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and vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) dysfunction   ENDOTHELIAL CELL DYSFUNCTION, VASCULAR
           are detailed and examined in relation to vascular   REMODELING, AND INFLAMMATION
           remodeling. The contribution of multiple cytokines
           to a sustained pathologic inflammatory state and their   Vascular remodeling is a complex process that is driven,
           influence on aneurysm formation are outlined. Special   in large part, by hemodynamic stresses along vessel
           emphasis is placed on a key inflammatory mediator,   walls. [18]  The propensity for aneurysms to form at
           tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α). The contribution of   vessel branch points and the association of aneurysms
           inflammatory cell infiltration, particularly the potential   with environmental stimuli known to disrupt vascular
           of macrophage-mediated rupture, is detailed. Finally,   integrity (smoking, hypertension) highlights the role
           future  therapeutic  implications  of  pharmacologic   of abnormal blood flow and shear stress in aneurysm
           modulation of the inflammatory response are discussed.  formation. [17]  High wall shear stress has been shown to
                                                              initiate activation of the inflammatory response. [20-22]
           INTRACRANIAL ANEURYSMS AND THE                     Central to this process is the endothelial cells, which
           INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE                              act as an interface between blood flow and the vessel
                                                              wall. [17]  Through the process of mechanotransduction,
           Multiple studies have identified various risk factors for   these cells respond to the mechanical stimuli of
           aneurysmal expansion and rupture.  Genetics plays an   shear, stretch, and flow by altering their physical
           important role, with approximately 10% of SAH patients   structure and initiating biologic signaling. [23-25]  Multiple
           having two or more family members also affected by   mechanical sensors have been identified, including,
           unruptured or ruptured aneurysms. [6,7]  The propensity   ion channels, integrins, cell adhesion molecules, and
           for SAH within specific ethnic groups, particularly the   G protein-coupled receptors at the apical and basal
           Finish and Japanese populations, further highlights the   surfaces of endothelial cells. [26-29]  Activation of these
           contribution of genetics. [8,9]  Gender also appears to play   sensors initiates intracellular cascades that result in a
           a role, as women appear to more frequently develop   sustained inflammatory response [Table 1].
           intracranial aneurysms and perhaps suffer from ruptured
           aneurysms more often than men. [10,11]  Environmental   Aoki et al. [30]  demonstrated a direct link between shear
           factors, particularly smoking, have been clearly linked   stress and activation of the inflammatory cascade

           to a higher incidence of SAH. [11]  Additional studies   in a rat model. Cyclooxygenase-2  (COX-2) activity,
           have linked binge drinking to aneurysm rupture. [12,13]    which is induced by hemodynamic force, generates
           Chronically uncontrolled hypertension clearly correlates   prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), leading to activation of the
           with aneurysm formation in animal models and clinical   pro-inflammatory mediator nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB).
           studies have identified hypertension as a risk factor for   Inflammation  is  then  sustained  through  a  positive
           aneurysmal SAH. [10,11,14-16]                      feedback loop containing PGE2 and NF-κB, creating
                                                              an environment in which vessel wall degradation
           Due to the variability in contributing risk factors,   can occur. Inhibition of COX-2 or loss of the PGE2 Rp
           attempts have been made to identify a unifying     suppressed NF-κB-mediated chronic inflammation
           underlying pathophysiologic mechanism that         and was associated with a decreased incidence of
           promotes aneurysm formation and rupture.  There    cerebral aneurysms. Additional support for the role of
           is a tremendous mounting body of evidence that the   NF-κB-mediated pathways in inflammation-induced
           inflammatory response represents a common endpoint   aneurysm formation is found in diminished aneurysm
           that drives aneurysm evolution, which is succinctly   formation and growth in rats treated with statins, which
           summarized as initiation of development, growth,   inhibit NF-κB activity. [31-33]
           and potential rupture. [17]  Hemodynamic stress and
           disruption of blood flow, oxidative stress, injurious   Evidence  also  exists  that  implicates angiogenesis
           environmental elements (i.e. cigarette smoking and   secondary to  inflammation-driven endothelial cell
           cocaine), and pro-inflammatory genetic alterations   dysfunction as a significant contributor to aneurysm
           all initiate a sustained and pathologic inflammatory   formation. The presence of angiogenic growth factors,
           response. [18,19]  As a result, the intracranial vasculature   including, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
           is subjected to endothelial cell dysfunction, elevated   and basic fibroblast growth factor, within aneurysm
           inflammatory  cell  infiltration,  detrimental changes   walls has been well documented within the literature.
           within the tunica media, and exposure to increased   In pathologic states VEGF induces changes in the
           concentrations of proteases. These processes lead to   endothelium leading to increased permeability at
           weakening, dilation, and remodeling of the vessel walls,   intercellular junctions and activation of pathways
           which are key components in aneurysm formation and   resulting in the breakdown of the tunica media and
           rupture.                                           extracellular matrix. [35,36]  Importantly, VEGF may also

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