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Cui et al.                                                                                                                                                    Diagnosis and treatment of meningeal carcinomatosis

           study in patients with MC from NSCLC concluded that   treatment  group  were  higher  (64.3%  vs.  9.1%,  P
           adding systemic chemotherapy to combined intra-    =  0.012)  than  gefitinib  treatment  group  in  NSCLC
           CSF chemotherapy and radiotherapy did not improve   with MC. [100]  In addition, afatinib is an FDA-approved
           the survival time due to insensitivity of the type of   second-generation  EGFR  TKI  for  NSCLC  with
           cancer. [93]  Data from a retrospective study of 135   EGFR mutations and the effective treatment for CNS
           patients  showed  that the management  of systemic   metastasis (brain metastasis or MC) in NSCLC who
           chemotherapy is closely related to a longer survival   had an inadequate response to erlotinib or gefitinib. [101]
           time,  which  is  a  significant  positive  prognostic   However,  there  are  no  reports  of  the  curative  effect
           factors in patients with MC. [94]  However, the choice of   of afatinib in patients with MC who failed high-dose
           the systemic chemotherapy seems to be based not    EGFR TKI. Osimertinib (AZD9291), a third-generation
           only on the chemical sensitivity of the primary tumor   EGFR  TKI,  showed  effectiveness  in  an  in vivo MC
           but also on its ability to pass through the blood-brain-  model with a first-and second-generation EGFR TKI
           barrier and the effective concentrations of drug in the   resistant. [102]
           CSF,  which  can  image  the  chemical  characteristics
           of  the  systemic  agent.  Treatment  with  high-dose   Rearrangement of the  ALK gene is observed in
           intravenous MTX and cytarabine achieved therapeutic   around 4-5% of NSCLC patients. Identifying  ALK
           CSF levels in patients with hematological malignancy   rearrangement  is  important  because  patients  with
           and MC from breast cancer. [22]                    rearrangement of the  ALK gene can be effectively
                                                              treated with  ALK inhibitors. [103]   Crizotinib,  a  first-
           Myelosuppression is the dose-limiting factor of these   generation  ALK  inhibitor,  shows  poorly  BBB
           treatment  schedules.  Moreover, these  agents  are   permeability with a CSF-to-plasma ratio of 0.026, so
           toxic and limited by their narrow spectrum of activity   the CNS remains a frequent site of recurrence for ALK-
           in most solid tumors.                              positive  cases  treated  with  crizotinib. [104,105]   Several
                                                              case reports showed a higher brain-to-plasma ratio
           Molecular targeted therapy                         of  the  second-generation  ALK  inhibitors  (ceritinib  or
           Recently, the application of molecular targeted drugs   alectinib) compared to first-generation ALK inhibitors
           in the clinic have achieved breakthrough results in   and  better  efficacy  against  MC  for  ALK positive
           patients with MC who show mutations in the EGFR    patients with brain metastases. [106-108]  Evidence from
           gene or rearrangement of the anaplastic lymphoma   studies show that second-generation ALK inhibitors,
           kinase (ALK)  gene  in  lung  tumor,  amplification  of   especially ceritinib, may be treatment choices in MC
           human epidermal growth  factor  receptor  2 (HER2)   patients from ALK-positive NSCLC. [109]
           gene in breast cancer, and positivity of CD20 in B
           cell lymphoma.                                     Amplification  of  HER2  is found in about 15-20% of
                                                              breast cancer cases.
           Mutations in the  EGFR gene and rearrangement of
           the ALK gene are the two the most frequently studied   Trastuzumab  is  a  monoclonal  antibody  that  acts
           types  of  genetic  mutations  in  NSCLC.  Identification   via  the  HER2  receptor and  is  effective  for  patients
           of the mutation status of the  EGFR gene is crucial   with  HER2-positive breast cancer. [110]  However, the
           because  patients  harboring  EGFR  gene  mutations   effects have been limited due to BBB permeability in
           are highly sensitive to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor   MC. Stemmler et al.  found that the ratio of serum
           (TKI).  EGFR mutations are independent positive    trastuzumab to CSF trastuzumab in patients with brain
           prognostic factors in patients with NSCLC-related   metastases from breast  cancer was  420:1  before
           MC. [95,96]  Liao  et al.  indicated that MC patients   radiation, 76:1 after radiotherapy, and 49:1 in cases
           receiving EGFR TKI therapy with an EGFR mutation   with accompanied MC after radiotherapy. Trastuzumab
           showed longer overall survival compared with those   is a highly effective intrathecal chemotherapy agent
           without the mutation (10.9 months  vs. 2.3 months,   that can be used independently, or in combination
           P < 0.001). EGFR TKI can pass through the BBB at   with other drugs, for the management of MC from
           levels of 1-3%.  A study demonstrated that high-dose   HER2-positive breast cancer. [55,111,112]  Several studies
           gefitinib (750 or 1,000 mg daily) improves neurologic   revealed  that  intrathecal  trastuzumab  can  be  used
           symptoms  and  achieve  therapeutic  levels  in  CSF  in   safely and efficiently for HER2-postive breast cancer
           57% of NSCLC patients with MC who is sensitive to   patients with MC with a wide dose range of 4-150 mg. [113]
           EGFR TKI.  Erlotinib showed higher concentration in   Lapatinib, as a dual TKI of HER1 and HER2 is effective
           CSF (28.7 vs. 3.7 ng/mL, P = 0.0008) compared to   for  HER2-positive breast cancer patients who have
           gefitinib.  Moreover, a retrospective study indicated   progressed while on trastuzumab. [114,115]  Nevertheless,
           that  the  cytologic  transformation  rates  in  erlotinib   there has been no reported data on lapatinib for
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