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Case 3                                              hydrogel or saline  is  used as filler.  The implants  can be
           A  19-year-old  young  female  presented  with  asymmetrical   textured, microtextured, smooth or polyurethane coated. [3,4]
           breast along with right breast ptosis. She had her   However, there is a paucity in literature on the pathogenesis
           augmentation mammoplasty procedure using 275 mL on her   of this condition and is not comprehensively defined on the
           right and 345 mL on her left side. Nagor GFX cohesive gel   basis of aetiology, pathogenesis, anatomical location or type
           silicone  textured  implants  were  placed  in  muscle  splitting   of implants.
           pocket a right internal mastopexy was performed at the same
           time. Eight years later patient presented with an acute onset   Intraprosthetic collection of fluid presenting
           of  right-sided  autoinflation  of  breast.  She  was  reassured   as autoinflation of breast
           and  treated  conservatively  with  antibiotics,  cold  compress   Intraprosthetic collection of fluid or sterile pus though not
           and pressure garments successfully without any surgical   very common has been reported both in saline as well as
           intervention. Her swelling subsided with in 6 weeks and has   silicone gel implants. [11-14]  However the process differs in the
           been asymptomatic for the last 6 months [Figure 3].  two instances. In saline implants, the shell allows passage
                                                               of protein  macromolecules,  predominantly  albumin  that
           DISCUSSION                                          creates an osmotic gradient across the macroscopically
                                                               intact silicone shell allowing body fluids to enter the
           Complications following augmentation mammoplasty though   prosthesis. The implants can gain a large volume of fluid and
           not very common can be early or late. Early complications are   present as autoinflation of the breast. No extracapsular fluid
           infection, haematoma and seroma and may require an urgent   collection has been reported with the process concerning
           surgical intervention. Late complications are infrequent   saline  implants.  On  the  contrary,  intraprosthetic
           and may include capsular contracture, asymmetry, implant   collection of fluid in silicone gel implant is almost always
           rupture, implant displacement, rippling and synmastia.    associated with damaged or ruptured shell that may or may
           Revision for these  complications can be addressed on   not be macroscopically visible and there is almost always
           the basis of its presentation as an elective procedure.    intracapsular collection of fluid or sterile pus at the same
           Autoinflation of the breast arising six months or later is an   time. [11-13]  The damaged shell allows intracapsular  fluid to
           extremely rare presentation. Such autoinflation may have   gain access to the inside of the damaged implant resulting
           different causes and fluid collection can be intraprosthetic,   in autoinflation of the breast.
           intracapsular, extracapsular or a combination of the above.
           The fluid collection is equally seen in implants when silicone,   Extracapsular fluid collection presenting as
                                                               auto inflation of the breast
                                                               Extra  capsular collection of fluid following augmentation
                                                               mammoplasty leading to autoinflation of breast is
                                                               uncommon. The extracapsular collection of fluid resulting in
                                                               autoinflation of breast is usually associated with intracapsular
                                                               collection of fluid. The presentation was noticed following
                                                               the  rupture  of poly implant  prothese  (PIP).  The  defective
                                                               silicone escaping into intracapsular and pericapsular spaces
                                                               starts an inflammatory response that eventually result in
                                                               large amount of creamy fluid or sterile pus collection leading
                                                               to autoinflation of breast. The presentation was commonly
                                                               observed with the rupture of PIP implants. [11,13]

                                                               Polyacrylamide gel injections
                                                               The similar process of autoinflation of breast is also seen in
                                                               breast injected with polyacrylamide gel (PAAG). Injection of
           Figure 3: (a) Preoperative picture of a 19-year-old patient presenting with
           breast asymmetry; (b) eight months following augmentation mammoplasty   PAAG does not always produce a distinct layer of capsule.
           with right internal mastopexy, patient had 275 mL GFX Nagor textured   The fluid collection can be in the periphery of the injected
           implant on her right and 345 mL GFX Nagor textured implant on her left   material  or within injected PAAG. The combination of
           side; (c) the patient presented with right-sided acute onset swelling 8
           years following mammoplasty; (d) three weeks following presentation with   extra and intra-PAAG collection of fluid may also present
           autoinflation due to late seroma. The patient was treated conservatively  as galactocele, seroma or haematoma. [15]  In PAAG injection
           Table 1: Details of the cases presenting with late seromas in the series
            No.  Age (years)  Implant make  Implant size (mL)  Implant surface   Time since   Pocket of implant  Treatment
                                                         characteristics   surgery

             1      34        Allergan       605            Textured      8 months   Muscle splitting   Conservative
                              Natralle                                                submuscular
             2      25        Allergan       310            Textured      8 months   Muscle splitting   Conservative
                              Natralle                                                submuscular
             3      19       Nagor GFX       275            Textured       8 years   Muscle splitting   Conservative
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