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action against helminth infection is the “walling off” of   Also, the recruitment and/or activation of T regulatory
           large bodies through granuloma formation which bears   lymphocytes are thought to play a key mediating role
           resemblance to the glial scar encountered in central   in the “type  2” inflammatory  process. [36-38]  Indeed,
           nervous system (CNS) repair. [27]                  regulatory T cells have been found not only to be
                                                              present in the peripheral circulation of glioma patients
           The initiation of the classical inflammatory response is   in increased percentages compared to controls, but also
           marked by the localization and subsequent activation of   to infiltrate glioma tissue in a tumor grade-dependent
           blood circulating monocytes into M1 macrophage. The   manner. [39,40]  Interestingly, some encouraging
           M1 macrophage are activated by cytokines produced   anti-tumor responses have been obtained in attempts
           by  Th1  cells, like interferon-γ  (IFN-γ),  TNF-α,  or   to neutralize the substantial peripheral regulatory
           after recognition of pathogen-associated molecular   T cell populations encountered in glioma patients
           pattern molecules, through toll-like receptors (TLRs)   with systemic administration of TLR ligands. [41,42]  For
           or C-type lectin receptors. Upon activation, the M1   example, systemic administration of a TLR9 ligand
           macrophage promote a proinflammatory environment   enhanced survival, decreased the number of peripheral
           by  releasing cytokines  such  as  TNF-α, IL-1,  IL-6,   regulatory T cells and enhanced the antigen-presenting
           IL-12,  IFN-γ,  and  IL-23.  IL-12  stimulates  IFN-γ   capacity of infiltrating microglia.
           production in T lymphocytes and natural killer (NK)
           cells.  Phenotypically, the M1 phenotype is associated   Recently, there have been many studies documenting
           with cell mediated cytotoxicity, tissue injury and   a decreased risk of glioma development in individuals
           destruction. Thus, the presence of the M1 macrophage   with asthma, which is also thought to be driven by
           is counter-productive once the invading threat is   “type 2” inflammation. [43,44]  Reduced immunoglobulin E
           neutralized and tissue repair is in order. The resolution   levels have been found in patients who developed
           of  the  inflammatory  response  and  transition  into   glioma. Further, additional studies have found that
           wound repair is facilitated by the M2 macrophage.   specific polymorphisms in genes encoding IL-4RA
           One of the key events leading to immunosuppression   and IL-13, both factors that induce IgE production
           and activation of “type 2” inflammation is apoptotic   in immune cells, are found to be inversely correlated
           cell death of recruited neutrophils. [26]  The apoptotic   with glioma development. This apparent contradiction
           neutrophils signal to close classical inflammation   can be reconciled by considering the macrophage
           and thus modulate immunosuppression after          subtype that predominates in each pathology. The M2a
           their engulfment by macrophages. In response,      macrophage are induced by IL-4 and IL-13, express
           the macrophage upregulate expression of the Th2    Fc-epsilon receptors, and are involved in the allergic
           anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10, while significantly   response. On the other hand, the M2b macrophage
           downregulating the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α,   are induced by engagement of the IL-1 receptor and/or
           IL-1β, and IL-12. [29]                             ligation of TLR +/- immune complexes, they express
                                                              Fc-gamma receptors and are involved in immune
           Several subtypes of the M2 macrophage exist        regulation. [45,46]  It appears that patients developing
           depending on the inflammatory program that is      asthma, as a result of hyperactive IL-13 or IL-4 receptor
           activated  and  required. [30]   The  M2a  or  alternative   signaling, are at lower risk of developing gliomas;
           macrophage is activated by the cytokines IL-4 and   this may be due to the preferential activation of the
           IL-13, and these macrophages are specialized to    M2a subset, which may not be as advantageous to the
           carry out the allergic response and the killing and   developing glioma mass that is dominantly populated
           encapsulation of parasites. The M2b macrophage is   by the M2b-d macrophage subtypes. IL-10, damage
           activated by ligation of TLRs + immune complexes and   associated molecular pattern molecules, and IL-6 are
           the IL-1 receptor. This macrophage subset is primarily   highly expressed in GBM tissue, where they localize
           responsible for immune regulation and activation of   to the macrophage/microglia population. [31,47-51]  Further,
           the Th2 program. The M2c macrophage, activated     it has been shown that the presence of IL-4 or IL-13
           by the cytokine IL-10, is primarily responsible for   inhibit the proliferation of astrocytes and low-grade
           matrix deposition and tissue remodeling. Recently, a   astrocytomas, but not GBM. [52]
           fourth and distinct subtype, termed the M2d subset,
           has been identified. This subset is activated by   In glioma tissue, macrophages/microglia can account
           IL-6 and is thought to aid in tumor metastasis and   for up to 30% of the total lymphocytic infiltrate
           progression. [31]  The primary cells responsible for   present in the tumor mass. [53,54]  It is now accepted
           the synthesis of those cytokines are eosinophils,   that the macrophage and microglia populations found
           basophils, and CD4  Th2 cells, and tumor cells. [32,33]    within glioma originate from distinct progenitor cell
           M2 macrophage down-modulate the release of IL-1,   populations. Infiltrating macrophages are derived from
           IFN-γ, IL-12, and TNF-α. [34,35]                   the bone marrow, whereas microglia are brain-resident;

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