   possible.
          surgeon  prior  to  surgery  is  critical  to  achieving  adequate
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          treatment  of  such cases.  In  addition to  being  used
          following tissue healing, it can be used as an immediate   How to cite this article: Bhatia V, Bhatia G. Aesthetic rehabilitation
          surgical obturator by fabricating it on a presurgical model   of a patient with an anterior maxillectomy defect, using an innovative
          and trimming the affected area on the cast.          single-step, single unit, plastic-based hollow obturator. Plast Aesthet
                                                               Res 2015;2:140-3.
          Educating and motivating  the patient about the type
          of prosthesis  and its  limitations are the first steps in   Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.
          successful treatment.  As this obturator is economical,   Received: 15-11-2014; Accepted: 15-03-2015

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