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Lighting  for surgery was one overhead light,  then a   silicone implant, and no distal flap, with a sensitive breast
          movable  light  stand…  and the  endoscope was  unheard   the usual expectation.
          of (“take a deep breath” became my mantra).
                                                              Yes, the evolution in plastic surgery has been remarkable…
          Management of postoperative pain in the early years now   change, change, change… constant and unremitting…
          seems  near barbaric and penicillin  (a Godsend) had just   but  one thing  has not changed: our sole purpose in  all
          become well-known.                                  our efforts remains  the  same.  Our  identity  as  plastic
                                                              surgeons… as innovational surgeons…  implies  that we
          Current evolutionary excitement seems focused on the use   use special techniques as surgeons to fulfill our single and
          of fat. Whereas Guerro Santos and Chachir were extolling   primary goal… to make our patients’ lives longer, better,
          the miracle of fat grafting before the turn of the century,   or both. To this we remain dedicated… and with this new
          it was not until Coleman described the importance of the   journal we hope the make the path straighter  and more
          fat’s being grafted in very small droplets that most plastic   direct for all our colleagues.
          surgeons  took an interest  in  fat grafting.  Then,  with
          Khouri’s introduction of the BRAVA system,  large volume
          fat grafting  became  a reality.  Now,  the  woman  wishing   How to cite this article: Biggs TM. Fifty-six years of plastic surgery.
                                                               Plast Aesthet Res 2014;1:1-2.
          breast augmentation without a foreign  material put into
          her  body can be  accommodated. Now,  immediate  breast   Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.
          reconstruction can be carried out with no expander, no   Received: 06-05-2014; Accepted: 13-05-2014

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