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finger  and  thumb  through  inframammary  incision.  The   patients  were  nonsmokers,  1  smoker  and 1 patient’s
          incorrect positioning of the stitch is not visible without   smoking  status was not mentioned. Eighteen  patients
          this maneuver when patient is lying in a supine position.   presented  with grade  I capsular contracture,  3  patients
          More commonly, the sliding or tilting of the table may   with grade  II ptosis and  4  patients had  a combination
          show  minor  puckering  or  dimpling  of  the  skin  envelope   of grade  I and II capsular  contracture. Pseudoptosis was
          that can be left alone. Once suture incorrect position   present in 6, class  B ptosis in 6, A/B ptosis in 3, sliding
          is established, implant is removed, and sutures are   ptosis  or water-down deformity  in  5 and rippling in
          repositioned at a slightly higher level, using previously   5  patients.  Average  size  implant  from  the  initial  surgery
          scored anterior capsule as a reference point and implant   was 334.4 mL (range: 250-340 mL) and the mean implant
          is replaced. The procedure can be repeated to assess the   size  selected for revision  surgery  was  416  mL  (range:
          position of the newly position stitch.              260-525  mL). Of 25  patients, 21  patients had  a bilateral
                                                              procedure  whereas  the  technique  was  used  unilaterally
          Wound closure  is  done using  continuous  2-0 Vicryl  to
          deep fascial layer, subcutaneous 3-0 Vicryl interrupted and   in 4  patients for the correction of asymmetry. Mean
          intradermal 4-0 continuous Monocryl stitch (Mononcryl   follow-up time  was 18  months  (range: 6-48 months).  All
          (Ethicon). Once  the  wound closed and dressed,  external   patients  had a  single  intravenous  dose  of  predominantly
          support to breast envelope is provided using  adhesive   Augmentin and followed  by an oral  course for 5  days,
          dressings.  The external supportive dressings are applied   there was no infection noted in the series. In the current
          starting from the lower pole and pulling, supporting, and   series,  no patient required revision surgery following
          stabilizing  the breast envelope at a higher and  desirable   MIM. Patient satisfaction data were retrieved from the
          position. Support garments are applied,  and  patients are   spreadsheet, 20 patients (80%) were very satisfied with the
          discharged on the same day.                         outcome and 5 patients were satisfied with the results, no
                                                              patients showed dissatisfaction with the procedure.
          Postoperatively, there is often some puckering of the
          skin envelope due to internal stitches.  This puckering   DISCUSSION
          almost always disappears within  4-6  weeks after surgery
          [Figure 2a-d].                                      Augmentation mammoplasty is primarily done either in
          Patients  are  reviewed  2 and 4  weeks  later  to  check for   front or behind the muscles. [7,8]  All modifications are the
          wound healing. Patients  are generally allowed to drive   extensions  of  these  2 primary  pockets.  The  existence  of
          and return to work 10  days following surgery. Patients   these 2 planes in each subject has the potential of these 2
          involved in physically demanding work are advised to take   pockets being used at the same time. Breast ptosis is the
          3 weeks off work.                                   slackening  and downward descent of the  nipple areolar
                                                              complex  (NAC) and breast  envelope in  relation  to  the
          RESULTS                                             inframammary crease as defined by Regnault.  The ptosis
                                                              correction is commonly  performed by using  periareolar,
          The group included  25  patients with an average age   vertical scar or wise pattern markings, depending on the
          36.6  years  (range: 25-54  years) with mean implant   presentation of the breast, wishes of the patient and the
          duration 6.4  years  (range: 1.5-13 years), 23 of the

                                                                    a                 b
           a                       b

                                                                    c                     d
                       c                                      Figure 2:  (a) Illustration showing side profile of an implant in
                                                              subglandular  pocket; (b) illustration showing dissected muscle splitting
          Figure 1:  (a)  Intraoperative picture showing  scored anterior skin   pocket with anchoring stitch placed  between  lower border of upper
          envelope marked with a Vicryl suture held at its loose end. Below and   split muscle and breast envelope at a level just under the nipple areolar
          to the right in the picture, lower edge of the upper split muscle is also   complex (NAC). Note the relative position of the sixth rib and the nipple
          marked with  Vicryl suture; (b) anterior capsule/wall of the pocket on   areolar complex; (c) illustration showing the implant placed  in muscle
          the left and lower free edge of upper split muscle on the right,  held   splitting pocket with a tied anchoring stitch between muscle and breast
          separately in  forceps before suturing;  (c) tied  suture  knot between  the   envelope. Note  the  puckering  of the  skin  below NAC,  gathered skin
          marked  anterior  capsule/wall of  envelope  and lower edge  of the  upper   above NAC and relative position of the sixth rib; (d) implant in its new
          split pectoralis major in place                     muscle splitting position with puckering and skin gathering settled

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