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Zhu et al.                                                                                                                                                                        Endoglin and cerebral vascular diseases

           The transcriptional regulation of ENG expression under   circulating cells as a self-repair response to stroke
           hypoxia condition was studied by a reporter assay   or a sign of increased apoptosis of circulating cells in
           using HeLa cells, and by the electrophoretic mobility   response to hypoxic conditions [69] .
           shift assay (EMSA) using human umbilical cord vein
           endothelial cells (HUVECs). These assays confirmed   The role of ENG in stroke injury is complex, and is
           the presence of a hypoxia response element (HRE)   influenced by the local microenvironment. Constitutive
           in the enhancer region of ENG gene [64] . Therefore,   expression of ENG enhances the TGFβ signaling
           ENG expression can be induced by hypoxia through   and promotes new vessel wall remodeling [11] . ENG
           hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1). A subsequent study   overexpression also protects against TGFβ-induced
           suggested that hypoxic induction of Eng expression in   apoptosis of endothelial cells [17,59] . Reduction of vascular
           bEnd.3 (a mouse brain endothelial cell line) cells was   cell-apoptosis after hypoxia improves blood supply to
           activated through ERK-p38 MAPK and JNK pathway ,   ischemic tissue [58,71] . Increase of ENG expression in
           instead of HIF-1 . In addition, Smad3 was reported to   endothelial cells could also be hazardous, because
           interact with HIF proteins to induce the overexpression   BBB permeability was increased in some of the
           of ENG [64] . Although these studies implicated links   capillaries that express high level of ENG, which
           among multiple factors, further studies are required to   was accompanied with mononuclear cell infiltration
           better elucidate the exact transcriptional regulation of   in the surrounding brain tissues [72] . These findings
           ENG expression under hypoxia conditions.           suggests that pronounced ENG overexpression might
                                                              impair vessel wall integrity. Alternatively, lack of ENG
           ENG EXPRESSION IS UPREGULATED AFTER                expression may indicate severe vessel damage [72] .
           STROKE INJURY                                      ENG and TGFβ are involved in the pathogenesis of
                                                              post-ischemic brain injury in human. Abnormal ENG
           Previous  studies  revealed  that  ENG  was  highly   and TGFβfunction might lead to long-term neurological
           expressed in the penumbra region of human stroke   deterioration or cognitive disturbance after acute
           lesion,  where an  increase  of angiogenesis was   ischemic stroke [72,73] . Homeostasis of ENG expression
           found [22] . However,  it  was not  clear  at  that  time   is crucial for maintaining normal angiogenesis, vascular
           whether the angiogenesis was beneficial. In acute   remodeling and reduction of stoke injury.
           ischemic stroke patients, there is a robust mobilization
           of immature hematopoietic cells, colony-forming cells   THE EFFECT OF ENG DEFICIENCY IN
           and long-term culture initiating cells [65] . It has been   ISCHEMIC STROKE INJURY
           suggested that the degree of immature hematopoietic
           cell mobilization is directly correlated with the   The survival of neurons in peri-infarcted regions
           recovery of neurological function [66,67] . An increase of   is associated with the extent of patient recovery
           ENG positive micro-particles including exosomes and   after stroke [74] . Nutrient supply supporting neuron
           shedding vesicles, which are small vesicles released   survival is carried through blood. Higher microvessel
           by  specific  cells  (endothelial  or  MSC) [68] , were   density in the peri-infarct region is associated with
           detected in patients’ sera collected 3 days after stroke   lower morbidity and mortality [22] . Hypoxia-induced
           compared to that of healthy people [69] . Certain types   angiogenesis increases blood flow and oxygen
           of ENG positive micro-particles increased further   delivery to ischemic tissues, which contributes to the
           in stroke patients with severe disability. The ENG   recovery after stroke [28] .
           positive micro-particles decreased gradually after the
           initial increases [69] . The number of these circulating   Angiogenesis occurs in human brain after stroke.
           ENG positive micro-particles was positively correlated   Through examining human postmortem brain samples
           with the stroke severity, even after adjusting for   with ischemic infarcts caused by occlusive vascular
           other demographic and clinical variables, such     diseases, capillary networks with regular connection
           as hypotension and other stroke comorbidities [69] .   and micro-vessels were found in the brain samples
           Similarly, ENG positive circulating micro-particles   of patients who died within one week after stroke,
           released from endothelial cells were also increased in   and the neo-vasculature was in filled with blood in
           patients with acute ischemic stroke. The increase of   the brain samples collected from patients that died
           ENG positive cells was positively associated with the   2-3 weeks after stroke [75] . The micro-vessel density
           severity of neurological function at hospital admission,   remains higher in the infarct area compared with the
           larger brain lesion volume and unfavorable functional   corresponding contralateral side three months after
           outcome at hospital discharge [70] . The increased level   stroke [22] . Increased vessel density restores cerebral
           of circulating ENG positive micro-particles after acute   blood flow, salvages ischemic tissue, enhances
           stroke may have been caused by either increased    neuronal survival and improves functional recovery of
                          Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation ¦ Volume 4 ¦ October 17, 2017             203
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