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of fluid rather than the implant filler. The process may or   Eight months following augmentation mammoplasty, she
         may not proceed or follow with an incidence of trauma or   presented with spontaneous autoinflation of her right
         injury.  Early  known  causes  of  autoinflation  of  breast  are   side. There was no recollectable history of trauma or
         infection, haematoma or seroma with a reported incidence   injury. She was treated with antibiotics, cold compress,

         of 0.5% and 0.7% respectively. [5,6]  Causes of late onset of   support garments and was followed up with regular
         autoinflation of breasts are many but these are not clearly   intervals. The swelling  gradually  subsided  within  2
         defined on the basis of its aetiology, type of implants or site   months without surgical intervention and there was no
         of accumulation of the fluid. Autoinflation of breasts may   recurrence for 8 years [Figure 1].
         or may not be associated with implant rupture. Rupture of
         silicone implants is normally silent and rarely leads to loss   Case 2
         or increase in volume. Ruptures may also present with loss   A 25-year-old mother of 1 child showed interest in
         of shape or consistency  or axillary lymphadenopathy. [9,10]   augmentation mammoplasty  following  the  loss  of  volume
         Implant rupture may occasionally present as spontaneous   of her breasts. Augmentation mammoplasty was carried
         autoinflation of the breast. [11-13]  In contrast saline implant   out using 310 TRM Allergan Natrelle INSPIRA cohesive gel
         can deflate following its rupture. Rarely a saline implant   silicone textured round implants in muscle splitting pocket.
         can  present  with  autoinflation  of  the  breast without  a   She had an uneventful recovery and all settled well. Eight
         rupture or breach in the shell of the implant. [14]   months following her surgery, she presented with quick
                                                             onset autoinflation of her right breast. She was treated
         The presentation of anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL)   conservatively with antibiotics, cold compress and support
         following augmentation mammoplasty also presents as an   garment. The swelling subsided in 8 weeks without surgical
         autoinflation of the breast. There is increasing awareness of   intervention and without recurrence for 6 years [Figure 2].
         ALCL which merits special attention.

         The current  article looks at the management  and
         presentation  of three  patients.  These  patients  presented
         with spontaneous autoinflation of the breasts due to late
         seroma. Also included is literature search to discuss various
         causes, locations and type of the texturing of the devices for
         the development of autoinflation of breast.

         A  retrospective  review  was  performed  of  the  available
         charts for 2,772 consecutive bilateral primary,  secondary
         augmentation  mammoplasties  and mastopexy with
         augmentation  mammoplasties performed by the author
         between  April 1999 and February  2015. Each  breast  was   Figure 1: (a) Preoperative picture of a 34-year-old patient; (b) six weeks
         taken as a single unit for a total of 5,544 breasts.  following augmentation mammoplasty with 605 TRF Allergan Natrelle
                                                             textured implants; (c) the patient presented with massive right-sided swelling
                                                             8 months following mammoplasty; (d) two months following presentation
         RESULTS                                             with autoinflation due late seroma. The patient was treated conservatively

         There were 2,334  patients in primary augmentation
         mammoplasty, 258 in secondary augmentation mammoplasty
         and 180 in simultaneous  mastopexy with augmentation
         mammoplasty groups. A total of 3 autoinflation of breasts
         due late seroma were identified in the series  [Table
         1]. All patients presented at least 6 months following
         augmentation mammoplasty and all had textured implants
         place  in muscle splitting submuscular pocket. There was
         no autoinflation due to late seroma noted in secondary
         augmentation  mammoplasty or simultaneous  mastopexy
         with augmentation mammoplasty. All patients were treated
         conservatively without a recurrence.

         Case 1
         A 34-year-old mother of 2 children was interested in breast   Figure 2: (a) Preoperative picture of a 25-year-old patient; (b) six weeks
         augmentation procedure. The augmentation mammoplasty   following augmentation mammoplasty with 310 TRM Allergan Natrelle
         was performed using 605 mL TRF Allergan Natrelle    textured implants; (c) the patient presented with right-sided spontaneous
                                                             swelling 8 months following mammoplasty; (d) three months following
         INSPIRA cohesive gel silicone textured round implants in   presentation with autoinflation due to late seroma. The patient was
         muscle splitting pocket. She had an uneventful recovery.   treated conservatively
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