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Liu et al.                                                                                                                                                                                   Inflatable pressure garment device

           INTRODUCTION                                       electron beam irradiation  at each session. A second
                                                              radiotherapy  session was administered  on the 14th
           Keloids may be induced by many causes, such as     postoperative day if skin graft was used, when survival
           acne, folliculitis, insect bites or surgery.  Keloids often   of the skin graft had been established and the sutures
           occur on the chest wall. Many therapeutic approaches   had been removed.
           for keloids  have  been  reported  in the literature. The
           most commonly accepted treatments include excision,   Comparative study of inflatable pressure
           irradiation,  steroid  injections, and  pressure  therapy   garment device and general pressure garment
           with silicone gel sheets or bandages. [2]          In order to confirm the pressure effect of the inflatable
                                                              pressure  garment device, a comparative  study was
           Keloids are likely to  recur,  which complicates their   conducted between the device and the regular pressure
           treatment. The reported keloid recurrence rate varies   garment.  The device  consisted  of 3 parts: a regular
           depending on the  treatment  method.   In  the  chest   pressure garment, an inflatable silicon expander and
           wall, the reported  keloid recurrence rate  ranges   an  inflation  device.  Ten  volunteer  young  patients  (5
           from 9.7% to 43.1% for patients treated with surgical   male and 5 female, age range between  21 and 30
           excision and  postoperative  radiation. [4,5]  Recurrent   years)  wore  the regular  pressure  garment  (WSY003
           keloids  often spread faster and become larger; it is   Short Sleeve Garment, Beijing Medical Elastic Sleeve)
           therefore necessary to identify a method to prevent   first.  Pressure  was  detected  and  recorded  using  a
           keloid recurrence.                                 manometer (COMARK C9553, England) at the sites of

                                                              the right and left infraclavicular area, manubrium and
           Pressure therapy is effective in treating hypertrophic   mid-sternum area between breasts. Then the inflatable
           scars, especially scars on the ear  or body.  Pressure   silicon expander was inserted under the garment at
           garments are often used in body scar pressure therapy.   the same area and was inflated until the patients felt
           During treatment, a pressure garment is placed over   slight pain at the sites. The pressure was then detected
           the scar and is effective when appropriate pressure is   and recorded. The data was analyzed with SPSS 22.0
           applied  to the scar surface. However, the pressures   (SPSS Inc.,  Chicago, IL,  USA) using the  t-test.  All
           that  can be generated at  different anatomical sites   data are reported as the mean ± standard error of the
           differ significantly, and lower pressures generally are   mean. The level of the test was considered statistically
           less effective. Due to the larger radius  of the chest,   significant if less than 0.05.
           pressure garments usually generate low pressures in
           this area, and pressures  are even lower  in concave   Pressure therapy with an inflatable pressure
           areas, such as the mid-sternum.   To solve  this   garment device
           problem, we designed an inflatable pressure garment   The  inflatable  pressure  garment  device  was  used
           device.                                            1 month after the operation  to allow for appropriate
                                                              wound healing. First, the wound site was cleaned with
           METHODS                                            warm water. A piece of silicon gel was applied to the

           Surgical methods                                   wound  after the site was dry. Then, the patient was
                                                              asked to wear a regular pressure garment [Figure 1A].
           The edge of  the keloid was  marked with gentian   Afterwards, the silicon expander, which was wrapped
           violet; then, 0.5% lidocaine was infiltrated to provide   with soft cloth, was inserted under the garment. The
           local anesthesia in the skin around the keloid. A full-  expander was carefully adjusted to  ensure that  it
           thickness incision was made along the mark, and the   covered the entire area of the scar. The inflation device
           keloid was removed. After achieving hemostasis, the
           skin around the incisional border was undermined at   A                     B
           the deep layer of the superficial fascia for 3-5 cm, and
           the incision was closed. A skin graft was used if the
           wound was too wide to be closed primarily. The wound
           was then covered with sterile gauze. Radiation therapy
           was administered. The sutures were removed 14 to 21
           days after the operation.

           Radiotherapy methods
           Radiotherapy  was administered at  the surgical sites
           (closed primarily) on the  1st  and 7th  postoperative   Figure 1: The concave site became convex after the expander was
                                                              inflated. (A) The conventional pressure garment; (B) the inflatable
           days. Every surgical site was treated with 900 cGy of   pressure garment
                           Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 4 ¦ June 16, 2017                       93
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