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Zhu et al.                                                                                                                                                                        Endoglin and cerebral vascular diseases

           ischemic stroke. As mentioned in earlier sections,   perfusion and ENG expression [103] , the low spatial
           ENG  is  expressed  mainly  in  endothelial  cells,   resolution method used to evaluate the cerebral
           smooth muscle cells and macrophages, which are     blood flow of the entire MCA territory might not be
           the three major cells involved in the pathogenesis   accurate enough to detect the real perfusion through
           of atherosclerosis [10] . The expression of ENG is very   the MCA branches that were used to measure the
           low in normal human arteries and is restricted to   ENG expression. The increased expression of ENG
           the endothelial cells of adventitial microvessels [10] .   and HIF-1 in MMD is consistent with the increased
           In contrast, higher ENG expression is present in the   expression  of  ENG  under  hypoxia  condition.
           advanced atherosclerotic plaque of human patients .   Therefore, ENG may play roles in the pathogenesis of
           The site of ENG expression are slightly difference   cerebrovascular stenosis or occlusion.
           between atherosclerotic plaques in carotid arteries
           and aorta. In aortic atherosclerotic plaque, ENG is   THE PROSPECTIVE OF MODULATING
           predominantly expressed in smooth muscle cells.    ENG EXPRESSION FOR THE TREATMENT
           However, in carotid plaque, ENG is expressed in    OF CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES
           endothelial cells of neo-vessels within the lipid core
           and plaque shoulders [98] . ENG expression is higher in   Since ENG has been implicated in the pathogenesis
           carotid plaque containing higher levels of collagen and   of various cerebrovascular diseases  [Table 2],
           lessintra-plaque thrombi, which are characteristics   modulation of ENG expression might be a potential
           of stable plaques [99] . These evidence indicate that   treatment for these conditions. Although currently
           ENG may promote the formation of intra-plaque neo-  there is no treatment available for patients with
           vessels and collagen and reduce the vessel leakage   human cerebrovascular diseases through targeting
           and hemorrhage. However, ENG expression in the     ENG, several agents that affect ENG expression
           neo-vessels of  carotid atherosclerosis has  also been   specifically or non-specifically, are clinical available
           found to be positively correlated with the advanced   for treating patients or are used in clinical trials.
           grade of plaques [100] . The distinct ENG expression   TRC105 is a chimeric IgG1monoclonal antibody
           patterns in different types of plaques suggest that   specifically against ENG that inhibits angiogenesis,
           ENG  might play  different  roles  in  the  course  of   induces antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity
           atherogenesis progression.                         (ADCC) and apoptosis of proliferating endothelium.
                                                              The safety and activity of TRC105 have been tested
           Atorvastatin is a drug to treat carotid atherosclerotic   in a Phase I and a preliminary Phase II clinical trials in
           plague. In a mouse model of atherosclerosis,       cancer patients [104] . Resveratrol is a natural component
           atorvastatin treatment decreased the level of Eng   of a number of fruits, including grapes, blueberries
           in the serum and increased Eng expression in the   and raspberries. The skin of red grapes is used to
           plaque [101] . Therefore, Eng may serve as a biomarker   extract resveratrol. In vitro, resveratrol reduces sENG
           for evaluating the therapeutic effect of drugs in   secretion and pro-inflammatory factors of cultured
           treating atherosclerosis. More studies are needed   endothelial cells [105] . Therefore, it might be a promising
           to elucidate the role of ENG in the pathogenesis of   non-specific inhibitor of sENG. A proper level of ENG
           atherosclerosis.                                   expression might be crucial for maintaining normal
                                                              angiogenesis and vascular remodeling in the brain.
           Moyamoya disease (MMD) is a rare, progressive      However, there is no report of direct regulation of
           cerebrovascular disorder caused by blocked arteries at   ENG for treating cerebrovascular disease to date.
           the base of the brain in an area called the basal ganglia.   In vitro study showed that statins could increase
           MMD is one of the major causes of stroke in children   sENG secretion from endothelial cells [106] ; and in vivo
           and adults characterized by progressive stenosis or   administration of stain increased Eng expression in
           occlusion of terminal portion of internal carotid arteries   the carotid plaque of a mouse model [101] . Statins are
           and development of fragile collateral vessels [102] . Middle   a group of medications that has been used to treat
           cerebral artery (MCA) of MMD patients had thicker   patients with carotid artery atherosclerosis and other
           intimal walls than control vessels collected from   ischemic cerebrovascular diseases. More studies are
           aneurysm patients [103] , indicating intimal hyperplasia   needed to test whether ENG can be used as a target
           in MMD. The expression of ENG and HIF-1 are        for developing new therapies for the treatment of
           increased  in  the  intima  of  MMD  patients [103] .  In   cerebrovascular diseases.
           addition, TGFβ3 expression was also detected, which
           was predominantly in the endothelium and was co-   CONCLUSION
           localized with HIF-1 and ENG [103] . Although the study
           did not find an association between cerebral blood   In summary, ENG plays a critical role in angiogenesis,
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