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Table 1: The main features of the studies selected for this systematic review
         Studies  Patients Mean  Staging  Injection  Tracer  MBq/ Volume   Imaging  Equipment  Surgery  Lymph  Histological SS  NPV
                      age                        dose per dose                           nodes
         Salazar et   96  59  TX-N0  Peritumoral  Nanocoll  20  NA  Dynamic;  Probe;  Tumorectomy* +   NA  HE;  88  94
         al.  2015                                           static  portable   SLNB + ND       SSS;
                                                            SPECT    camera                    INMH CTK
         Farmer et   140  62  T1-2N0 Peritumoral  SulphColl  10  NA  Dynamic;  Probe  Tumorectomy* +   >4  NA  99
         al.  2015                                           static            SLNB + ND
         Flach  et   62  61  T1-2N0 Peritumoral  Nanocoll  27  NA  Dynamic;  Probe;  Tumorectomy** +   2  HE;  80  88
         al.  2014                                           static  BLUE DYE  SLNB + ND if SN+  SSS;
                                                                                               INMH CTK
         Hernando   73  66  T1-2N0 Peritumoral  Nanocoll  NA  NA  Dynamic;  Probe  Tumorectomy* +   2  HE;  94  96
         et al. [19]                                         stati           SLNB + ND if SN+   SSS;
         2014                                                                                  INMH CTK
         Bluemel et   23  58  T1-2N0 Peritumoral  Nanocoll 25- 0.05 - 0.1  Dynamic;  FHSPECT Tumorectomy§ +   3.1  HE;  100  100
         al.  2014                               102  mL     static          SLNB + ND if SN+   SSS;
                                                           SPECT-CT                            INMH CTK
         Alvarez et   63  57  T1-2N0 Peritumoral  Nanocoll 40-50 0.2 mL  Dynamic  Probe  Tumorectomy* +   NA  HE;  100  86
         al.  2014                                                           SLNB + ND if SN+   SSS;
                                                                                               INMH CTK
         Samant    34  61  T1-2N0 Peritumoral  SulphColl  25 0.1-0.3  Dynamic  Probe;  Tumorectomy* +   4  HE;  94  93
         2014                                         mL            BLUE DYE SLNB + ND if SN+;  INMH CTK
                                                                                 / + RTX
         Bell et al.    36  57  T1-2N0 Peritumoral  SulphColl  15 0.2-0.4   Static  Probe  Tumorectomy* +   NA  HE;  87.5  96
         2013                                         mL                       SLNB + ND        SSS;
                                                                                               INMH CTK
         Melkane et   53  56  T1-2N0 Peritumoral  SulphColl  15   NA  Dynamic  Probe  Tumorectomy** +    2  HE;  95.2 95.2
         al.  2012                                                             SLNB + ND        SSS;
         Broglie et   111  61  T1-2N0  NA  NA    NA   NA    Dynamic;  Probe  Tumorectomy* +   NA  NA   93  95
         al.  2013                                         s t at ic         SLNB + ND if SN+
         Chone et   46  55  T1-2N0 Peritumoral  SulphColl  12 0.5 mL/  Static  Probe  Tumorectomy* +   >1  HE;  92  98
         al. 2013                                     day                      SLNB + ND        SSS;
                                                                                               INMH CTK
         Broglie and   79  60  T1-2N0 Peritumoral  NA  NA  NA  Dynamic;  Probe  Tumorectomy* +   NA  NA  88  94
         Stoeckli                                          s t at ic         SLNB + ND if SN+
         2011                                              SPECT-CT
         Ross  et   48  59  TX-N0  Peritumoral  Nanocoll  37  NA  Dynamic;  Probe;  Tumorectomy* +   NA  HE;  94  96
         al.  2002                                           static  BLUE DYE  SLNB + ND if SN+  SSS;
                                                                                               INMH CTK
         Ross  et   125  58  T1-2N0 Peritumoral  Nanocoll;  NA  NA  Static  Probe;  Tumorectomy* +   NA  HE;  93  96
         al. 2004                        SulphColl                  BLUE DYE  SLNB + ND if SN+  SSS;
                                                                                               INMH CTK
         Nanocoll: Tc99m-Nanocololloid; SulfColl: Tc99m-sulphure colloid; FHSPECT: free hand single photon emission computed tomography; Tumorectomy*:
         tumorectomy prior to SLNB; Tumorectomy**: tumorectomy after SLNB; Tumorectomy§: sometimes prior to SLNB and sometimes after SLNB; HE:
         hematoxylin and eosin staining; SSS: serial step sectioning; INMH CTK: anti-cytokeratin immunohistochemistry; NA: not available; SLNB: sentinel lymphatic
         node biopsy; ND: neck dissection; SN: sentinel node; SS: sensitivity; SPECT-CT: single photon emission computed tomography-computed tomography; NPV:
         negative predictive value

         Observation approach carries with it the risk that   In clinical trials on OSCC performed both in Europe and
         many  patients  with  microscopic  metastasis  will  be   North America, SLNB has been shown to have predictably
         unsalvageable by the time their recurrence is detected.   high accuracy in identifying occult metastasis. SN
         Hence, ND is commonly favored because of a lowered   identification rates, as well as accuracy of staging of
         risk of uncontrolled disease. However, elective treatment   lymphatic spread, are comparable with those reported in
         in all comers has the disadvantage of unnecessary neck   melanoma and breast cancer, where this procedure is used
         dissection in the majority of patients who are without   routinely in patient care. [14-16]
         microscopic cervical metastasis. [12]
                                                             The purpose of this study was to conduct a systematic
         With the developments of imaging tomographic techniques   review of the published literature to assess the state of the
         like single photon CT (SPECT) and hybrid techniques   art of this procedure focused on the role of the SNB in the
         combining SPECT with CT (SPECT-CT) the identification of   OSCC. We have evaluated the advantages of SNB compared
         sentinel nodes has improved compared to conventional   to ND and its limitations, testing different solutions
         scintigraphy.                                       and innovations that could implement the conventional
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