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           survival. The group of La Princesa University Hospital  (Madrid,   unfortunately is not reported in the RCT. As mentioned above, in
           Spain) analyzed only END patients who were pN0, which   the meta-analysis of Fasunla et al.  END significantly reduces the
           obviously resulted in better overall survival in END patients.   risk of disease specific deaths.
           Three studies reported a significantly better disease-free survival
           in the END arm. [6,13,15]                           Flach  et al.  presents a survival analysis of a large series of
                                                               patients with T1-T2 cancer of the mobile tongue or floor of mouth
           Fasunla et al.  systematically reviewed the available literature   with a wait and scan follow-up policy of the neck with regular
           and performed a meta-analysis on the existing randomized   ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration cytology (USgFNAC).
           controlled clinical trials which compared END with observation   The 5-year disease specific survival (DSS) and overall survival (OS)
           (and therapeutic neck dissection only when lymph node   of “wait and scan” policy (W&S) patients were 94.2% and 81.6%,
           metastasis  were  detected)  in  early  OSCC  patients.  Only  four   respectively, and these rates were comparable to those of END
           randomized clinical trials with a total of 283 patients were eligible   patients. The most important finding is that in W&S patients
           for inclusion in this meta-analysis. Although the data used in that   with delayed metastases the 5-year DSS and OS were similar
           meta-analysis were from different parts of the world, between   to END patients with proven metastases in the neck dissection
           study  heterogeneity  of  the  relative  risk  of  disease  specific   specimen: 80.0% and 62.8% to 81.3% and 64.2%, respectively. In
           death in the trials were tested and no statistically significant   order to justify an observation policy, survival rates of patients
           difference were found. This meta-analysis showed that END   with delayed metastases in a W&S policy should not be worse
           significantly reduced the risk of disease specific death: fixed-  than rates of END patients with nodal metastases in the neck
           effects model RR = 0.57 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.36-  dissection specimen. In the above mentioned series the patients
           0.89; P = 0.014] and random-effects model RR = 0.59 (0.37-  who developed delayed metastases (27.8%) did not have worse
           0.96; P = 0.034). [52]                              survival rates (DSS 80.0%, OS 62.8%) as compared to END patients
                                                               with nodal metastases in the neck dissection specimen (DSS
           D’Cruz and Dandekar  from Tata Memorial Center (Mumbai, India)   81.3%, OS 64.2%), also when corrected for confounding factors.
           performed a critical appraisal of this meta-analysis which revealed   Moreover, with regard to the total study groups after correction
           “some caveats that need careful consideration before the findings   for confounding no significant difference in survival between
           can be accepted”. They pointed out the poor follow-up in one of   W&S and END patients was found and survival rates were
           the included studies that resulted in a large number of patients with   comparable to the reported rates in literature.  Out of the W&S
           advanced neck  recurrences and low salvage  rates.  Finally,  they   patients, 72.2% did not develop lymph node metastases during
           emphasized the need for meticulous follow-up patients on the   follow-up, meaning that they were saved from END with good
           observation arm.  The same group analyzed their series of 359   survival rates (DSS 99.4%, OS 89.1%). Although, DSS in the W&S
           patients with early oral cancer, found no difference in disease   group was significantly different between pT1 and pT2 tumors,
           specific survival between END and observation and elaborated   pT2 tumors still had a 5-year DSS of 88.6%, which resembles the
           the need for a large randomized controlled clinical trial (RCT).    survival rates of END patients.
           The Head and Neck Disease Management group of Tata
           Memorial Centre performed such a trial, enrolled 596 patients   Tsang et al.  stated that “wait and scan” would not be effective
           and reported the results of the first 500 patients. The conclusion   in pT2 tumors, but that conclusion was based on a 5-year DSS
           was that among patients with early stage OSCC, END results in   of 46% for pT2 tumors. These authors assumed that the delayed
           higher rates of overall and disease free survival than observation   lymph node metastases were missed by preoperative USgFNAC.
           with  therapeutic  neck  dissection  in  patients  in  whom  lymph   In a “wait and scan” policy, the diagnostic method should
           node metastases are detected during follow-up. [54]  be highly sensitive. This is dependent on the cut off level for
                                                               aspiration and of the expertise of the radiologist. [57-59]  Almost all
           The group of the Tata Memorial Centre had chosen overall   patients with delayed metastases underwent a modified radical
           survival as primary endpoint and disease free survival as   neck dissection and 90.6% needed adjuvant radiotherapy. Since
           secondary endpoint for their RCT. END resulted in an improved   they also found metastases in level IV, they would recommend
           3-year overall survival rate (80%; 95% CI 74-86) as compared with   selective neck dissection of level I-IV in case of delayed lymph
           observation and therapeutic neck dissection (68%; 95% CI 61-74):   node metastases, although Wensing et al.  suggested selective
           hazard ratio of death 0.64 (95% CI 0.45-0.92; P = 0.01). Patients   neck dissection of level I-III.
           in the END group had a higher disease free survival than those in
           the observation group (79% vs. 46%, P < 0.001).  It is not surprising   Borgemeester  et al.  compared the overall survival in head
           that END improves the regional control rate because development   and neck squamous cell carcinoma patients with a clinically N0
           of lymph node metastases during observation of the neck should   neck who underwent END or close observation using regular
           be taken into account as an inevitable consequence of the adopted   USgFNAC  during  follow-up.  Survival  in  the  OSCC  patients  of
           strategy. Therefore, this disease free survival is a useful outcome   the close observation group was not different from the END
           measure of diagnostic work-up but not a reliable outcome measure   group: 90% and 81% after 3 years and 79% and 75% after 5
           in comparing END and observation of the neck.       years, respectively. Nieuwenhuis et al.  showed that by using
                                                               USgFNAC pretreatment and during follow-up 79% of the delayed
           Ganly et al.  reported on a series on 216 cT1-T2N0 patients   metastases could be salvaged resulting in a regional control rate
           treated with or without END and found a 5-year disease specific,   of 88%.
           overall and disease free survival of 86%, 79% and 70%, respectively.
           Disease specific survival is probably the most clinically meaningful   Yuen et al.  performed a prospective multicenter randomized
           endpoint  for  measuring  an  eventual  benefit  of  END,  but   trial  in  71  T1-T2  oral  cancer  patients  with  cN0  necks
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