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Page 4 of 20             Kobylarz et al. Plast Aesthet Res 2023;10:2

               morphological changes in the structure and recruitment of the motor unit action potential (MUAP) during
               voluntary contraction. In this portion of electrodiagnostic testing, a needle electrode is placed into a muscle
               of interest. Movement of the electrode through the muscle at rest results in a burst of muscle fiber potentials
               that generally last no longer than 300 ms after needle movement. In denervated muscle, single muscle fibers
               spontaneously twitch at rest due to denervation hypersensitivity; this is detected as fibrillation potentials
               and positive sharp waves that reflect the activity of denervated muscle fibers due to nerve fiber axonal
               loss [2,4,8,13,14] .

               When the muscle is contracted, the morphology of individual MUAPs and the recruitment of those
               potentials are studied [Figure 2]. Recruitment reflects the gradual addition of more MUAPs as increasing
               force is generated in a muscle. Reduced recruitment occurs when an insufficient number of MUAPs are
               recruited for a given muscle contraction; this occurs in the setting of a neurogenic lesion or with sufficient
               demyelination to cause conduction block (drop out of the nerve action potential due to demyelination).
               Changes in the duration, number of phases (polyphasia), or amplitude of a MUAP reflect chronic changes
               resulting from reinnervation. These changes can reflect the reinnervation of muscle fibers as collateral nerve
               fibers sprout from adjacent intact axons. The conduction speed of sprouting nerve fibers is slower
               concerning mature branches due to their size and incomplete or absent myelination; therefore, the potential
               from the muscle fibers innervated by new sprouts is slightly delayed increasing in phases, turns, and the
               duration of the MUAP [Figure 2]. This reflects the asynchronous firing of potentials from a reinnervated
               muscle [2,4,8,13-15] . Therefore, polyphasia can occur in the setting of early reinnervation with poorly myelinated
               axonal sprouts that eventually become more established, allowing for the polyphasia to resolve (see “Time
               course of MUAP changes”).

               Time course of MUAP changes
               A predictable pattern of MUAP changes is seen after nerve injury resulting in axonal loss. Within the first
               week to 2 weeks, MUAP morphology is normal, but recruitment is reduced, reflecting drop out of MUAPs
               innervated by injured axons. By 4 weeks after injury, distal sprouting to denervated muscle fibers occurs
               from adjacent axons; this results in polyphasic MUAPs because of unstable neuromuscular transmission
               and asynchronous conduction along immature, poorly myelinated/unmyelinated nerve fiber sprouts
               branching from intact axons, as described above. These are referred to as “nascent units”. Because
               reinnervation is still early and nascent units have reinnervated a few muscle fibers, motor units can appear
               small. As more distant muscle fibers are reinnervated over the subsequent several months, the MUAP size
               and duration grow while remaining polyphasic. After ~6 months, the degree of polyphasia will diminish as
               nascent units mature and develop more stable neuromuscular transmission and conduction. However,
               MUAPs will continue to appear long in duration and large amplitude, reflecting the more significant
               number of muscle fibers taken over by the reinnervating motor unit [2,4,13-15] .

               Intraoperative electrodiagnostic techniques
               Electrodiagnostic techniques, including NCS, free-running, and stimulated EMG, have been used in the
               surgical setting for over five decades. These techniques have been helpful for various surgeries, particularly
               involving the spine, nerve roots, and peripheral and cranial nerves.

               EMG can be monitored intraoperatively in any muscle accessible by paired surface or needle electrodes,
               which provide a better signal-to-noise ratio. After the patient is anesthetized and sedated, multiple EMG
               electrodes are placed into or over the limb or cranial muscles of interest based on which neural structures
               are at risk during the surgery. EMGs are recorded continuously during the surgical procedure with low-
               noise differential amplifiers. Due to significant electrical noise emanating from the many electronic devices
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