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when investigating 23 single‑episode, medication‑naive   the anterior cingulum, forceps minor, and left SLF in
           MDD subjects relative to 21 healthy controls.      patients receiving ECT compared to healthy controls.
                                                              The authors also reported significant reductions in
           Lower FA values in the bilateral medial frontal gyri,   radial and mean diffusivity of the anterior thalamic
           right subgyral frontal and temporal lobes, left middle   radiation related to therapeutic response in MDD
           frontal, and cingulate gyri have been reported by   patients. In another DTI study, Taylor et al. [98]  suggested
           Ouyang et al. [91]  in 18 MDD patients compared to 18   that 74 subjects who were responders to Sertraline
           controls.                                          reported higher FA values in the superior frontal gyri
                                                              and anterior cingulate cortices bilaterally; however,
           Abnormalities of WM integrity, especially within   there is no significant association between apparent
           cortical‑subcortical neural circuits, have been suggested   diffusion coefficient measures and remission.
           to play a key role in the pathophysiology of MDD.
           Reduced FA values in the left WM anterior limb of the   Furthermore, Nobuhara et al.  reported improvements
           internal capsule (ALIC), right parahippocampal gyrus,   of WM integrity in frontal brain regions after ECT
           and left posterior cingulate cortex in 25 first‑episode,   treatment in 8 late‑life depressed patients with
           treatment‑naive young adult MDD patients compared   significant  frontal  and  temporal  FA  reductions
           with 25 healthy controls have been reported by     compared with 12 healthy age‑matched controls.
           Zhu et al. [92]  Interestingly, the severity of depressive
           symptoms was negatively correlated with the reduced   In another report, Wang et al. [33]  suggested a significant
           FA values of the left ALIC suggesting a crucial role of   reduction of the 17‑item Hamilton depression rating
           this brain region in the pathogenesis of MDD.      scale in 21 depressed patients after 4‑week guided
                                                              imagery  psychotherapy.  Significantly  increased  FA
           Lamar et al. [93]  reported an association between WM   in the right thalamus was reported in depressed
           damage and endorsed depressive symptoms in 79      individuals compared to healthy controls. Changes
           euthymic older adults whereas Zou et al. [94]  observed   in WM have been also described after left repetitive
           a significant decrease in FA of the left hemisphere,   transcranial magnetic stimulation by Kozel et al. [100]  A
           including the left ALIC and inferior parietal portion   mean (although not significant) increase was found in
           of the SLF in 45 patients with MDD compared with   the left prefrontal WM in 8 depressed patients.
           45 healthy controls. Finally, lower FA of the rostral/
           dorsal anterior cingulate, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex,   Recently, Hoogenboom et al. [28]  found that failure to
           genu of the corpus callosum, WM adjacent to the    achieve remission was associated with lower medial
           hippocampus, multiple posterior cingulate cortex   body  of the fornix FA among 92 MDD patients  (of
           regions, and insular WM, neostriatum and midbrain   which 29 were nonremitters, 26 partial‑remitters, and
           together with temporal and parietal regions were found   37 full‑remitters).
           in 23 individuals who failed to remit compared to
           25 patients who recovered from depression. [95]    Not all studies supported the existence of WM alterations
                                                              as assessed using DTI techniques in MDD patients. Choi
           Meta‑analytic evidence of DTI studies  also confirmed   et al. [30]  found no significant differences in FA, radial
           the association between WM integrity abnormalities   diffusivity, mean diffusivity, and axonal diffusivity
           and MDD. Reduced FA in the WM fascicles connecting   using voxel‑based morphometry or tract‑based spatial
           the prefrontal cortex within cortical (frontal, temporal   statistics approach in 134 medication‑free MDD patients
           and occipital lobes) and subcortical areas (amygdala   compared to 54 healthy controls.
           and hippocampus) supported the involvement of
           these brain areas in the pathogenesis of MDD. Similar   Moreover, Bezerra  et  al. [101]  reported no significant
           findings were reported in a previous meta‑analysis when   differences among FA or mean diffusivity values between
           Murphy and Frodl [97]  found reduced WM FA values in   depressed and non‑depressed elderly individuals
           SLF and increased FA values in the fronto‑occipital   with or without mild/moderate MDD. Abe  et al. [102]
           fasciculus in depressed patients compared to controls.  also suggested no significant difference between 21
                                                              right‑handed patients and 42 age‑ and gender‑matched
           There are also DTI studies demonstrating the positive   controls for FA and whole WM volume. Only a trend
           effect of treatments on WM integrity in patients with   of negative correlation between FA and total days in
           MDD. Lyden et al.  suggested that WM microstructure   the right anterior cingulate and left frontal WM was
           abnormalities in frontal and limbic regions of     reported in this study.
           20 MDD patients are modulated by electroconvulsive
           therapy (ECT). They found significant FA increases   Similarly, Kieseppä  et  al. [103]  investigated 16 MDD
           of  the  dorsal  fronto‑limbic  circuits  encompassing   patients and found only a trend for lower values of FA

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