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BMP-2 and BMP-7 have also been reported to promote
          bone consolidation during DO.  Therefore, exogenous
          administration of BMP may enhance DO both temporally
          and spatially and enable rapid distraction, thereby
          shortening the time to repair the bone defect. Although
          various biomaterials have been used as injectable
          delivery systems in DO models, little has been reported
          on the use of nanobiomaterials as carrier materials
          for the sustained release of growth factors in bone
          The most widely explored osteogenic factors are the
          members  of the transforming BMP-2 family, which have
          all been shown to augment  the bone-forming capacity
          of osteoblastic cell populations when delivered at the
          appropriate times  in the wound-healing cascade.
          Unfortunately, these factors  have been shown to be a   Figure 2:  The Phenix  M-Bone device consists of a pair of permanent
                                                              magnets  (one external, the controller, and one internal, the receiver,
          challenge to formulate and deliver, owing to their complex   which transmit mechanical power to the implanted device) upper figure:
          tertiary structures, short biological half-lives, and possible   the controller magnet; middle figure: a lever arm as a force amplifier;
          systemic toxicity.                                  lower figure: a screw to convert alternating movements of the lever arm
                                                              into continuous longitudinal one-way movements
          Efficient  delivery  of the  osteogenic  molecules in  vivo  can
          be  achieved by  incorporating them  into  a  carrier,  which
          can be  implanted directly  into  the  defect site.  This
          method  results  in  localized drug  delivery  and reduces
          possible toxic systemic  effects. Synthetic  polymers are
          attractive for this  application as they  can be  fabricated
          to exact specifications, allowing  for the  fine-tuning  of
          the  physical properties  that  influence  drug release,  as
          well as their rate of degradation. For controlled  release,
          osteogenic  factors  can be  incorporated directly  into
          the polymer component of poly-hydroxy acid matrices
          through a number of techniques,  and their final release
          can be modulated by parameters such as pore size  and
          protein loading of the matrix. [50]
          Haidar  et  al.  studied the effect of an early single
          injection  of biodegradable core-shell  nanoparticles   Figure 3: Photograph of the Phenix-M bone transport rod (above). Close-
          loaded with various low doses of recombinant  human   up of bone transport mechanism,  with threaded core used to transfix
          BMP-7  (rhBMP-7/rhOP-1) on new  bone  regeneration  and   the bone transport segment (below)
          consolidation  in a rabbit model of tibial DO. According
          to their  results,  the  use  of nanoparticles maintains  the
          bioactivity  of the  encapsulant, minimizes  the  therapeutic
          doses of rhOP-1, and accelerates DO  via its  localized
          release-controlled osteogenic, and naturally biocompatible
          polymeric properties.
          Elimination  of the external frame distraction device can
          itself improve the results of osteodistraction [Figures 2-5].
          Konaş  et  al.  developed  an internal distractor that
          allows local intermittent  BMP-2-containing  chitosan
          hydrogel infusion to the distraction site  during
          distraction. According to their results, distraction with
          an osteoinductive drug-releasing distractor can increase
          ossification in DO. Moreover, chitosan is biocompatible,
          and its particles act as bony extracellular matrix elements   Figure 4:  A 15-year-old boy presented with osteosarcoma of the distal
          and integrate with the tissue.  In the authors’ own   tibia. Surgical resection specimen (above, left). Surgical defect after
                                                              resection (above, right). Bone transport device, after implantation (below).
          experience,  chitosan–alginate  scaffolds were  superior  to   The bone transport segment can be identified in the left of the figure
          Plast Aesthet Res || Vol 1 || Issue 1 ||  Jun 2014                                                 9
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