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Editorial                                          Plastic and Aesthetic Research

          Fifty-six years of plastic surgery

          Thomas M. Biggs
          Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX 77007, USA.
          Address for correspondence: Prof. Thomas M. Biggs, 50 West Terrace, Houston, TX 77007, USA. E-mail:

          Evolution is the natural state of all things  and certainly   To  deal with  these  problems  the  allied forces  organized
          our field of plastic surgery is not exempt. The appearance   a unit  under the  direction  of Sir  Harold Gillies
          on the scene of a new journal dedicated to the  pursuit   (in private  life an otolaryngologist) and surgeons
          of excellence is  no exception.  It  is  my  distinct  pleasure   working in this unit were treating  many of the problems
          to become the Editor-in-Chief of Plastic and Aesthetic   previously deemed irreparable. After the war, the body of
          Research and to help guide it into the evolutionary process   knowledge and experiences achieved from these efforts
          so it can play its role in the advancement of methods to   were disseminated  to all parts of the world giving  birth
          make people’s lives better.                         to organizations of like-minded surgical adventurers who
                                                              called  themselves “plastic  surgeons”… from the Greek
          Plastic surgery is  an exceptional field. It is not   word “plastikos” or to form, mold, or make new. It was
          regionally-based or system-based.  It is  not cardiovascular   impossible to limit themselves  to one system  or to one
          surgery; it is not genitourinary surgery; it is not ear, nose,   region. The description that best identified their specialty
          and throatsurgery. Then what is it?
                                                              was innovation… and that is what we plastic surgeons
          We know in ancient India forehead flaps were being   are… innovational surgeons.
          used to reconstruct noses, which had been amputated as
          punishment for adultery. This was surgery necessitating   The evolutionary process moved rapidly after World War I
          familiarity with random flaps. Therefore, it is reasonable to   and even more rapidly during World War II and the years
          assume that random flaps were probably being employed   succeeding it. My personal observation of the process
          in other reconstructive problems; however, we have no   began during my residency in 1958. We were doing cleft
          credible  proof of this.  We  do have proof of skin grafts,   lips by the Tennison technique as  Ralph Millard had not
          rhinoplasties, face lifts and a variety  of other aesthetic   yet become well-known. The full understanding of fluid
          and reconstructive procedures being done in 19th century   and  electrolyte  physiology  in  burn  patients,  as  well  as
          Europe, but not by surgeons who were organized and   today’s commonly known knowledge of burn wound
          worked  collectively to  promote  the  spread of common   care, had not come on the scene. The rare face lift was a
          knowledge. This did not occur until the advent of World   simple  skin  stretch  technique  as  Mitz  and  Peyronie  were
          War I.                                              still  in  training  and  the  superficial  musculoaponeurotic
                                                              system was unrecognized. The open rhinoplasty was
          During World War I, medicine advanced. Individual   reserved  for  nasal  reconstruction  with  cleft  lip.  Open
          military personnel with injuries of massive degree,   aesthetic rhinoplasty was generally unheard or were mere
          which heretofore had been fatal, were being saved.   fantasies.  IIIous  and  liposuction  were  decades  away  as
          However, resulting  traumatic sequelae  were well-beyond   was Uebel  and  Barrera’s  single  follicle  method  of  hair
          the knowledge of contemporary treatment  modalities.   restoration.
                         Access this article online           The list of operative evolution goes on and on; but, plastic
               Quick Response Code:                           surgery advanced  in other skills as well as in techniques.
                                   Website:                   Our  anesthesia  was  ether,  with  cyclopropane coming  in
                                                              a bit  later; but,  both of these  were explosive; therefore,
                                                              ruling out use of an electro-cautery. It was all clamp and
                                   DOI:                       tie for hemostasis (a big problem as we were not aware of
                                   10.4103/2347-9264.135529   aspirin’s effect on coagulation) or local. The only sedation
                                                              we had with local was an assortment of barbiturates.

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