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Zhu et al.                                                                                                                                                                        Endoglin and cerebral vascular diseases

           Table 2: Cerebrovascular diseases and ENG level
           Cerebrovascular   Species  Specimen ENG level  Clinical or biological  Author and year
           diseases                                      observation
           Stroke         Human      Brain    Increased  -                Krupinski et al., [22]  1994
                          Human      Serum    Increased  Positive correlation   Kim et al., [69]  2012; Simak et al., [70]  2006
                                                         with stroke severity
                          Eng  mouse Brain    Decreased  Poorer functional   Shen et al.,  2014
                                                         larger infarction,
                                                         less angiogenesis,
                                                         impaired macrophage
                                                         recruitment and
           Brain AVM      Eng  mouse Brain    Decreased  Cerebrovascular   Hao et al., [37,40]  2010
                                                         dysplasia after VEGF
                          Eng 2f/2f  mouse Brain  Decreased   Brain AVM after VEGF  Choi et al.,  2012; Choi et al.,  2014
                                              after gene KO stimulation and Eng KO
                          HHT1 patient Somatic cell Decreased  Higher incidence of   McAllister et al.,  1995
                                                         AVM in brain and
           Vasospasm SAH  Human      Serum    Decreased  patients with cerebral  Dietmann et al., [95]  2012
                          patient                        infarction,
                          Human      CSF      Increased  patients with cerebral  Testai et al.,  2011
                          patient                        infarction
           Carotid stenosis  Human   Carotid   Increased  Positive correlation   Conley et al.,  [10]  2000; Bot et al.,  2009; Luque
                          patient    plaque              with stage of plaque  et al., [100]  2009
                          Mouse      Carotid   Increased  Atrovastatin increase   Rathouska et al., [101]  2011
                                     plaque              Eng expression
           Moyamoya disease Human    Intima of   Increased  -             Takagi et al., [103]  2007
                          patient    MCA
           AVM: arteriovenous malformation; CSF: cerebrospinal fluid; HHT: hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia; MCA: middle cerebral artery; KO:
           knock-out; SAH: subarachnoid hemorrhage; VEGF: vascular endothelial growth factor
           vascular development and regulation of vascular tone.   Manuscript preparation: R. Zhang
           ENG deficiency is associated with the development
           of AVM in HHT patients, exacerbates stoke injury   Financial support and sponsorship
           and  impairs  stroke  recovery.  ENG  might  be  a   This study was supported by research grants from
           potential biomarker for vasospasm after SAH and    the National Institutes of Health (R01 NS027713,
           cerebrovascular stenosis. Therefore, experimental or   R01 HL122774 and R21 NS083788), Michael Ryan
           therapeutic modulating of ENG expression are useful   Zodda Foundation, and UCSF Research Evaluation
           ingeneration of disease models in animals to study   and Allocation Committee (REAC) to H.S. and China
           disease pathogenesis and indevelopment of novel    Scholarship Council (No. 201508110252 to L.M.).
           therapies to treat cerebrovascular diseases. The
           exact function of ENG in cerebrovascular diseases   Conflicts of interest
           remains to be revealing.
                                                              There are no conflicts of interest.

           DECLARATIONS                                       Patient consent
                                                              There is no patient data involved.
           We thank the faculty and staff of the Center for
           Cerebrovascular  Research  at  the  University  of   Ethics approval
           California, San Francisco ( for   Not applicable.
           their support.
           Authors’ contributions
           Concept, definition of intellectual content and    1.   Bernabeu C, Conley BA,  Vary CP. Novel biochemical pathways of
                                                                 endoglin in vascular cell physiology. J Cell Biochem 2007;102:1375-88.
           manuscript review: H. Su                           2.   Cheifetz S, Bellon  T, Cales C,  Vera S, Bernabeu C, Massague J,
           Literature review, manuscript preparation and         Letarte M. Endoglin is a component of the transforming growth
           manuscript editing: W. Zhu, L. Ma                     factor-beta  receptor  system  in  human  endothelial  cells.  J  Biol  Chem
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