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Table 1: Contd...
           Authors   Study   Sample   Main results             Limitations                     Conclusion
           Serafini   Cross‑   247    48% of patients had      The small sample size did not allow the   Differences among
           et al. [106]  sectional  subjects   periventricular WMHs and 39%   generalization of the present findings.   temperamental
                             with major  had deep WMHs. Patients with   The association between the lethality/  groups measured
                             affective   higher dysthymia and lower   number of suicide attempts and the   by the TEMPS‑A
                             disorders  hyperthymia were more likely   presence/severity of hyperintensities   are associated
                                      to have hopelessness, more   has not been explored. The cognitive   with differences
                                      WMHs, and more recent suicide   effects of medications were not taken into   in MRIs. Different
                                      attempts when compared with   consideration and represented a limitation.  temperamental
                                      patients with higher hyperthymia   Finally, the cross‑sectional nature of this   profiles are associated
                                      and lower dysthymia      study should be considered a further   with differences in the
                                                               additional limitation           subcortical structures
                                                                                               of the brain
           Weber     Cross‑   38 elderly  No significant group   Only EOD patients without psychiatric   Old EOD patients
           et al. [105]  sectional  remitted   differences were found in   and physical comorbidities have been   without major
                             patients   WMH rates between EOD and   selected. The study was limited by its   psychiatric remained
                             with EOD   HP. Conversely, EOD was   cross‑sectional nature       stable and free from
                             and 62   associated with significant                              cognitive impairment
                             HP       increase of Neuroticism and                              and structural/
                                      decrease of Extraversion                                 vascular alterations
                                      facet scores as assessed
                                      by Five‑Factor personality
           Kaasinen   Cross‑   42 healthy  A positive association has been   The study has been conducted on   High self‑
           et al. [113]  sectional  aged   observed between GM volume of  healthy subjects. The correlation between   transcendence,
                             adults   the temporal, parietal, and frontal  cooperativeness and CSF was significant   which has adaptive
                                      cortices, and self‑transcendence,  only after correction for age and gender.   advantages in the
                                      a personality trait reflecting   Moreover, it was possible that the relatively  later part of life,
                                      mature creativity and spiritualism  small differences of cooperativeness   is associated with
                                                               scores in healthy subjects have little impact  relatively greater
                                                               on behavior. Finally, the cross‑sectional   temporal cortical GM
                                                               nature of this study should be considered a  volumes
                                                               further additional limitation
           CSF: cerebrospinal fluid; EOD: early‑onset depression; FA: fractional anisotropy; GM: grey matter; HA: harm avoidance; HP: healthy participants; LOD: late‑onset
           depression; MD: mean diffusivity; NS: novelty seeking; RD: reward dependence; TCI: temperament and character inventory; TEMPS‑A: temperament evaluation of
           memphis; Pisa: Paris and San Diego‑auto‑questionnaire; WM: white matter; WMHs: white matter hyperintensities

           and affective temperaments in patients with MDD and   DTI techniques are undoubtedly able to more deeply
           suicidal behavior.                                 investigate the nature of abnormalities in WM integrity
                                                              among patients with MDD. According to DTI evidence,
           CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS AND MAIN LIMITATIONS         WM abnormalities have been re‑conceptualized as
                                                              microstructural damage related to vascular processes
           According to the selected findings of the present   that affect brain connectivity. [111]
           review derived by MRI studies, WMHs have been
           commonly reported and associated with a poor       Atherosclerotic or ischemic lesions, micro infarcts, [114,115]
           outcome and increased suicidality in patients with   demyelination,  cerebral edema,  [116]  astrocyte
           MDD. This has been independently confirmed by      proliferation and deposition of brain toxic materials  have
           DTI studies showing a robust association between   been commonly proposed as the underlying mechanisms
           WM microstructural abnormalities, MDD,  and        involved in the development of WM alterations. These
           suicidal behavior. Neuroimaging techniques have    brain lesions can be identified using both MRI and DTI
           also provided interesting results to test the association   techniques, with the latter allowing the detection of
           between temperaments, personality profiles and WM   location, orientation and anisotropy of brain WM tracts.
           microstructure abnormalities [Table 1].
                                                              Untill a few years ago, white matter has been supposed
           Based on our results, the presence of microvascular brain   to be a passive tissue, but according to recent evidence
           abnormalities and specific affective temperaments such   it has been suggested as actively implicated in major
           as dysthymic subtype may exert a combined negative   psychiatric conditions and brain functioning. Notably,
           role in patients with MDD worsening outcome and    the timing of WM growth and degree of completion
           triggering suicidality. The presence of WM abnormalities   may influence important human abilities such as affect
           together with a dysthymic temperamental profile may   learning, memory, and self‑control ability.
           be used for grouping subjects with MDD and this may
           potentially help clinicians in optimizing treatment   Understanding the nature and origin of WM alterations
           strategies.                                        in  MDD  is  of  paramount  importance  as  they  may

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