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Editorial                                          Plastic and Aesthetic Research

          In consideration of a career in research

          Gaurav Goyal
          Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Genesis Institute of Dental Sciences and Research, Ferozepur 152002, Punjab, India.
          Address for correspondence: Dr. Gaurav Goyal, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Genesis Institute of Dental Sciences and
          Research, Moga Road, Ferozepur 152002, Punjab, India. E-mail:

          Research is to see what everybody else has seen and to think   Many  researchers  work  for  pharmaceutical  or
          what nobody else has thought.                       biotechnology companies,  while others work in
                                         -Albert Szent-Györgyi  universities  or  government  research  laboratories.
                                                              University researchers may also work as professors in
          Research is  creating  new knowledge. If you have a thirst
          for knowledge, an inquiring  mind, and the skill to seek   their academic discipline. Researchers working in applied
          answers, then a research career may be for you. Research   research and development  often  work for a  specific
          professionals are on the cutting edge of scientific and   company’s  R  and D  division,  conducting research for
          technological developments, and their work leads to new   new products and conducting development activities  for
          medicines,  consumer products, industrial processes, and   existing ones.
          numerous other developments. Research careers  span   Most research positions require the postholder to have a
          virtually all areas of life, from business and economics to   doctoral degree, especially for research jobs in universities
          computer science and biotechnology.                 or in  the  biological and medical sciences.  In  addition,
                                                              research professionals must continually update their
          Careers in research are evolving at a rapid  pace  globally.   knowledge so as to remain  on the cutting edge of their
          During  recent  times,  there  has  been  remarkable  progress   research area or specialism.
          in the medical and dental field sowing to the development
          of newer technologies with regard to materials,     In  postgraduate programs,  a dissertation  is  a required,
          pharmacological  products,  and  diagnostic materials.   the main  purpose of which is  to expose students to the
          However, the status of research in developing countries,   research environment.  Occasionally, the subject or area
          when  compared  with  many  western  countries,  remains   of study selected by a student may not be practically
          restricted  to paper and publications. Research that is   possible  to  carry  out  in  their  parent  institution  –  even
          limited to the laboratory is not beneficial to the general   though many colleges delivering postgraduate programs
          public or patients, in particular. This kind of research has   include “research center” or “research institute”  as part
          no clinical significance.                           of their institution’s name.  These postgraduate students
                                                              then have to run from pillar to post to seek permission to
          If you steal  from one author, it’s plagiarism; if  you steal  from   undertake their study in other places, or otherwise spend
          many, it’s research.                                huge amounts of money to finish their research work.
                                              -Wilson Mizner
                                                              Undergraduate (or graduate) researchers learn tolerance for
          Despite the fact that there are sufficient sponsors and
          funding agencies available, only a small number of medical   obstacles faced in the research process, how knowledge is
          and dental professionals opt for a full-time research career,   constructed, independence, increased self-confidence, and
          especially in India.                                readiness for more demanding research.
                                                              As noted above, there are nonetheless numerous benefits
                         Access this article online           for students  who get  involved in  research. Research
               Quick Response Code:                           experience allows graduate students to better understand
                                   Website:                   published works,  learn to balance collaborative  and
                                                              individual work, determine an area of interest, and
                                                              ultimately, jump-start their careers as researchers. Through
                                   DOI:                       exposure to research as undergraduates or graduates,
                                   10.4103/2347-9264.135531   many students discover their passion for research and
                                                              continue on to graduate studies and faculty positions.

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