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Figure 2: (a-c) Preoperative views of a 29-year old patient with grade B ptosis; (d-f) six months' postoperative views showing results following periareolar
           augmentation mastopexy with 400 mL high profile textured round cohesive gel silicone implants

           Figure 3: (a-c) Preoperative views of a 20-year old patient with severe grade C ptosis; (d-f) one year's postoperative views showing results following wise
           pattern augmentation mastopexy using 225 mL moderate profile textured round cohesive gel silicone implants
           not more than a cup size and her main concern was the   surgery. Her breast cup size was measured 36 B along with
           droopy looking breasts [Figure 1a-c]. A vertical scar cat’s   Class B ptosis. Her preoperative SN to NAC measurements
           tail modification was selected for the  NAC mobilization   was 23 cm and nipple to IMC distance was measured 8 cm
           and envelope reduction and muscle splitting pocket was   respectively. She used to be 36 DD prior to her pregnancies
           selected to place 250 mL Mentor Siltex Cohesive II Moderate   and was interested in regaining similar breast volume and
           profile implants. Her new NAC was marked 20 cm using IMC   cup size. To achieve desired cup size, 400 mL round extra
           as the reference. Excised breast tissue weighed 63 g on her   high profile Allergan Natrelle INSPIRA TRX textured cohesive
           right and 69 g on her left side. Her one-year postoperative   silicone implant were selected. Her grade B class ptosis
           measurements showed a breast cup size of 34 DD and sternal   with an adequate skin envelope and a reasonable nipple to
           notch to NAC and NAC to IMC distance of 19.5 cm and 10
           cm respectively. Patient did develop bilateral hypertrophic   inframammary crease position did not require skin envelope
           scarring of NAC for which she was initially  treated with   reduction;  a moderate nipple elevation using periareolar
           silicone gel application and later with intra-lesional steroids   markings was considered reasonable [Figure 2a-c]. Her new
           injections [Figure 1d-f].                           NAC was marked at 20.5  cm using IMC as the reference
                                                               for an adequate new NAC position  and projection. She
           Case 2                                              had her breast implants placed in muscle splitting biplane
                                                               submuscular pocket. Her one year postoperative cup size
           A 29-year-old beautician and a mother of two children aged   was 36 DD with sternal notch to NAC distance of 22 cm and
           12 and 7, booked a consultation for breast  remodeling   NAC to IMC distance of 11 cm [Figure 2d-f].
           Plast Aesthet Res || Vol 3 || Issue 1 || Jan 15, 2016                                               23
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