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studies have shown Ets-1 to play a role in the     rupture of intracranial aneurysms. Multiple studies
           regulation of vascular inflammation, pathologic    have demonstrated increased levels of TNF-α within
           remodeling, and angiogenesis. [66-69]  Aoki  et  al. [65]    the cerebral circulation in response to injury or
           demonstrated upregulation and activation of Ets-1 in   ischemia. [87,88]  Elevated levels of TNF-α mRNA have
           intracerebral aneurysm VSMCs, strongly implicating   been demonstrated in intracranial aneurysms with
           this inflammatory transcription factor in aneurysm   reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. [89]
           evolution.                                         Plasma TNF-α is also increased in aneurysm patients
                                                              while additional authors have reported an association
           Vascular smooth muscle cells in a secretory state generate   between single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the TNF-α
           increased monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1),   gene and an increased risk of aneurysm incidence and
           a chemokine involved in the attraction and migration of   rupture. [90-94]
           monocytes and macrophages to areas of damaged tunica
           media. [70]  MCP-1 upregulation has been demonstrated   Tumor necrosis factor-α is a well-established mediator of
           in the early stages of cerebral aneurysm formation in   inflammation and apoptosis, working through multiple
           rat models, and MCP-1 blockade resulted in decreased   receptors to modulate various cellular responses to
           macrophage infiltration and aneurysm progression. [71,72]    injury. Tumor necrosis factor-α receptor 1 (TNFR1)
           Chalouhi et al. [73]  reported high levels of MCP-1 in the   primarily binds the soluble form of TNF-α and plays a
           lumen of unruptured cerebral aneuryms, implicating   central role in TNF-α-induced cellular signaling. [95,96]
           this chemokine in early aneurysm formation.        Importantly, TNFR1 contains a death domain that plays
                                                              a  role in TNF-α-mediated  apoptosis. [97,98]   A second
           Normal maintenance of the extracellular matrix     receptor, TNFR2, is activated by membrane-bound
           is dependent on the balance between MMPs           TNF-α and primarily found  on endothelial and
           and their inhibitors, tissue inhibitors of matrix   immunomodulatory cells. Activation of TNFR1 signals
           metalloproteinases  (TIMPs). [52]  Imbalance in this   apoptosis through the activation of the Fas-associated
           system results in excessive breakdown of the collagen   death domain  (FADD), which in turn, binds and
           and elastin of the extracellular matrix and resultant   activates pro-caspase 8. Ultimately, this pathway leads
           vessel wall weakening, a key contributor to aneurysm   to the activation of multiple proteases that result in
           development and rupture. MMPs and TIMPs have been   apoptosis. Jayaraman et al.  postulate that a complex
           linked to the development of atherosclerotic lesions   interaction between TNF-α and both receptors induces
           and the genesis of abdominal aortic aneurysms. [12,74-80]    and promotes aneurysm growth.Initially, endothelial
           Immunohistochemistry and western blotting have     activation is driven by TNFR2 and membrane-bound
           demonstrated the presence of MMPs within the walls of   TNF-α.  Activated  endothelial  cells  generate  high
           intracranial aneurysms. [81,82]  In SAH patients, elevated   concentrations of soluble TNF-α, which interacts with
           serum MMP-9 levels have been documented, with      the TNFR1, leading to endothelial cell dysfunction
           normalization occurring by postbleed day 12.  Cigarette   and death. Endothelial cell death, in turn, creates
           smoke, a well-established, inflammatory stimulus for   increased vascular permeability, thereby creating
           aneurysm initiation and growth, has been demonstrated   multiple pathways for macrophage infiltration, MMP
           to induce macrophage differentiation and increased   generation, and loss of the VSMC layer. An additional
           release of MMP-2/9. [84]  In a comparison of smokers and   receptor, tTNF-Rp55, initiates apoptosis through the
           nonsmokers, the carotids of smokers demonstrated   induction of caspases. [89]  The TNF-Rp55 also induces
           elevated levels of MMPs and a decreased concentration   the recruitment and activation of caspases through
           of TIMPs and elastin compared to nonsmokers. [85]  interaction  with  the  FADD  protein. [99]   Documented
                                                              increased expression of the FADD protein in human
           Laboratory investigations also support derangement   aneurysms also supports TNF-α-mediated apoptosis
           of MMP and TIMP interactions as a key component    as a causative factor in aneurysm formation. [89]
           in the aneurysm pathogenesis. In a rat model, Aoki
           et al. [51]  demonstrated increased levels of MMP-2 and   Tumor  necrosis  factor-α  also  appears  to  play  an
           MMP-9 in aneurysm walls, with increasing expression   important role in the pathologic VSMC changes
           as aneurysms progressed. Ali et al. [86]  reported MMP   observed in aneurysm formation and rupture, driving
           stimulation by cigarette smoke extract in rat cerebral   these cells to change from a contractile to a synthetic
           VSMCs in vitro and in carotid VSCMs in vivo.       and pro-inflammatory phenotype. Furthermore, the
                                                              secretory phenotype of VSMCs participates in the
           TUMOR NECROSIS FACTOR‑α                            secretion of TNF-α when exposed to inflammatory
                                                              stimuli. [100,101]  Ali  et  al. [102]  demonstrated TNF-α to
           Tumor necrosis factor-α has emerged as a potential key   suppress expression of contractile genes and induce
           contributor in the generation, growth, and eventual   the expression of pro-inflammatory genes in VSMCs

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