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Table 1: Most relevant studies about the association between WM abnormalities and affective temperaments in
           patients with MDD and suicidal behavior
           Authors   Study   Sample   Main results             Limitations                     Conclusion
           Picerni   Cross‑   100     NS scores as assessed by TCI   The study has been conducted on   The cerebellum may
           et al. [108]  sectional  healthy   were associated positively with   healthy individuals. The possible causal   be a critical structure
                             individuals cerebellar gray matter volumes   link between cerebellar structures and   implicated in novelty
                                      and FA, and negatively with   novelty‑related behaviors has not been   related behaviors
                                      gray matter mean diffusivity.   investigated. The cross‑sectional nature
                                      Harm Avoidance, Reward   of this study should also be considered a
                                      Dependence or Persistence   further additional limitation
                                      scores were not associated
                                      with cerebellar structural
           Laricchiuta   Cross‑   125   Increased bilateral caudate   The study has been conducted on healthy   Subjects with a
           et al. [109]  sectional  healthy   and pallidum volumes have   subjects. Finally, the cross‑sectional nature  micro‑structure
                             adults   been associated with higher NS   of this study should be considered a further  of putamen
                                      scores together with increased   additional limitation   characterized by
                                      MD in the bilateral putamen                              higher MD values
                                      associated with higher HA                                may be considered
                                      scores as assessed by TCI. The                           more vulnerable
                                      biological variance associated                           in experiencing
                                      with NS or HA personality                                negative emotional
                                      phenotype may be at least                                states, withdrawal,
                                      partially explained by macro/                            and inhibition
                                      microstructural variations in the
                                      basal ganglia regions
           Bjørnebekk  Cross‑   263   Increased RD was associated   The study has been conducted on healthy   WM microstructure
           et al. [110]  sectional  healthy   with decreased FA in anterior   individuals. Altered reward processing   frontostriatal and
                             adults   regions including frontostriatal   should be assessed in patients with major   frontolimbic circuits
                                      and frontolimbic circuits.   neuropsychiatric disorders. Finally, the   may account for
                                      Higher RD was associated   cross‑sectional nature of this study should   variability in RD
                                      with decreased microstructural   be considered a further additional limitation
                                      integrity of the brain WM as
                                      demonstrated by negative
                                      associations between RD and
                                      FA. NS and DTI indices were
                                      not associated
           Weber     2‑year   28 EOD   Increased Neuroticism   The study was limited by the loss of 24%   The long‑term
           et al. [104]  follow‑up  elderly   factor, Anxiety facet scores,   of the participants at follow‑up and the   evolution of
                             patients   decreased Warmth and Positive   reduced sample size. The number of   MDD may be
                             and 48   Emotions facet scores have   relapses between baseline and follow‑up   characterized by
                             HP       been observed at baseline   time points, or separate comparisons   the trait like marker
                                      but reached the level of HP   of recurrent vs. single episode EOD   depression‑related
                                      at follow‑up. Conversely,   cases have not been considered. Finally,   personality facet
                                      significantly higher depression   the study did not provide an additional
                                      facet scores were found in   comparison group of patients with LOD
                                      EOD patients than HP at both
                                      baseline and after 2 years
                                      independently of depressive
           Westlye   Cross‑   263     Increased HA has been    The study has been conducted on healthy   Structural
           et al. [111]  sectional  healthy   associated with reduced FA and   subjects. Alterations in axonal density and   corticolimbic
                             adults   increased MD and RD in WM   membranes together with architecture of   connectivity
                                      corticolimbic tracts     the insulating myelin sheaths have been   may mediate
                                                               proposed as candidate mechanisms   anxiety‑related
                                                               underlying HA although histological   aspects of
                                                               data were not available. Finally, the   personality.
                                                               cross‑sectional nature of this study should   Reduced WM
                                                               be considered a further additional limitation  integrity may reflect
                                                                                               higher susceptibility
                                                                                               to psychiatric
           Van       Cross‑   68 female  A correlation between   The study has been conducted on healthy   Individual variations
           Schuerbeek  sectional  volunteers temperamental traits as   individuals. DTI techniques were not used.   in brain morphology
           et al. [112]               assessed by TCI and WM   Environmental factors such as learning   may be associated
                                      volume has been reported.   and training that may be influenced by   with temperament
                                      Specifically, a link between   personality have been not controlled.   and character
                                      cooperativeness and WM   Finally, the cross‑sectional nature of this   dimensions
                                      volume of the medial frontal   study should be considered a further
                                      and precentral gyrus has been   additional limitation

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