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than two million people suffer from MHE in USA, in the   in cirrhotic patients by ingestion of an amino acid
           European Union and even more in the rest of the world.  mixture induces neuropsychological impairment
                                                              during inflammation, but not after its resolution.  The
           Minimal  hepatic encephalopathy has  important     contribution of inflammation and hyperammonemia to
           consequences on daily life of patients with chronic   the neurological impairment in different pathological
           liver diseases. Attention, mental processing speed,   situations with different grades of inflammation and
           visuomotor and bimanual coordination are necessary   hyperammonemia was assessed by Felipo et al., [32]  who
           for many daily tasks such as driving cars or dressing.   showed that the joint presence of inflammation and
           Patients with MHE have impaired driving ability,   hyperammonemia, is enough to induce mild cognitive
           which is associated with peripheral inflammation, with   impairment, even in the absence of liver failure. The
           increased levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and IL-18. [23-25]    studies by Shawcross et al.  and Felipo et al.  support
           They also have increased risk of traffic, home and work   the idea that, as occurs in other chronic diseases, in
           accidents and more falls, fractures, and hospitalizations,   chronic liver diseases, peripheral inflammation is
           which pose a high economic burden to health systems.   involved in the induction of the cognitive and motor
           In addition, MHE predisposes patients to clinical HE   alterations associated to MHE and to overt HE.
           with more serious neurological impairment that can
           lead to coma and death and reduces life span. Early   Peripheral inflammation may lead to neuroinflammation
           diagnosis and treatment of MHE would improve the   by different mechanisms. The presence of
           quality of life and survival of patients and economic   neuroinflammation in patients  with chronic  liver
           burden. [26-29]                                    diseases has not been thoroughly studied. One of the
                                                              main methods to assess neuroinflammation is to assess
           INFLAMMATION AND NEUROINFLAMMATION IN              by positron emission tomography (PET); the binding
           THE NEUROLOGICAL ALTERATIONS IN PATIENTS           of ligands to the translocator protein (18 kDa) (TSPO),
           WITH CHRONIC LIVER DISEASE AND MHE                 previously known as peripheral type benzodiazepine
                                                              receptor.  Cagnin et al.  showed using PET techniques
           Inflammation is a main contributor to the changes in   that cirrhotic patients with HE show increased binding
           cognitive and motor functions found in MHE patients   of [ C](R)-PK11195 to TSPO in brain. [34]  Moreover, the
           suffering from chronic liver disease. For example, the   patient with the most severe cognitive impairment
           serum levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6   had the highest increases in regional [ C](R)-PK11195
           and IL-18 are increased in cirrhotic patients with MHE   binding. The authors suggested that an altered glial
           compared with cirrhotics without MHE. Moreover, the   cell state might be causally related to impaired brain
           levels of IL-6 and IL-18 correlate with the grade of MHE   functioning in HE. These data suggest the presence of
           evaluated using psychometric tests. [30]           neuroinflammation in patients with HE, correlating
                                                              with the grade of cognitive impairment. [34]
           Hyperammonemia plays a synergistic role with                                                     [35]
           inflammation in the induction of the neurologic    In support for the role of microglia, Dennis et al.
           impairment [Figure 1]. Hyperammonemia developed    performed immunohistochemistry studies and cytokine
                                                              assays in fixed postmortem brain tissue from chronic
                                                              alcoholics with cirrhosis and HE, alcoholics without
                                                              HE and controls. About half of the patients with HE
                                                              showed what they called “proliferative HE (pHE)”
                                                              and the other half did not. [35]  The microglia in pHEs
                                                              displayed an activated morphology with hypertrophied
                                                              cell bodies and short, thickened processes. These
                                                              patients also showed increased levels of IL-6. In
                                                              contrast,  the  microglia  in  white  matter  regions  of
                                                              the non-proliferative HE cases were less activated
                                                              and appeared dystrophic. The authors suggest that
                                                              microglial proliferation may form part of an early
                                                              neuroprotective response in HE that ultimately fails
                                                              to halt the course of the disease because underlying
                                                              etiological factors such as high cerebral ammonia and
                                                              systemic inflammation remain.  In support, Zemtsova
           Figure 1: Hyperammonemia and inflammation act synergistically to induce
           neurological alterations in chronic liver disease. Chronic liver failure induces both   et al. [36]  also analyzed markers of neuroinflammation in
           hyperammonemia and peripheral inflammation, leading to microglial activation   postmortem brain tissue from patients with cirrhosis
           and neuroinflammation, which alters neurotransmission, leading to cognitive
           and motor impairment                               that presented with and without HE and noncirrhotic

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