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Case Report                                        Plastic and Aesthetic Research

          Straight line closure for correction of

          congenital isolated bilateral macrostomia

          Narendra S. Mashalkar, Naren Shetty

          Department of Plastic Surgery and Burns, St. John’s Medical College, Koramangala, Bengaluru 560034, Karnataka, India.
          Address for correspondence: Dr. Narendra S. Mashalkar, Department of Plastic Surgery and Burns, St. John’s Medical College, Koramangala,
          Bengaluru 560034, Karnataka, India. E-mail:

                Congenital bilateral macrostomia is a very rare deformity of the mouth, and it is still rarer to see cases
                of isolated bilateral macrostomia. Although the creation of a symmetric neocommissure is imperative,
                this presents a technical challenge. A review of the literature for surgical solutions revealed various
                techniques, but no cases in which a bilateral straight line repair was described and adopted. This report
                presents the case of a 3-month-old boy with isolated bilateral macrostomia for whom straight line
                closure was performed on both sides. At 1 year follow-up, the oral commissures are symmetric with
                aesthetically pleasing scars and no lateral migration.
                Key words:
                Bilateral macrostomia, muscle repair, straight line closure

          INTRODUCTION                                        The  lateral extent  of  the  cleft  was  located at  the
          Transverse  facial cleft  is  a rare  congenital anomaly   anterior border of the masseter muscle. After a thorough
          with only 21  cases reported in the world literature. [1‑3]  evaluation to rule out any associated anomalies, the child
          Many  procedures  have been  developed for correction     was scheduled for surgical correction.
          of this malformation,  including the vermilion square   Following nasal intubation,  the  neocommissure  was
          flap technique  described by Eguchi  et  al.,  the Z‑plasty   determined by dropping a vertical line from the medial
          technique described by Longacre  et  al.,  the two   margin of both pupils and marking the well‑defined change
          triangular flaps method described by Ono and Tateshita, [7]  in color from the normal vermilion to cleft mucosa.
          and another correction presented by Schwarz and Sharma
          et  al.  All techniques described highlight the importance   Both these  reference  points  coincided  [Figure  2].
          and challenge of achieving a properly  positioned   The orbicularis oris was dissected and repaired
          symmetrical  neocommissure.  In this  report, the straight   after overlapping the muscle  [Figures  3 and  4]. The
          line repair of isolated bilateral congenital macrostomia  is   postoperative period was uneventful  [Figure  5]. At
          presented for the first time. The father of the child involved   12  months  follow‑up,  there  was  no  lateral migration  and
          in  this  article  agreed  to publish  the  child’s  pictures and   the  aesthetic  appearance was satisfactory with  good oral
          signed the consent form.                            competence [Figures 6 and 7].

          CASE REPORT                                         DISCUSSION
          A 3‑month‑old male child presented to us for definitive
          correction of congenital  bilateral macrostomia  [Figure  1].   The cleft of macrostomia includes a three layered defects
                                                              of the skin, muscle and mucosa.  Discontinuity in the
                         Access this article online           muscle results in an incompetent oral sphincter.  The
               Quick Response Code:                           goals  of  surgery  for  macrostomia  include  symmetric
                                   Website:                   placement of the neocommissure, restoration of oral
                                                              competence by repair of the orbicularis oris muscle, and
                                                              closure of the buccal mucosa to achieve a normal contour
                                   DOI:                       and prevent lateral migration of the commissure.
                                   10.4103/2347-9264.153210   The point of the new commissure must be determined
                                                              accurately to achieve the above goals. In the current

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