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Table 2: Most relevant DTI studies about alterations in WM integrity and suicidal behavior
           Authors    Study   Sample        Main results           Limitations                 Conclusion
           Olvet et al. [15]  Cross‑   13 suicide   Suicide attempters reported   The small sample size did not   WM abnormalities
                      sectional  attempters   lower FA relative to MDD   allow the generalization of findings.   may contribute to
                              with MDD, 39   non‑attempters and HP in the   HP group was younger than the   functional deficits
                              non‑attempters   DLPFC. A significant cluster   non‑attempter group. The most   associated with
                              with MDD, and   within the right DLPFC has   recent suicide attempt ranged   suicidal behavior
                              46 HP         been confirmed according to   from 19 days to 39 years before
                                            uncorrected TBSS findings.   the DTI scan. The possible effect
                                            No differences in ADC when   of medications (antidepressants)
                                            comparing the three groups   should be not excluded. Finally, the
                                            using ROI or TBSS methods   cross‑sectional nature of this study
                                            were found             should be considered a further
                                                                   additional limitation
           Lopez‑     Cross‑   40 veterans with   Left and right thalamic   The small sample size did not allow   Thalamic
           Larson     sectional  mild TBI and no   volumes were reported as   the generalization of findings. Of   enlargement and
           et al. [16]        SB, 19 veterans   significantly increased in   note, the study included only male   increased FA in
                              with mild TBI   those with TBI and a history   subjects. The cross‑sectional nature  subjects with TBI
                              and a history of   of SB compared to the HP,   of this study should be considered a   and a history of
                              SB, and 15 HP  TBI and a history of SB, and   further additional limitation  SB suggested that
                                            the combined group. Veterans                       this region may
                                            with TBI and a history of SB                       be considered a
                                            had increased FA bilaterally                       potential biomarker of
                                            compared to the HP, HP and                         suicidal behavior
                                            TBI with a history of SB group,
                                            and the TBI with a history of
                                            SB only group. Significant
                                            positive associations were
                                            found for bilateral ATR and
                                            BIS in those with TBI and a
                                            history of SB
           Yurgelun‑   Cross‑   Fifteen male   A significant reduction in FA   The small sample size did not allow   A potential
           Todd et al. [17]  sectional  veterans with   values of the left cingulum and  the generalization of findings. The   neurobiological
                              TBI and 17    left/total genu was observed   cross‑sectional nature of this study   vulnerability to
                              matched HP    in the TBI group compared to   should be considered a further   suicidal risk may
                                            HP. Subjects with TBI were   additional limitation  be mediated by the
                                            more likely to have higher                         significant reduction
                                            impulsivity than HP. A positive                    in FA of frontal WM
                                            correlation between current                        tracts in veterans with
                                            suicidal ideation, impulsivity,                    mild TBI associated
                                            and total and right cingulum                       with both impulsivity
                                            FA has been observed                               and suicidality
           Jia et al. [123]  Cross‑   63 patients with   Both groups of depressed   The study may be limited in terms of  WM alterations of
                      sectional  MDD (23 with   patients had reduced fiber   power to examine variability in brain   frontothalamic circuits
                              and 40 without a   projections through the   anatomy concerning any specific   may contribute to
                              history of suicide  ALIC to the left medial   method of suicide attempts, specific   cognitive/affective
                              attempts) and   frontal cortex, orbitofrontal   previous treatments, or number of   deficits increasing
                              46 HP         cortex, and thalamus. Those   previous attempts and depressive   vulnerability for
                                            with a history of suicide   episodes. Personality has not   suicidal behavior in
                                            attempts were more likely   been evaluated. According to DTI   depressed patients
                                            to have alterations in the   analyses, the ability of the present
                                            left orbitofrontal cortex and   study to distinguish the directionality
                                            thalamus than those without a   of altered fiber tracts is very
                                            history of suicide attempts  limited. Furthermore, the degree to
                                                                   which alterations in the ALIC are
                                                                   restricted to the left hemisphere
                                                                   needs to be evaluated. Finally, the
                                                                   present findings may be not able to
                                                                   establish the direction of causality
           ADC: apparent diffusion coefficient; ALIC: left anterior limb of the internal capsule; ATR: anterior thalamic radiations; BD: bipolar disorder; BIS: Barratt Impulsiveness
           Scale; DTI: diffusion tensor imaging; DLPFC: dorsomedial prefrontal cortex; FA: fractional anisotropy; HP: healthy participants; MDD: major depressive disorder;
           ROI: region of interest; SB: suicidal behavior; TBI: traumatic brain injury; TBSS: tract‑based spatial statistics; WM: white matter

           Some limitations potentially contributing to the   possible confounding variables  (such as vascular
           lack of consistency of the present findings need to   risk factors) together with history of substance abuse/
           be addressed. First, WMHs in patients with MDD     dependence  and  prior  mood  episodesas  as  well  as
           should be interpreted as an extreme consequence of   the burden of comorbidities. Another important
           underlying microstructural dysfunctions affecting   caveat regards the use of psychotropic medications
           brain  connectivity.  Second,  most  studies  did  not   potentially influencing both the presence and severity
           assess patients for the presence and severity of   of WM lesions.

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