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pN+ cases and total cases. For the patients without
                                                              neck dissection initially, those presenting with regional
                                                              metastases or recurrence during the follow-up period
                                                              would also be counted as pN+ cases. Several authors
                                                              reported high rate of total cervical metastases. In a
                                                              recent study, Berger et al.  reported 44% of total cervical
                                                              metastases in a series of 171 patients. Yang et al.
                                                              observed a 37% of patients with cervical metastases during
                                                              the follow-up in a series of 62 patients. Eskander et al.
                                                              reported a total of 41% of cervical metastases in a well-
                                                              structured study of a 97 patients. Montes and Schmidt
                                                              reported a 42.9% rate of regional nodal disease in a series
                                                              of 14 patients. Brown et al. [10]  reported a rate of 37.2% in
                                                              a series of 43 patients.

                                                              We can conclude from our meta-analysis about these 28
            Figure 1: Intraoperative photograph of a patient with T4 squamous   studies including 2,641 patients that the overall cervical
            cell carcinoma of the hard palate with cervical metastases
                                                              metastases from SCC of the upper maxilla are 33%.
            published in English. The PICO question was as follows: is
            elective neck dissection necessary in oral squamous cell   Initial nodal disease
            carcinoma of the upper maxilla?                   Initial nodal disease was defined as the patients with
                                                              lymph neck node metastases from the physical and
            The following exclusion criteria were applied: (1) case   radiologic examination in the first examination and the
            reports; (2) technical reports; (3) animal or in vitro studies;   overall initial metastases rate was defined as the ratio
            (4) review articles; (5) uncontrolled clinical studies; and (6)   between the number of initial cN+ cases and total cases.
            publications in which the same data were published by the   This variable was analysed in 26 of the 28 articles [Table 1].
            same group of researchers. The authors carefully assessed   At the time of the primary diagnosis, in a series of 138
            the eligibility of all studies retrieved from the databases.   patients, Sagheb et al.  observed 52 (38%) with cervical
            From the included studies in the final analysis, the following   metastases whereas 53 (38%) patients that had a T3 (n
            data were extracted: authors, year of publication, country,   = 6) or T4 (n = 47) tumour as well. Philip and James
            study design, number of patients in the groups, initial nodal   reported 33% (13) of patients with neck disease at
            disease (%), and nodal disease in T3/T4 stage (%), overall   presentation. Ogura et al.  observed 28.5% of cervical
            nodal disease incidence (%) and follow-up period.  metastases at presentation in their series of 21 patients
                                                              with SCC of the upper maxilla. Dalal and McLennan
            The selected articles were used to assess the rate of   reported a 27% of cervical metastases at initial diagnosis.
            cervical metastases in patients with squamous cell
            carcinoma of the upper maxilla.                   From our meta-analysis among 26 studies including 2,396
                                                              patients with SCC of the upper maxilla, we can conclude
            RESULTS                                           that the overall initial cervical metastases rate is 16%.

            The electronic search resulted in 502 entries. Four   T3/T4 nodal rate
            additional articles were identified by manual searching.   We also analysed the incidence of cervical metastases
            Of the 502 articles identified by electronic search, 305   of maxillary SCC in advanced-stage (T3/4) disease,
            were excluded because they were being retrieved in more   including 24 articles for this purpose. Interestingly, we
            than one search. After the initial screening of titles and   observed that the probability of lymph node metastases
            abstracts, 169 articles were excluded because they were   increased with the size of the tumour. Brown et al.
            off topic. Thus, 28 articles were included in the review.  reported an 81% of cervical metastases in T3/T4 tumours
                                                              in a series of 43 patients and Berger et al.  observed a
            Of the 28 articles, 26 were retrospective studies, 1 was   78% of cervical metastases in patients with T3/T4 stage
            a cohort study, and 1 was a cross-sectional study. The   in a series of 171 patients. Philip and James  observed
            studies included 2,641 cases in total [Table 1].  a 95% of cervical metastases in T3/T4 tumours. Even
                                                              authors such as Poeschl et al.  or Dalal and McLennan
            Rates of total cervical metastases                reported that all the patients (100%) with advanced-stage
            The rates of total cervical metastases were analysed in   (T3/T4) developed cervical metastases.
            28 articles [Table 1] in which metastases was confirmed
            by pathological examination. The overall metastases   From our meta-analysis these 24 studies including 2,551
            rate was defined as the ratio between the number of   patients, we observed that 71% of patients with cervical
            Plast Aesthet Res || Volume 3 || June 24, 2016                                                177
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