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Cui et al.                                                                                                                                                    Diagnosis and treatment of meningeal carcinomatosis

           by Siefert in 1902.  This disease  was uncommon  at   meninges directly.
           that  time,  and  usually  confirmed  by  autopsies.  In
           the  past few  decades, 10-30% of  people with solid   DIAGNOSIS
           tumors  progress  to  nervous system  metastasis,  with
           4-15%  developing into MC. [6,7]  The  metastases most   The diagnosis of MC may be confirmed on the basis
           frequently  come from carcinoma  of the breast, lung,   of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network
           gastrointestinal tract, and melanoma. Adenocarcinoma   guidelines. [13]  The guidelines indicated that any one
           is the most common histologic types.  This disorder   of the criteria listed below are sufficient to diagnose
           is easy to be misdiagnosed  because of the diverse   MC;  positive  CSF  cytology;  neuroimaging  findings
           clinical manifestations and lack of specificity.   consistent with MC, supportive clinical  signs and
                                                              symptoms  and  a  nonspecific  but  abnormal  CSF
           This article systematically reviewed the epidemiology,   changes (increased white blood cell count, decreased
           pathogenesis,   clinical  manifestation,  auxiliary  glucose, and high protein concentration) in patients
           examination, diagnosis, treatment and prognostic   suffering from tumor. Despite substantial false negative
           aspects.                                           rate,  CSF  cytology  remains  the  gold  diagnostic
                                                              standard. In addition to the cytological/neuroimaging/
           EPIDEMIOLOGY                                       clinical  diagnosis,  other  CSF  parameters  such  as
                                                              β-glucuronidase, creatine-kinase BB isoenzyme (CK-
           With  the  development of imaging  technique  and   BB),  etc. may be regarded as adjuvant diagnosing
           therapies,  the  survival  time  of  patients  with  MC  is   for MC and are also used to monitor the treatment
           prolonged and the incidence of MC is growing.      response.  Furthermore,  the  diagnostic  value  of  the
           MC can occur secondary to tumors have not been     tumor-derived cell-free DNA in the CSF is promising
           discovered and in antitumor therapy, which was most   and may improve the diagnostic yield of CSF analysis.
           common in older individuals. About 4-7% of patients
           with  solid  tumor  suffer  meningeal  metastasis, [9-11]    Clinical characteristics
           with lung cancer (9-25%), gastrointestinal tumor   Multiple interrelated events result in clinical
           (4-14%), breast cancer  (2-5%)  and malignant      symptoms of MC, such as obstruction of CSF reflux
           melanoma (23%) as the most common causes. MC       leading to hydrocephalus, nutrient metabolism
           can be also detected clinically in 5-15% of patients   competition between neoplastic cells and normal
           with hematological malignancies (lymphomatosis     cells resulting in neurological function deficit, tumors
           or lymphomatous) and primary brain tumors          invasion of Vichow Robin Spaces. Most patients with
           (gliomatosis). [12]  However, there are still cancers   MC first presented with headache, nausea, vomiting,
           with an unknown primary (1-7%). Above all, MC is a   epilepsy,  cervical  radicular  pain,  hemiplegia  and
           relatively late event in carcinoma process.        unconsciousness. In a cohort of 60 patients with
                                                              breast cancer leptomeningeal metastases, headache
           PATHOPHYSIOLOGY                                    was  the  most  common  presenting  symptoms
                                                              (55%), followed by various cranial neuropathies
           In  many MC cases,  the damages can be seen in     and epilepsy (50% and 12%, respectively). Vertigo
           autopsies  as brain tissue edema, enlarged  cerebral   presented in 12 patients (20%). [14]  Classically, MC
           gyrus,   meningeal    congestion,   cerebrospinal  presents with  various clinical  signs and symptoms
           membrane greyish white in color, ventriculomegaly on   in three domains of neurologic function: the cerebral
           sectioning. Microscopically, tumor cells can be seen in   hemispheres; the cranial nerves; and the spinal cord
           the cerebrospinal membrane and subarachnoid space   and associated roots. [15]
           diffusely or focally, while nodules are not obtained in
           cerebral parenchyma.                               Headache,  nausea, vomiting are the most frequent
                                                              manifestations  of cerebral  hemisphere  dysfunction.
           Cancer cells may leave the primary tumor to        Other signs include hemiplegia, aphasia, changes in
           meningeal by following routes: malignant neoplasms   mental  status,  seizures  and  cognitive  impairments.
           cells  may  shift  to  subarachnoid  space  or  cerebral   However, simple focal ischemic  cerebral  injury  and
           ventricles  by  hematological  invasion,  with  later   non-communicating  hydrocephalus  are uncommon.
           spread  to  the  cerebrospinal  fluid  (CSF).  Both  the   Diplopia, hearing impairment, hemianopsia,  and
           perineural or  perivascular spaces and cranial or   trigeminal sensory  loss are common symptoms  of
           radicular  nerve  pathway  carry tumor  cells  to  dura   cranial nerve involvement with the VI  cranial nerve
           mater, leptomeninges, or the ependyma, leading to   being the most frequently impaired, followed by
           tumor deposits. Neoplastic cells may spread to the   cranial  nerve III  and IV.  The most frequent spinal
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