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Page 8 of 15          Gunderson et al. Plast Aesthet Res 2023;10:50

               of the tarsal joint varied from animal to animal, as demonstrated in Figure 2.

               Morphological examination of the nerves distal to the carpal and tarsal joints
               The morphological analysis revealed that the average cross-sectional sample contained a rounded average of
               10 fascicles within the extracellular matrix. The median number of fascicles was found to be 8 across all
               samples. The average fascicular area across all samples was 283,108.35 µM . At 846,645.3 µM , samples of the
               lateral plantar nerve taken 1cm proximal of the crease of the ankle had the largest average fascicular area.
               The proximal and distal samples of this nerve had 16 and 13 fascicles, respectively. On average, the
               fascicular area constituted 15.23% of the total nerve area. The nerve with the greatest fascicular area was the
               proximal bifurcation of the lateral plantar nerve, constituting 39.43% of the total nerve area. Detailed results
               of morphological neural analysis can be found in Table 3. Histological cross-sections of a sample of nerves
               are demonstrated in Figure 3.

               Surgical approach for creation of ONI ovine model
               A cadaveric sheep forelimb was utilized for demonstration. A nine-centimeter lazy-S incision was created
               over the proximal dorsal metacarpal. Dissection of loose areolar tissue revealed the primary interdigital
               sensory nerves in this area, representing the branches of the Superficial Radial Nerve. As demonstrated in
               our anatomic data, there is more variation in branching patterns of some nerves rather than others, as well
               as more variation in nerve circumference of some nerves over others. It was found that the Central Branch
               is often the thickest with the least variation; thus, the Central Branch was chosen as our target nerve for
               creating a reproducible sensory neural interface in sheep. Target nerve was transected distally, three
               centimeters from the carpal joint. Soft tissue overlying the bone was cleared using a hemostat and elevator.
               A primary corticotomy was made 20 mm distal to the carpal joint on the medial side of the bone with a
               handheld electric drill, using a 3/16th inch (4.76 mm) drill bit. A secondary, smaller corticotomy was made
               with a 5/32nd inch (3.97 mm) drill bit 1cm lateral to the primary corticotomy. Nerve circumference data
               were used to inform the correct choice of size for the cuff electrodes, as well as drill size for the corticotomy.

               A neural interface consisting of three spiral silicone cuffs [Figure 4A-Figure C], two of which contain active
               electrodes [Figure 4A and Figure 4B] for stimulation and recording, and a third with no electrodes that
               serve to stabilize the interface [Figure 4C], was created as previously described . Spiral nerve cuff
               electrodes were used based on availability and applicability, but a range of interfaces are applicable.

               Electrode A was attached to the distal end of the transected target nerve. Electrode B was then connected
               more proximally to the nerve, at a point of minimal tension. The target nerve, concurrently with Electrode
               A, was then transposed into the medullary canal through the primary corticotomy by threading an
               epineurial propene suture into the primary corticotomy and out the secondary corticotomy and secured to
               the periosteum. Electrode B remained outside the medullary canal, maintaining the separation of 10cm
               necessary for stimulation and recording of compound nerve action potentials between electrodes. The distal
               electrode (A) can then deliver sensory stimulation to be detected by the proximal electrode (B) in situ. The
               electrode cables then exit transcutaneously and are anchored with suture.

               The Osseointegrated Neural Interface is a developing technology with an overarching goal of creating a
               bidirectional prosthesis capable of both motor control and sensory realization . This technology has
               demonstrated success in a small animal model involving rabbits, but longitudinal studies in a large animal
               model are necessary before translation to human use can be pursued . Building on current clinically
               translatable ovine models for osseointegration, we studied the topography of ovine nerves distal to the
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