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Men et al.                                                                                                            Reconstruction of keloid defect with the rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap

                          A                                   B

           Figure 6: Case 2. (A) Preoperative chest keloid and (B) 1 year after the keloid resection and the repair with the rectus abdominis
           myocutaneous flap

           5-flourouracil  injections,  and  physical  modalities  such   perforator flaps are a better option for keloids larger
           as radiation and laser treatment. Combination usage   than 5-10 cm in diameter. For very large keloids larger
           of  these  techniques  has  also  been  widely  reported.   than 10 cm × 10 cm, skin grafts are the best option
           5-flourouracil combined with steroid injections is often   following resection. [5]
           used with clinical results better than with 5-flourouracil
           alone.  Laser treatments in conjunction with steroid   Although both primary closure and local flap transfer
           injections has also been reported.   Careta  et al. [10]    are suitable for the surgical treatment of small keloids,
           reported  encouraging  results following  the use of   free flaps can more adequately cover larger wounds.
           cryosurgery  with intralesional  steroid injections   There are particular challenges associated with wound
           in the treatment  of  earlobe  keloids. However,  the   coverage  of large chest keloids  in female patients
           combination of surgery with other techniques is more   secondary to aesthetic considerations of the breasts.
           widely used, particularly the  combination of  surgery   The wound can be covered with a skin graft, but layers
           and radiotherapy. Mankowski et al. [11]  suggested that   of gauze covering the skin graft region often affect the
           surgery and postoperative radiotherapy was the most   performance and efficacy of radiotherapy. Conversely,
           effective method out of all keloid treatment modalities.  radiotherapy may also cause a failure of the skin graft.
                                                              In addition,  for female patients, the breasts limit the
           The surgical  resection  of scar tissue combined  with   effective use of a chest flap. Therefore, choosing an
           postoperative radiotherapy can inhibit the proliferation   appropriate wound repair method is both challenging
           of  fibroblasts  and  the  synthesis  of  collagen  proteins   and important in the treatment of large thoracic keloids
           during early wound healing. Postoperative radiotherapy   in females. The blood supply to the rectus abdominis
           is a reliable  method for the treatment of keloids.   myocutaneous  flap  is  reliable  with  minimal  injury  to
           The  primary requirement for  early postoperative   the donor site. [17]  For wounds following resection of a
           radiotherapy  is wound  closure  following  resection  of   keloid on the chest wall, and especially on the distal
           the keloid; otherwise, radiotherapy cannot be applied.   aspect, the rectus abdominis muscle flap not only is
           Primary closure is strongly  recommended in this   easy to transfer but provides a good tissue match to
           method. [12]                                       therecipientsite in color, texture and thickness. [18]

           Methods for wound closure include direct closure, local   The rectus abdominis muscle is located on both sides
           flap transfer, internal mammary artery (IMA) perforator   of the median line of the anterior abdominal wall of the
           flap transfer, and skin grafting. [13-16]  Different methods   human body, and has a relatively constant blood supply
           can be selected based on the width of the keloid on   from the superior and inferior epigastric arteries. The
           the anterior chest wall. For single or multiple isolated   superior epigastric artery generates a thick perforating
           lesions with a diameter within 1-3 cm, keloid resection   artery at the proximal aspect of the rectus abdominis
           and direct closure can be performed. If direct closure   muscle. The external diameter of this perforating vessel
           cannot  be  readily  achieved,  skin  flaps  or  skin  grafts   is often larger than 1 mm. The perforating branches are
           should be performed to decrease the wound tension.   primarily  distributed within  a range  of one tendinous
           For chest wall lesions with a diameter greater than 3 cm,   insetion above the umbilicus and 8.0 cm below the
           a  local  flap  or  IMA  perforator  flap  can  be  performed   umbilicus. The medial perforating vessels are often the
           to cover the defect and avoid wound dehiscence. For   dominant blood vessels among the perforating vessels
           lesions less than 5 cm × 5 cm, randomized local flaps   of the inferior epigastric artery. [19]  Because the superior
           are possible with primary closure of the donor site. IMA   and inferior epigastric arteries have a relatively wide
                           Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 4 ¦ May 26, 2017                        89
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