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controls. They found an up-regulation of the microglial   Although  in  patients  with  HC  neuroinflammation
           activation marker ionized calcium-binding adaptor   seems to be caused mainly by the presence of the
           molecule-1  (Iba-1)  in  the  cerebral  cortex  from   virus into the brain, [37,38]  the studies from Cagnin
           patients  with  cirrhosis  who  have  HE  but  not  from   et al., [34]  Dennis et al. [35]  and Zemtsova et al. [36]  suggest
           patients with cirrhosis who do not have HE. In this   that neuroinflammation could also be present in
           study,  mRNA  and  protein  expression  of  iNOS  and   patients with liver cirrhosis in the absence of virus
           cyclooxygenase  (COX-2) or mRNA expression of      infection.
           pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokine monocyte
           chemoattractive protein-1 was analyzed in cerebral   ROLE OF NEUROINFLAMMATION IN THE
           cortex. They were not different in patients with liver   COGNITIVE AND MOTOR ALTERATIONS IN
           cirrhosis and HE than in patients with cirrhosis who   ANIMAL MODELS OF MHE
           did not have HE or control patients without cirrhosis.
           This report shows increased microglial activation in   Neuroinflammation would be a main contributor
           patients with HE but did not find increased levels of   to the cognitive and motor alterations in minimal
           pro-inflammatory markers.                          and clinical HE associated to chronic liver disease.
                                                              This  possibility  is  clearly  supported  by  studies  in
           Neuroinflammation has been also reported in patients   animal models. Cauli et al. [40]  showed that rats with
           with chronic hepatitis C (HC). However, in these patients   portacaval shunts  (PCS), a main model of MHE, [41]
           a main contributor to neuroinflammation would be the   show neuroinflammation. Following PCS, rats showed
           presence of the virus into the brain. Postmortem studies   increased levels of inflammatory markers such as IL-6
           of HC virus indicate that the viral replication might occur   levels or COX activity in the brain. PCS rats show
           in the brain and microglia may be the locus for infection   impaired ability to learn a Y maze task due to reduced
           and subsequent neuroinflammatory activity.  [37,38]    function of the glutamate-nitric oxide  (NO)-cGMP
           Bokemeyer et al. [39]  assessed the possible contribution   pathway  in  cerebellum. [42]   Cauli  et  al. [40]   showed
           of neuroinflammation to cognitive dysfunction      that  chronic  treatment  with  the  anti-inflammatory
           in patients with HC who have mild liver disease.   ibuprofen reduced neuroinflammation and restored
           They  performed an extensive neuropsychological    the ability to learn the Y maze task because it restores
           examination and a magnetic resonance spectroscopy   the function of the glutamate-NO-cGMP pathway in
           study in a group of patients with HC showing only mild   cerebellum in vivo. This report showed for the first
           liver disease but differing degrees of neuropsychiatric   time that neuroinflammation is a main contributor to
                                                              the cognitive impairment in MHE [Figure 1].
           alterations. Choline, creatine and N-acetyl-aspartate
           and N-acetyl-aspartyl-glutamate concentrations in the   Neuroinflammation also contributes to other
           basal ganglia were increased in the patients compared   types of cognitive and motor alterations by
           to  controls. Fatigue  correlated negatively with the   altering other specific mechanisms modulating
           metabolic changes. [39]  As the increase of choline,   them. For example, neuroinflammation is a main
           creatine and myo-inositol are usually interpreted to   contributor to hypokinesia in rats with MHE and
           indicate glial activation and macrophage infiltration   chronic treatment with ibuprofen restored motor
           in chronic inflammation they conclude that HC virus   function. [43]  The mechanisms and brain areas
           infection may induce neuroinflammation and brain   involved in neuroinflammation-induced hypokinesia
           dysfunction. The negative correlation with fatigue   are different from those involved in impairment of
           suggests a cerebral compensatory process after infection.   learning in the Y maze. Hypokinesia in PCS rats is
           Grover et al. [38]  used two independent in vivo imaging   due to the increased level of extracellular glutamate
           techniques to assess the presence of neuroinflammation   in substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr). Glutamate
           in patients with mild chronic HC and control subjects.   activates metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 (mGluR1)
           Using magnetic resonance spectroscopy, they found   and induces an increase extracellular GABA in
           that basal ganglia myo-inositol/creatine and choline/  ventromedial thalamus (VMT). This, in turn, reduces
           creatine ratios were significantly elevated in patients   extracellular glutamate in motor cortex, which reduces
           with chronic HC compared to controls. Using PET with   motor activity. Blocking mGluR1 in SNr with an
           a ligand for microglial/brain macrophage activation,   antagonist normalizes GABA in VMT, glutamate in
           11 C-(R)-PK11195, Grover  et al. [38]  found evidence of   motor cortex and motor activity. [44]  A down-regulation
           microglial activation, which positively correlated with   of glutamate transporters contributes to the increased
           HC viremia and altered cerebral metabolism. This   levels of extracellular glutamate in SNr. [44]  Chronic
           suggests that the HC virus induces neuroinflammation,   treatment of rats with MHE with ibuprofen normalizes
           which would contribute to the cognitive alterations in   the amount of glutamate transporters, reduces
           patients with HC.                                  extracellular glutamate in SNr and normalizes motor

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