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Zhu et al.                                                                                                                                                                        Endoglin and cerebral vascular diseases

           the endothelial injury, activation, inflammation and   be a predictive factor for the long-term outcome, such
           senescence [89] . Our group showed that sENG level is   as, 6 months after SAH [95] . Similar to sENG, the ENG
           increased in the surgical resected human bAVMs [90] .   positive endothelial micro-particles were increased in
           We have also shown that co-injection of an adenoviral   SAH patients with vasospasm [96] .
           vector expressing sENG with AAV-VEGF into mouse
           brains caused capillary dysplasia. It is still unclear   Soluble ENG are present in both healthy people
           how overexpression of sENG causes cerebrovascular   and patients with pathological conditions (such as
           malformation. One of the possibilities is that circulating   preeclampsia and SAH) [89] . Several studies suggest
           sENG acts as a decoy inhibiting the effect of ENG   that sENG is a naturally occurring antagonist of
           on the endothelium, leading to vascular malformation   TGFβ [97] . In contrast to the lower level of sENG, the
           during angiogenesis.                               level of TGFβ1 in the serum was higher in patients
                                                              with  vasospasm  after  SAH  than  those  without
           Nitric oxide (NO) is a potent vascular smooth muscle   vasospasm [95] . Moreover, sENG interferes the binding
           relaxant, which is synthesized by the vascular     between TGFβ1 and its receptors   [89] . TGFβ1 has
           endothelium. Eng  mice have a lower level of NO    been suggested to be involved in eNOS activation [89] .
           metabolites (nitrites) in the plasma and in the urine   Therefore, the reduced sENG levels in patients with post-
           than that of wild type mice [91] , suggesting that the   SAH vasospasm might reflect an impaired production
           NO level is lower in Eng deficient animals. The    of vasorelaxant factors, such as NO. However, there
           hypotensive and vasodilatory response induced      is no direct evidence supporting the cause-and-effect
           by endothelium-dependent vasodilators was less     relationship between vasospasm and sENG. Further
           intensive in Eng  mice than wild type mice. However,   studies of post-SAH vasospasm in Eng-deficient mice
           the difference of this vasodilation effect between   might be helpful in exploring the association of sENG
           Eng  mice and wild type mice disappeared after NO   and vasorelaxation.
           synthesis was inhibited [91] . These findings suggested
           that the NO level or the subsequent vessel response   Interestingly,  the  changes  of  sENG  in  the
           to NO is reduced in Eng  mice. However, after      cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and the serum of patients
           eliminating the endogenous NO, the vasodilatory    with  SAH  and  vasospasm  are  opposite [94,95] . In
           effect induced by exogenous NO donor (nitroprusside)   patients with Doppler sonographic vasospasm, the
           was similar in  Eng  and wild type mice  [91] . The   serum level of sENG was similar to those without
           peripheral progenitor cells of HHT patients expresses   vasospasm [95] . However, the serum level of sENG
           lower level of eNOS (endothelial nitric oxide synthase)   was reduced in patients with cerebral infarction due to
           mRNA . Endothelial NOS produces NO in response     severe vasospasm and hydrocephalus [95] , suggesting
           to humoral and mechanical stimuli. However,        that the sENG level in the serum might beserved
           resistance arteries in Eng  mice displayed an eNOS-  as a biomarker for cerebral ischemia subsequent
           dependent impairment in the myogenic response      to vasospasm. Cerebral hypo-perfusion or hypoxia
           (normal resistance arteries contract in response to   could induce increases of focal expression of ENG
           increases of perfusion pressure) despite of a reduced   and might contribute to the increase of sENG in the
           eNOS level. Eng deficient endothelial cells had    CSF of patients with vasospasm. Both extravasation
           uncoupled eNOS, which produce less NO but more     of sENG from blood or intrathecal production of sENG
           superoxide [86] . Taken together, these studies indicate   could cause the increase of sENG in the CSF and
           a role of Eng in the regulation of vascular tone.  decrease of sENG in the plasma. Further studies are
                                                              needed to ravel the origin of sENG during post-SAH
           Cerebral vasospasm is one of the most common       vasospasm.
           complications of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and
           is associated with high morbidity and mortality. NO is   Although it is not clear how ENG-positive micro-
           found to be an important mediator of vasospasm . The   particles  and  sENG  increased  in  patients  with
           potential role of ENG on the production of NO suggests   post-SAH vasospasm, the results of these studies
           that ENG might be associated with vasospasm after   indicated that, the circulating sENG is a promising
           SAH. In patients with SAH, the level of sENG increased   biomarker for cerebral vasospasm after SAH.
           in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and decreased in the
           serum [94,95] . In the subgroup with cerebral infarction due   ALTERNATIONS OF ENG EXPRESSION
           to post-SAH vasospasm, the level of sENG was higher   IN ATHEROSCLEROTIC PLAQUES AND
           in the CSF and lower in the serum than the patients   STENOTIC CEREBRAL VESSELS
           who did not have post-SAH cerebral infarction [94,95] . The
           level of sENG during the first two weeks of SAH might   Carotid atherosclerotic stenosis is a major cause of
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