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Page 8 of 24                                        Reilly et al. Plast Aesthet Res 2021;8:2  I

               Figure 5. Collagen content of skin is maximal between the 2nd and 3rd decade, after which there is a slow depletion and loss of collagen
               (and associated ECM components such as elastin and GAGs). The loss of collagen is clearly correlated with changes to appearance
               attributes which are typically referred to as fines lines and wrinkles. (By permission of MINERVA Research Labs Ltd - London)

               Figure 6. Collagenase (also referred to as Matrix metalloproteinase, MMP) binds and locally unwinds the triple-helical structure
               allowing subsequent hydrolysis of the exposed peptide bonds. The enzyme preferentially interacts with the α2(I) chain of type I collagen
               and cleaves the 3 α chains in succession. This results in the derivation of the characteristic 3/4 and 1/4 fragments. (By permission of
               MINERVA Research Labs Ltd - London)
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