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It is very significant that most of cervical metastases   number of patients are necessary to confirm the results
            from SCC of the maxilla in the analysed series (71%)   obtained from this study.
            corresponded with a tumour size larger than 4 cm (T3
            and T4 tumours). This rate of cervical metastases from   Financial support and sponsorship
            big-sized tumours may suggest performing elective neck   Nil.
            dissection only in patients with advanced disease. This
            finding has been observed by an American multicenter   Conflicts of interest
            study by Montes et al.  about maxillary SCC, which   There are no conflicts of interest.
            reported a high percentage of cervical metastases in
            T3 and T4 tumours. Meng et al.,  in their series of 78   REFERENCES
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