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Case 3                                              two sides [Table 1]. Selection of markings for skin reduction
                                                             is paramount to achieve an aesthetically pleasing natural
         A 20-year-old young adult female was seen  for a severe   breast with normal breast morphometry, comparable to the
         developmental ptosis  along with  a  very  noticeable  breast   results seen following augmentation mammoplasty with an
         size asymmetry. Patient has no history of childbirth or loss of   implant alone.  In authors’ opinion, use of periareolar or
         weight or breast volume loss since puberty. She was wearing   vertical scar markings  in  patients presenting  with  excess
         a 34 E brassiere and her sternal notch to NAC distance was   IMC to NAC measurements are likely to end with bottoming
         measured 28 cm on her right and 26 cm on her left side   out following simultaneous mastopexy with augmentation.
         with a breast width of 14 cm on both sides. Her NAC to IMC   Regardless of the degree of ptosis, type of skin markings
         distance was measured 13 cm on her right and 10 cm on her   for nipple elevation and mastopexy should ideally be based
         left side respectively with a bilateral Class C ptosis [Figure   on the  preoperative  NAC to IMC measurements.  When
         3a-c]. Patient was not interested in going any bigger than   mastopexy is performed with vertical scar or wise pattern,
         her current size. Mentor 225 mL Siltex cohesive II moderate   the use of larger implant size selection may be restricted. Use
         profile implants were chosen to be placed in muscle splitting   of larger implant placements with these markings, is likely
         biplane pocket to replace the anticipated breast  tissue   to result in complication namely skin and wound breakdown
         reduction. Medially based flap with wise pattern markings   mainly due to pressure exerted by implant on reduced skin
         were used to reduce preoperative inframammary mammary   envelope. In current series, mean size of the implants used
         crease distance, NAC repositioning and envelope and breast   in the series is 308 mL but when looked into the mean size of
         reduction. New NAC was marked at 20 cm using IMC as a   the implants used in three types of mastopexies, the results
         reference, 273 g of tissue was removed from right and 247   were interesting. Mean size of the implants was considerably
         g tissue was excised from her left breast. Her ten month cup   and significantly larger in periareolar mastopexies than the
         size was 34 DD with sternal notch to NAC distance of 20 cm,   mean size of the implants used in vertical and wise pattern
         NAC to IMC distance of 9.5 cm bilaterally with good size   mastopexies [Table 2].
         symmetry [Figure 3d-f].
                                                             A high complication  rate has been reported  when the
         DISCUSSION                                          procedure is combined together as simultaneous mastopexy
                                                             with augmentation.  The author has reported a revision
         Selection of implant pocket, markings for breast envelope   rate of 9%  in an earlier report on mastopexy in muscle
         reduction and orientation of flap in simultaneous   splitting biplane.  The current series with long-term results
         augmentation mastopexy are independent to each other and   have shown a revision rate of 11.1%, up by nearly 2% when
         can be selected in any combination.The use of combination   compared with author’s earlier series. The most common

         may  affect the  outcome with  a variable  rate  of revision   reason for revision being the excision of redundant skin in
         surgery.  Despite the various safety issues encountered   2 patients (16.7%) and vertical scar touch up in 2 patients
         in the recent past,  cohesive gel silicone breast implant   (16.7%) [Table 3]. The revision rate of 11.1% after 10 years
         remains  the  first  choice for the  volume  replacement.  In   follow-up is acceptable and comparable with the published
         majority of the patients presenting with hypoplasia, requests   revision rate of 16.7%  in simultaneous mastopexy with
         for volume restoration in early type A ptosis, intended results   augmentation and lower than 20% revision rate within five
         are successfully achieved using breast implants with well-  years following augmentation  mammoplasty alone using
         concealed scars. However more advanced ptosis necessitates   saline-filled implants. [10]
         the NAC repositioning with some sort of skin reduction. The   Table 2: Implants sizes used in three different types of
         NAC repositioning can be achieved using periareolar, vertical
         scar or wise pattern markings depending on the skin excess   mastopexies
         and degree of ptosis. In current series 66.7% of the patients   Procedure        Implant Size
         presented with varying degree of class A to C ptosis and 17.6%    n      Range (mL)    Mean ± SD (mL)
         of patients presented with varying combination of ptosis on   Periareolar  54  170-555   327 ± 73.7
                                                              Vertical scar  45    200-525        277 ± 62.7
         Table 1: Causes for mastopexy with augmentation in 108   Wise pattern   9  230-300                                                 252 ± 29.9
         patients                                            SD: standard deviation
              Cause for mastopexy           n (%)
                                                             Table 3: Reasons for revision surgery performed in
                 Class A ptosis             6 (5.6)
                                                             mastopexy with augmentation
                 Class B ptosis            22 (20.4)          Reason for revision                   n (%)
                 Class C ptosis            35 (32.4)          Dog ear bilateral                    2 (16.7)
           Combination of A and C ptosis    2 (1.9)           Dog ear unilateral                   2 (16.7)
           Combination of A and B ptosis    3 (2.8)           Areolar scar revision                2 (16.7)
           Combination of B and C ptosis   14 (13)            Periareolar to vertical scar conversion  2 (16.7)
                 Pseudoptosis               9 (8.3)           Nipple level asymmetry               1 (8.3)
                  Loose skin                2 (1.9)           Capsular contracture                 1 (8.3)
                Tuberous breasts            2 (1.9)           Vertical scar revision               1 (8.3)
                    Others                 12 (11.2)          Bottoming out                        1 (8.3)
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