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Cui et al.                                                                                                                                                    Diagnosis and treatment of meningeal carcinomatosis

           Any stimulation of the pia mater, such as subarachnoid   Moreover,  lumboperitoneal  shunting may  also be a
           blood, infection and cancer can produce enhancement   therapeutic option in relieving  clinical symptoms of
           of MRI. Lumbar puncture itself can induce a meningeal   intracranial hypertension in MC. [47,48]   There are two
           reaction resulting in leptomeningeal enhancement, so   types of reservoirs  that be generally  inserted  in a
           it would be better to conduct MRI examination prior the   region in the right frontal lobe: the Rickham reservoir,
           procedure.   Nevertheless,  negative  findings  cannot   which be placed over a burr hole, and the Ommaya
           be excluded the diagnosis of MC absolutely.        reservoir, a domed shape device that could be easily
                                                              palpated.  The objective is to ensure a more uniform
           Researches    on    radionuclide   using   either  distribution of the drug within the subarachnoid space
           111 Indiumdiethylenetriamine  penta-acetic acid or  Tc   and to improve the curative effect of drug.
           macroaggregated  albumin are  regarded as effective
           technique  of  choice  to  monitor  and  evaluate  CSF   Radiotherapy
           flow  dynamics. [39,40]   CSF  flow  blocks  have  been   Radiotherapy is an integral part of MC therapy
           demonstrated  in  30-70%  of patients  with  MC, with   for patients with a syndrome of cauda equina,
           blocks usually arises in the skull base, within the spine   coexisting parenchymal brain metastases and CSF
           and over  the cerebral convexities. [40,41]   Patients  with   flow  disturbance,  which  will  alleviate  symptoms,
           CSF flow obstruction confirmed by radionuclide show   reduce  bulky  tumors  volume  and  rectify  CSF  flow
           shorter survival time when compared with those with   obstructions. Irradiation range of the whole brain
           normal CSF flow. [42,43]  Managements of affected areas   irradiation  (WBRT)  include  the  cerebral  meninges,
           radiotherapy  to  the  location  of  CSF  flow  obstruction   basis  cranii,  basilar  cistern,  and  the  spinal  canal
           resume flow in 30% of patients with spinal affected and   to  the  plane  of  cervical  vertebrae  1  and  2.  WBRT
           in 50% of patients with intracranial involved. [44]  is usually recommended at a dose of 30-36 Gy in
                                                              fractions of 3 Gy, 40 Gy in 2 Gy fractions administered
           TREATMENT                                          to  patients  with  favorable  prognosis, [45]   for  cases
                                                              with a poor prognosis 5 × 4 Gy is an alternative
           Treatment of MC focuses on two aspects: therapy    to shortens the course of treatment. [50]  It relieved
           toward meningeal involvement and toward the primary   pain and alleviated nervous system symptom but
           cancer. In other words, patients with MC were given   demonstrated  no  benefit  to  improve  survival. [34]
           meningeal involvement therapy based on the primary   Craniospinal  irradiation  is  rarely  administered  in
           cancer. As almost all patients with MC have been in   MC because of its significant bone marrow toxicity.
           advanced  stage at presentation, palliative  treatment   Focal  radiotherapy  can  be  administered  safely  in
           such as radiotherapy,  chemotherapy,  biotherapy and   patients with bulky disease and obstructive lesions
           molecular targeted therapy, etc. are usually the main   in short periods using a single dose via stereotactic
           treatment  for  primary tumor.  Current treatments  for   radiosurgery,  which  is  beneficial  for  patients  with
           meningeal  involvement  include  surgery, radiation   obvious syndrome of radicular pain and can result
           therapy (RT), systemic therapy, and intrathecal therapy,   in reduced use of pain medicine. [45]  In  general,
           molecular  targeted  therapy  and  immunotherapy.   symptoms usually can be controlled after RT. [51,52]
           Treatment should be targeted at alleviating  the
           neurological  symptoms, improving  the quality of life   Chemotherapy
           and prolonging the survival time for the patients with   Intrathecal therapy
           MC.  Therapy toward meningeal involvement mainly   Intrathecal chemotherapy is generally regarded as a
           from the following aspects introduced.             modality to evade the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and
                                                              blood-CSF barriers in MC. Four chemotherapy agents
           Surgery                                            are  received  FDA  approval  for  intrathecal  injection:
           The  main operative treatment  in MC is ventriculo-  methotrexate (MTX), cytosine arabinoside (Ara-C),
           peritoneal  shunting  for  hydrocephalus  due  to  CSF   liposomal Ara-C, and thiotepa, with methotrexate as
           circulatory disorders and implantation of intraventricular   the  broadest  used  drug  in  the  treatment  of  MC. As
           reservoir for administration of cytotoxic chemotherapy   antimetabolites, MTX and Ara-C are the firm rock in
           drugs. Communicating hydrocephalus often occurs in   medical practice for MC caused by any primary cancer
           patients with MC leading to symptoms of intracranial   in  decades.  Liposomal  Ara-C  has  similar  curative
           hypertension. Increased intracranial pressure can be   effect, but its advantage lies in decreased frequency
           relieved by surgery with a ventriculoperitoneal shunt to   of intrathecal injection.   Additionally,  trastuzumab
           improve clinical symptoms if hydrocephalus continues.   and topotecan has recently been used in intrathecal
           If  possible,  an on-off valve may be placed to permit   chemotherapy  in  MC  from  breast  cancer. [54-56]
           the  administration  of  intra-CSF  chemotherapy. [45,46]    Topotecan, an alkylating agent, showed variable
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