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Zhu et al.                                                                                                                                                                        Endoglin and cerebral vascular diseases

           INTRODUCTION                                       the survival rate of stroke patients [19] . In addition,
                                                              increased angiogenesis was associated improvement
           In human, endoglin gene (ENG, or CD105) is located   of functional outcome in both animal models and
           on chromosome 9q34.11. It is a type III transforming   stroke patients [20-23] .
           growth factor β (TGFβ) receptor interacting with
           TGFβRI (TGFβ receptor, type I) and/or TGFβRII      Mutations in the ENG gene are associated with type 1
           (TGFβ receptor, type II) . In the endothelium, ENG   hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) [24] , also
           interacts with the activin receptor-like kinase 1 (ALK1   known as Osler-Rendu-Weber Syndrome. HHT is an
           or ACVRL1), a type 1 TGFβR. ENG binds with TGFβ1   autosomal dominant disease. The clinical features of
           and TGFβ3 with high affinity in the presence of other   HHT patients are telangiectases in mucocutaneous
           TGFRs but not with TGFβ2  [1-4] . ENG also binds to   membrane and arteriovenous malformation (AVM)
           activin-A, bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2) and   in multiple organs, including the skin, liver, lung,
           BMP7 . Protein studies suggested that ENG plays    intestine and brain. AVMs are abnormal vessels that
           an important role in modulating the TGFβ signaling   shunt blood directly from arteries to veins [25] . Brain
           pathway .                                          AVM (bAVM) tends to rupture, which can cause life-
                                                              threatening intracranial hemorrhage and hemorrhagic
           ENG gene expresses in many cell types, including   stroke [25] . Hemorrhage from bAVM can also cause
           endothelial  cells [5,6] ,  activated  monocytes  and   long-term disability. Elevated levels of angiogenic
           macrophages , mesenchymal cells, fibroblasts , and   factors including vascular endothelial growth factor
           vascular smooth muscle cells [Table 1] [9,10] . Animals   (VEGF) were found in sporadic bAVM patients [26,27] .
           studies have revealed that ENG may be dispensable   High levels of VEGF are also associated with increase
           during vasculogenesis, a process from which primary   of blood-brain barrier (BBB) permeability and bAVM
           capillary plexus is formed; but ENG is required in   hemorrhage [27-29] . Similarly, HHT patients that have a
           angiogenesis, a process that remodels the primary   higher incidence of AVMs in multiple organs also have
           endothelial network into a mature circulatory system [11,12] .   an increased level of plasma VEGF [30] . All of these
           Immunohistochemical analysis showed that in normal   evidence suggest that angiogenesis is involved in the
           human brain, ENG is expressed in the endothelial   pathogenesis of bAVM.
           cells of brain vessels, as well as the endothelial
           and adventitial layers of leptomeningeal arteries   Since  ENG  plays  an  impor tant  role  in  the
           [Table 1] [13] .  ENG  expression  is  upregulated  in   angiogenesis, in this review, we summarize the
           endothelial cells during wound healing and tumor   influences  of  ENG  on  endothelial  function  and
           vascularization, and in inflammatory tissues and   the angiogenesis, as well as how ENG-deficiency
           developing embryos [1,14,15] , indicating that ENG is an   contributes to the pathogenesis of cerebrovascular
           endothelial proliferation marker [16,17] .         diseases, including ischemic stroke and intra-cranial
                                                              hemorrhage, as well as cerebrovascular malformation,
           Ischemic stroke is caused by occlusion of a cerebral   stenosis and occlusion.
           artery. After ischemic stroke, blood supply to the
           affected brain tissue is reduced, which leads to   THE FUNCTION OF ENG GENE IN
           oxygen deprivation to brain cells. Ischemia induces a   ANGIOGENESIS
           significant increase in microvascular density, a sign
           of angiogenesis, in the penumbra of the cerebral   To study the functional role of ENG in development,
           infarct [18] . The degree of increased vessel-density in   Eng gene knockout mice were generated  .
           the ischemic penumbra is positively correlated with   Homozygous deletion of Eng gene in mice causes
                                                              embryonic death by E10.5-11.5 [11,31] . The endothelial
           Table 1: Summary of ENG expression patterns in tissue   cells derived from ENG deficient human embryonic
           and cell lines                                     stem cells failed to organize effectively into tubular
           Tissue    Tissue samples       Cell lines          structures in vitro . VEGF induced vascular network
           Brain     Humanendothelium [13]                    was also reducedin the metatarsal bone of Eng
                     Human adventitia [13]                    heterozygous knockout (Eng ) mouse embryo    [12] .
           Non-brain  Human placenta [6]  HUVEC  [5]          Consistently, depletion or inhibition of ENG gene in
                     Human spleen [7]     HOON [6]
                     Murine ovary and uterus [8]  U-937 [6,7]  human endothelial cells mitigated VEGF-induced
                     Murine heart [8]     HL-60 [7]           angiogenesis [12] . These findings suggest that ENG
                     Murine muscle [8]    Cultured monocytes [7]  is required for the differentiation and sprouting of
                     Murine placenta [8]  NCTC-2071 [8]
                     Murine spleen [8]    VSMC [9]            endothelial tubes, which are important processes of
                                          HASMC  [10]         angiogenesis.
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