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Zarei. Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation 2018;5:13  I                         Page 5 of 10

               Figure 2. The superior (top) and the posterior views of the ROI-level results for each target ROI. The selected sources (precentral gyrus
               left and right) are shown by black dots and the targets are blue (control > schizophrenia) and red (control < schizophrenia). Effects size
               for each region is shown by the dot size

                       Table 3. The connectivity contrast values between the PerCG left and the targets (P = 0.05)
                            (the complete list of the effects size is provided in the supplementary data)
                    Analysis Unit                      Statistic    p-unc            pFDR
                    Seed intensity = 25.55, size= 7  PreCG l      F(30)(113) = 3.41  0.0000
                    PreCG l -Hippocampus l        T(142) = 4.47   0.0000            0.0022
                    PreCG l -pPaHC l              T(142) = 4.02   0.0001            0.0063
                    PreCG l -Thalamus r           T(142) = -3.72  0.0003            0.0128
                    PreCG l -dmn.MPFC             T(142) = 3.64   0.0004            0.0131
                    PreCG l -pSMG r               T(142) = -3.48  0.0007            0.0179
                    PreCG l -Hippocampus r        T(142) = 3.12   0.0022            0.0450
                    PreCG l -Thalamus l           T(142) = -3.10  0.0023            0.0450

               same in the male and female patients with schizophrenia. The resting-state functional magnetic resonance
               imaging data of healthy control subjects and patients with schizophrenia from the Centers of Biomedical
               Research Excellence dataset are used to examine the aberrant functional brain connectome in schizophrenia.
               Our results show precentral gyrus has abnormal communication with thalamus, hippocampus, pPaHC,
               pSMG and mPFC (pFDR = 0.05).
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