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pathways that are important in eliminating microbes.   inhibitory effect on migration of neutrophils and
          C1 is only involved in the classical pathway;       reductive effect on neutrophil-related tissue damages
          inhibition C1 not only blocks the cytotoxicity      in a NMO model of mouse.  The authors further
          (CDC) and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity   observed that neutrophils enter the CNS within 24 h
          (ADCC) effect, but also saves the anti-infection    after onset,  suggesting that Sivelestat may be effective
          function of the alternative and lectin pathway. It   in the treatment of acute NMO.
          has been discovered that C1-inhibiting monoclonal
          antibody is sufficient for preventing NMO in mouse   Eosinophils infiltration into the demyelinating lesions is
          models. [33]  Another small-scale phase I clinical trial   another pathological hallmark of NMO.  Degranulation
          reported C1 esterase inhibitor significantly reduced   of mouse bone marrow-derived eosinophils significantly
          the EDSS score of patients with NMO, and no obvious   enhanced the AQP4-IgG-mediated ADCC and CDC effect
          side effects showed up. [34]  So the selective inhibition   in cultured spinal cord slices, indicating eosinophils
          of the classical complement pathway is hypothesized   granules are involved in the pathogenic process of
          as  another  more  promising  and  safer  complement-  NMO.  In the same study, cetirizine, the second
          targeted therapy.                                   generation of antihistamine, reduces tissue damage in a
                                                              NMO model of mouse, which may be another option to
          Inhibition of IL-6-IL-6 receptor signaling          control NMO. [48]
          A few studies have indicated that interleukin 6
          (IL-6), increasing in NMO during relapse phase, is   CONCLUSION
          a potent driver of NMO relapsing to enhance the     Corticosteroids, azathioprine, mycophenolate mofetil
          survival of plasma blast and secretion of AQP4-     and  rituximab  are  still  the  first-line  therapy  for
          IgG. [15,35-37]  Tocilizumab, an IL-6 receptor blocking   NMO. With the dramatically increasing knowledge
          antibody, reduced the survival of AQP4-IgG-         of NMO, a variety of novel therapies are under test
          secreting plasma blast and reduced NMO relapse.     and development, including complement-targeted
          A few  case reports showed that  tocilizumabhasa    therapy, IL-6 targeted therapy, restoring the stability
          positive impact on the patients’ condition due to its   of BBB and granulocytes inhibition, etc. The ultimate
          ability of suppressing the CD20-plasma cells and    goal of NMO therapeutics is to develop a highly
          decreasing  the  titer  of  AQP4-IgG, [38-40]   suggesting   selective, low side effect therapy. This is challenging
          tocilizumab is a promising alternative therapy for   since clinical experience of treating NMO, a rare
          aggressive, immunosuppressive agents-refractory     disease,  is  limited.  So  multiple-center,  large-scale
          patients. Clinical trials in large scale are needed to   randomized controlled trials for treatment-naïve
          examine the effectiveness and safety of tocilizumab   patients  are  needed  to  review  the  efficacy  of  these
          in NMO treatment.                                   therapeutic approaches.

          Restoring stability of blood brain barrier          Acknowlegments
          Elevated level of albumin was detected in the CSF   This work was supported by the New Clinical Technique
          of patients with NMO during relapse, indicating the   or Program of Tangdu Hospital in 2013 and 2014.
          stability  of  BBB  is  damaged  in  the  acute  phase  of
          NMO.  A few studies reported serum from AQP4-IgG    Financial support and sponsorship
          positive patients increases the permeability of artificial   Nil.
          BBB and reduces the expression of tight junction
          proteins. [42,43]  Although the specific mechanism still   Conflicts of interest
          remains unclear, majority of studies strongly suggested   There are no conflicts of interest.
          that the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) [42]
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