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First and foremost,  a direct benefit  of research starts in   the most curious minds, but asking questions and finding
          the  classroom.  When  investigating  any  phenomenon  in   answers  is  a  calling  that  many  discover only  after  they
          class, it is useful to know  how the original study was   first test the research waters.
          performed. By engaging in research first hand, students   Due to focus and importance of research at PhD level,
          find  it  easier  to  understand the  rationale  underlying   it is often believed that creating new knowledge is
          others’  research.  For example,  only after  forming  your   the main goal of postgraduate academic degrees. The
          own hypotheses do you truly understand the nuances of   main  objective  of completing a doctoral  degree is
          research designs and better conceptualize course material.   to become a competent researcher who can conduct
          In addition, undergraduate research can provide students   independent research in  his  or her  chosen area.  If we
          with an ongoing source of one-on-one mentorship that   accept the  premise  that  the  purpose of a PhD  program
          is otherwise unheard of in the broader undergraduate   is  to  produce competent  researchers,  then  the  research
                                                              completed during such programs  is  primarily  undertaken
          Exposure to an area of research undoubtedly also helps   as  a  contribution  toward this  goal,  and the  nature  and
          students explore career fields. If you are considering   sophistication of the research output is less important.
          research  as  a career  path, experience in a research   What is important is to learn to properly  formulate
          setting  is  invaluable.  Exposure  to  research  guides  some   a  problem  and  apply suitable  techniques  to  produce
          students toward research after graduation, as well as   results that further the state of understanding about that
          allowing other students to make informed decisions not   problem. Hence, while doing a PhD, the scholar should be
          to pursue careers in research. In addition, the earlier   self-motivated  and committed  to working hard and over
          that students become involved more experience they   extended periods of time on problems. Research is often
          attain, which, in turn, enhances their career choices.   a lonely  business (except, of course,  in  disciplines where
          For example, students considering careers in medicine   group activity is more common), and a PhD program is an
          will also benefit greatly from exposure to research.   incisive preparation for a career in it. Research is a tough
          Many medical schools value research experience for   career; but, with the development of these skills by doing
          admissions. Perhaps more importantly, a solid basis   a PhD, it can become easier and more satisfying.
          in hypothesis-driven research is what evidence-based
          medical practice is built upon. Experience in this area   Learn  from  yesterday, live  for  today, hope for  tomorrow. The
          can  enhance  an  understanding  of  both  the  medical   important thing is to not stop questioning.
          curriculum and the medical literature.                                                  -Albert Einstein

          Exposure to research as graduates can also increase the
          likelihood of becoming successful researchers in the future.   REFERENCE
          Some undergraduates, unsure what to do  upon  degree
          completion, proceed to graduate school with the ill-fated   1.   Lopatto D. Undergraduate research as a high‑impact student experience.
          idea that it is the next logical step after undergraduate   Peer Rev 2010;12:27‑30.
          studies. If they have undergraduate experience in
          research, they are more likely to know if they actually   How to cite this article: Goyal G. In consideration of a career in
                                                               research. Plast Aesthet Res 2014;1:3-4.
          enjoy research. Usually, however, undergraduate students
          discover a passion for research they did not know existed.   Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.
          Institutions  of higher  education have  a way  of attracting   Received: 21-04-2014; Accepted: 28-05-2014

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