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           firstly used in treatment acute leukemia and other   Cree et al.  firstly reported that RTX is refractory to
           malignancies. The potent ability of suppressing the   other immunosuppressive agents in an open labeled
           development of some lymphocytes, especially B cells,   trial of treatment of NMO. In  this  study,  RTX  was
           guaranteed the therapeutic effect in treatment of some   infused weekly at 375 mg/m  for 4 weeks followed by
           autoimmune diseases, such as aggressive relapsing MS.   1,000 mg reinfusion if CD19+ B cells were detectable
           It was reported in 2006 among 5 patients with NMO.    in the peripheral blood. Positive curative  effect was
           Although 2 patients experienced relapse during a    observed in all cases with significant reduction of
           2-year follow-up period, 4 of them benefited from the   ARR (2.6 to 0) and EDSS (7.5 to 5.5). In another 5-year
           treatment (12 mg/m  monthly for 6 months and 3 cycles   prospective study, Kim et al.  reported that 26 of 30
           at 3-month interval for maintenance) and 3 gained long-  patients benefited from the treatment with a reduction
           term remission. In another case, Kim et al.  reported   of ARR and stabilization of EDSS 18 patients totally
           that 20 NMO patients infused with methotrexate (3-6   recovered in 24 months.
           monthly cycles of 12 mg/m  followed by 6-12 mg/m
           maintenance doses) showed a reduction of ARR (2.8 to   Dose-dependent strategies have been exploded in the
           0.7) and EDSS (5.6 to 4.4).                         treatment of NMO. Generally, there are two different
                                                               regimens: one is discussed above in Cree’s study while
           Methotrexate                                        the other one is 1 g infusion at an interval of 2 weeks for
           Methotrexate  inhibits  purine  and  thymidylate    twice. The dose of RTX was adopted from the treatment
           synthesis. A retrospective case of 14 NMO/NMOSD     of B-cell malignancies which is considerably expensive
           patients treated with methotrexate at a median dose   and has a high probability of occurrence of side effects.
           of 17.5 mg weekly showed a significant decrease of   A Chinese group reported that repeated infusion with
           ARR from 1.39 to 0.18. However, 13 out of 14 patients   reduced dosage of RTX to five patients with NMO/
           were co-treated with other immunosuppressive        NMOSD was very effective in modulation of peripheral
           agents: oralprednisolone (n = 11), rituximab (n = 1),   B cells and prevention of relapse.  The regimen was
           or tacrolimus (n = 1), and the impact of these remains   100 mg per week for consecutive 3 weeks. One hundred
           unknown. [26]                                       milligram of RTX was reinfused when the percentage
                                                               of the B cells circulation reached 1%. None of the 5
           Oral corticosteroids                                patients experienced relapse during the 1-year follow-
           In addition to intravenous administration of        up period. The median EDSS score slightly decreased
           high dose for acute exacerbation, low dose of oral   from 4.5 to 4, while all the patients got a significant
           corticosteroids have been shown to be effective     functional improvement after therapy. Despite the
           in maintaining long-term remission. A cohort        fact that this study indicated that responsiveness may
           of 25 Japanese patients, receiving low-dose         achieve in a lower dose in Asian patients, further
           prednisolone (2.5-20.0 mg daily) as monotherapy     investigations with a sufficient number of patients are
           was retrospectively evaluated in a median period    needed.
           of 19.3 months. Results showed that ARR declined    OTHERPROMISING THERAPIES
           from 1.48 to 0.49. Meanwhile, this study indicated
           the therapeutic effect was dose-dependent. Patients   Complement-targeted therapy
           receiving less than 10 mg/day were more susceptible   As discussed above, complement activation pays an
           to relapse. [27]                                    important role in the pathogenesis of NMO. Eculizumab,
                                                               a humanized monoclonal anti-complement C5
           Rituximab                                           antibody,  inhibits  its  cleavage  by  C5  convertase  and
           Rituximab  (RTX) is  a  chimeric  mouse/human       subsequently blocks the complement cascade. In an
           anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody  that specifically    open label clinical trial of 14 patients, intravenously
           depletes peripheral CD20-positive B cells. This     administration of 900 mg eculizumab every 2 weeks
           antibody binds to the surface antigen on B cells    significantly reduced ARR and improved the patients’
           and activates complement-dependent cytotoxicity     neurological deficits.  Twelve of 14 patients got no
           and  antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity.   relapse after 12-month treatment, however one patient
           It was firstly used in the treatment of lymphomas   got meningococcal sepsis and sterile meningitis. In
           and leukemia. Recently, RTX has been reported to be   spite of this preliminary finding, the efficacy and
           effective in  treating certain autoimmune disorders   safety of eculizumab should be further reviewed.
           such  as  rheumatoid  arthritis.   RTX  potently
           suppresses autoimmune reaction by blocking the      C5 is the key molecule of all the three complement
           differentiation of B cells into plasma cells, antigen   pathways. The infectious adverse effect above  was
           expression and release of cytokines simultaneously.   likely due to the inhibition of the alternative and lectin

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