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In  studies  with  a follow-up spanning  between  6 and 12   statistical analysis, only P < 0.05 is considered significant.
           years, revision  rate  has  been  reported  between  0%  and
           1.2%. [7,8]  However, long-term  25 years  study  has  shown  a   RESULTS
           revision  rate  of  15.5%  following primary  augmentation
           mammoplasty.  On the other hand, revision rate following   A total of 1,406 patients had augmentation mammoplasty
           simultaneous augmentation  mastopexy is considerably   and augmentation  mastopexy  in muscle splitting
           higher. The reported revision rate may vary from 0%, 16.7%,   submuscular  pocket  by  a  single surgeon  using  round
           and  25.8% respectively,  depending on the duration  of the   cohesive gel textured silicone implants. Group A included
           study and follow-up. [10-12]  In both groups of patients, there is   1,298 augmentation mammoplasties, and Group B had 108
           a noticeable time-dependent increase  in  the  revision  rate.   simultaneous augmentation mastopexy. The mean age of the
           The current article is an analysis of 10-year data in which   patients in  Group  A and  B was 29.6  ± 8.62  years (range:
           1,406  consecutive cases of augmentation    mammoplasty   18-67 years) and 32.2 ± 9.50  years  (range: 18-67 years),
           and simultaneous augmentation mastopexy using  single   respectively (P  = 0.006).   Mean follow-up  was  4.5  years
           technique  was eviewed  for an early comparative    (range: 3 months to 10 years). Mean size of   the implants
           complications and revisions rate. The results confirm that   in Group A and B was 340 ± 56.7 mL (range: 200-630 mL)
           when  augmentation mastopexy  is  carried out as a single   and 308 ± 76.0 mL, respectively (range:  200-555 mL)  (P =
           procedure,  it  carries a higher  rate  of complication when   0.001) [Table  1]. Wound  infection  in Group A  and B was
           compared with augmentation mammoplasty performed    seen  in  0.6% and 3.7%, respectively (P  =  0.010). Wound
           alone. However, the higher number of early complications   breakdown was seen in 1.1% in  Group A as compared to
           seen  in  the combine  procedure  is  the addition  of  the 2   6.5% in Group B (P = 0.001). Hematoma was seen in 0.9%
           distinctively individual procedures and not an exponential   and 0% in Group A and B, respectively. Drains were used
           rise.                                               in 5.5%  and 23.1% of Group A and Group B, respectively (P
                                                               = 0.001). Revision surgeries  were performed  in  1.4%  and
           METHODS                                             11.1% of Group A and B patients, respectively (P = 0.001).
                                                               Three  patients developed  late  seromas  in augmentation
           Retrospective  data  were  collected  using  patient’s  charts.   mammoplasty group, and  all were treated  conservatively
           All patients  who  had augmentation  mammoplasty  and   without  any  recurrence. A total of 5 patients were treated
           simultaneous augmentation mastopexy in  muscle splitting   for  Grade  IV  capsular contracture,  of these  patients,  4
           biplane using round cohesive gel textured silicone implants   (0.32%)  belonged  to  the  augmentation mammoplasty and
           performed by author were selected. Patients were divided   1 (0.9%)  from  augmentation mammoplasty. There  were no
           in Group A, which included augmentation mammoplasties   cases of deep venous thrombosis, pulmonaryembolism, or
           alone, and Group B, who had simultaneous augmentation   death in the series.
           All patients  were  operated under  general  anesthetic with
           full  muscle  relaxation  and  with  their arms abducted   Simultaneous  augmentation mastopexy  has been  cited as
           and  supported at  an angle  less  than 90°. A single  dose   a technically demanding  procedure  with  unpredictable
           of  intravenous cephalosporin was given to all  patients  at   outcome with high nipple and skin flap necrosis, however,
           induction time. Augmentation mammoplasty is performed   a  later  article  by  the  same  author reported satisfactory
           using  inframammary  incision,  and  periareolar, vertical or   results. [13,14]
           wise pattern scars were  used  for augmentation mastopexy
           depending on the preoperative measurements and wishes   Complications of augmentation mammoplasty   and
           of the  patient.  Muscle splitting  submuscular pocket  was   simultaneous  augmentation  mastopexy  may  require  a
           used for implant  placement and procedure is  performed   planned  or an unplanned  theater  visit  for surgical
           as a day case.  Drains  were  used in the earlier  part of the   intervention.  Common  early complications  requiring
           study period. All patients  wore  support  brassiere  for  3   surgical  intervention  are hematoma  and periprosthetic
           weeks as a routine.                                 infection. In current series, the hematoma in Group A was
                                                               seen in 12 patients (0.9%). There were no hematomas seen
           Earlier  complications  related  to  wound infection,  wound   in  Group B when  compared with  a rate  of 0.6% of
           breakdown, hematoma,  periprosthetic  infection,  use  of   hematoma  in  a large  series  of simultaneous  mastopexy
           drains, and  size  of  the implants between the two  groups   Table 1: Relative age and implant size distribution
           were compared.                                      between two groups
                                                                             Group A (1,298)  Group B (108)   P
           The  data analysis  was done. The  results  were  given  in   Age (years) range, 18-67 (29.6 ± 8.62)  18-67 (32.2 ± 9.50) 0.006
           the  text  as mean  ± standard deviation  for quantitative/  (mean ± SD)
           continuous variables  and percentages  for qualitative/  Mean implant  200-630 (340 ±   200-555 (308 ± 76) 0.001
           categorical variables. Two-tailed independent t-test is used   size (mL) range,   56.7)
           for statistical significance between groups for quantitative/  (mean ± SD)
           continuous variables  and Chi-square/Fischer  exact test   SD: standard deviation
           for qualitative/categorical variables between groups.  In  all
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