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Table 2: Values of survival in terms of DFS, OS and DSS   excluded 150 articles. After screening the titles and abstracts
           respect to the different histopathological findings in   of the remaining 69 articles, applying the third selection
           the articles cited                                  (prospective studies, TxN0, 30 patients at least) we selected
           Stuides        Histological findings  DFS  OS  DSS  12 articles. [12,16-26]  Together with two additional prospective
           Broglie et al.       Total        85    80   87     articles [27,28]  identified from reviews and references, a total of
           2013             Negative SLNB    96    88   96     14 articles were included in this systematic review. Table 1
                             Positive SLNB   73    74   77     summarizes all the studies included providing the details of
                                ITC          80    80   80
                            Micrometastases  69    75   75     the individual studies (full database available from author).
                           Macrometastases   62    62   73     Table 1 summarizes the pooled sensitivity and negative
           Broglie and          Total        89    88   91     predictive values of the SNB. Six out of fifteen of these
           Stoeckli [26]  2011  Negative SLNB  98  98   95     articles also include survival data [Table 2] in terms of OS,
                             Positive SLNB   73    71   76     DFS and DSS. All articles studied OSCC T1-2N0 except two
                                ITC          75    89   75     that included any T and N0.
                            Micrometastases  71    71   66
                           Macrometastases   67    67   65
                                                               Regarding the radio-isotopic technique employed, 7 authors
           SLNB: sentinel lymphatic node biopsy; ITC: isolated tumoral cells; DFS:   used colloid sulfur radiolabeled with Technetium99m
           disease free survival; OS: overall survival; DSS: disease specific survival  (Tc99m-colloidsulfur) and other 5 nanocolloid radiolabeled
                                                               with Tecnetium99m (Tc99m-nanocolloid). One of this latter
           procedure in the best way.
                                                               combined with immunoglobulins. In the two remaining
                                                               studies these data were not available. All authors employed
           METHODS                                             peritumoral injection. The activity injected was detailed in
                                                               12 articles and ranged between 10-80 MBq each dose (mean
           We searched the medical literature analysis and retrieval   ± 20 MBq). In 9 studies the dose ranged between 10 and
           system online (MEDLINE), databases via OVID and Saludteca   20 MBq. The volume of tracer injected per dose was only
           (Virtual Library of Extremadura Public Health System) for   described in 6 articles and ranged between 0.05 and 0.5 mL
           relevant studies published in English from January 2011 to   (mean ± 0.23 mL).
           January 2016, limited to human subjects. The combination
           of search terms used was the following: (1) sentinel node;   The imaging technique employed was detailed in 13 studies,
           (2) oral; and (3) squamous cell cancer. The abstracts were   performing dynamic images after tracer administration
           reviewed one by one and applying the inclusion criteria. The   and static planar conventional images at 2 h in 6 cases.
           inclusion criteria were the following: (1) original studies; (2)   Three authors only performed static planar conventional
           prospective studies; (3) studies evaluating the role SLNB in   images 2 h after tracer administration. One work included
           OSCC in N0 patients; and (4) at least 30 subjects included in   dynamic, static and SPECT images. Three studies carried
           the study. Meta-analysis and review articles were collected   out dynamic, static and hybrid SPECT-CT images. In 4 works
           in order to establish the introduction and support the data   blue dye was injected in the surgical room for improving
           in the discussion of the article. The references of these   the identification of the sentinel node according to their
           latter works were examined and all interesting articles were   color and radioactivity. [12,18,27,28]
           included for the elaboration of this review.
                                                               For the intraoperative SN localization, the equipment
           Data extraction                                     employed was as follows: only radioguided probe in 8
           For each study, we extracted data on the author’s name,   cases, radioguided probe and blue dye colorant in 3 cases,
           year, type of study, characteristics of patients, staging of the   combined radioguided probe and portable gamma-camera
           tumour, type of radiotracer, amount of activity and volume   in 1 case and 1 work employed a novel detection system
           injected per dose of radiotracer, type of images acquired,   with intrasurgical free-hand SPECT (SurgicEye ).
                                                                                                    © [20]
           method of analysis of images, types of radioguided surgery
           equipment employed, surgical technique employed,    Regard the surgical technique employed, in eleven works a
           histological techniques for evaluating the SN, sensitivity   tumorectomy was first performed and immediately a SNB.
           (SS), negative predictive value (NPV), patients survival in   If the result of SNB showed any lymphatic node affected, a
           terms of disease-free survival (DFS), overall survival (OS)   ND was carried out in 9 studies. In the remaining 5 studies,
           and disease-specific survival (DSS).                tumorectomy, SNB and ND was performed in all patients.

           All parameters involved in the SNB technique were   The number of biopsied nodes was detailed in 9 works,
           examined in the articles; they were analyzed in order to   with a mean of 3 nodes per patient. The nodes was studied
           determine which one would be the most reasonable and   in10 studies by mean of histological techniques that include
           useful to establish the state of the art of the procedure.  hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining, step serial section (SSS) and
                                                               immunohistochemistry (IHC) analysis for cytokeratin AE1/AE3, in
           RESULTS                                             order to confirm the absence of metastatic lymph nodal disease.
                                                               In 1 article only HE and IHC techniques were employed.  In
           The literature search yielded a total of 219 potential articles   three works, these data were not available.
           [Figure 1]. When we established the second limits (English
           articles, of the last 5 years and only human studies) we   SS values ranged in all studies between 80% and 100% (mean
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