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cytokines in response to lipopolysaccharide stimuli. [94]    of the experimental agent. Surgical resection serves
           This attribute is most likely an evolutionarily hard-wired   multiple purposes. Importantly, resection reduces tumor
           negative feedback mechanism to preserve the cyclic   burden and the immunosuppressive factors present in
           response curve characteristic in NF-κB signaling. [95]    the tumor microenvironment that will enhance the
           We propose that the presence of IL-10 in the glioma   effectiveness of the immunotherapy. Also, the degree
           microenvironment substantially dampens the transient   of the mobilized inflammatory response is minimized.
           pro-inflammatory activating pulse delivered by     The tumor specimens are valuable since they serve as
           tumor-lysate activated DCs and booster injection of   a source of tumor associated antigens to make vaccines.
           TLR agonist. This mechanism is circumvented in NF-1   Likewise, tumor specimens can be processed and placed
           heterozygous microglia through deregulated Ras/Rac1/  into culture where the cells can serve in in vitro studies
           JNK/c-Jun/AP-1 signaling, which operates in parallel and   and as target cells for cytotoxicity testing. [98]
           independent of the NF-κB signaling pathway [Figure 2].
           Deactivating antibodies against IL-10 may restore the   We have successfully used tumor-lysate pulsed DC
           formation of the NF-κB heterodimer ultimately leading   vaccines that are given with or without TLR agonist;
           to a M1 microglia phenotype without overshooting the   they represent an active immunotherapy strategy
           pro-inflammatory response, which may have detrimental   designed to enhance cell-mediated immunity. [99]
           effects on patients. Then, effectors cells mobilized by   The conclusion of a phase II clinical trial has shown
           the vaccine can operate and maintain functionality by   the vaccine treatment to extend median survival
           encountering a skewed microenvironment to a “type 1”   to 34  months. It appears that the treatment has a
           pro-inflammatory state. Ultimately tumor regression   relevant role in flagging the tumor cells remaining
           may lead to a natural resolution of the inflammatory   after surgical resection. [100]  We have also examined
           phase mediated in large part by IL-10.             a passive immunotherapy approach that utilizes
                                                              effector alloreactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes (alloCTL)
           IMMUNE AND GENE THERAPEUTICS THAT                  that are intratumorally implanted with low doses of
           ENGENDER INFLAMMATION                              Interleukin-2. [101]  The allogeneic CTL are trained in vitro
                                                              to target patient human leukocyte antigens that are
           Our translational immunotherapy research team has   present on glioma cells but not on normal neuroglia.
           a long-standing interest in the development of novel   A pilot clinical study described at www.clinicaltrials.
           therapeutic options for brain tumor patients. Our group   gov (NCT00068510), [102,103]  suggested a clinical response
           and others have preclinically explored active and   in recurrent WHO grade III gliomas. These studies led
           passive immune and gene therapy approaches, some   to a second phase I dose escalation trial that is currently
           of which are translated to the clinic. [96,97]  The therapies   open for patient enrollment at University of California,
           are generally designed as adjuvant treatments and   Los Angeles (; NCT01144247).
           entail tumor resection followed by administration
                                                              In another gene therapy approach, transduction of
                                                              glioma cells with retroviral replicating vectors (RRV)
                                                              coding for pro-drug activating enzymes followed by
                                                              their exposure to non-toxic pro-drug has also proven to
                                                              be another potent cancer therapy strategy. Non-cytolytic
                                                              RRV are particularly well suited for the treatment of
                                                              primary or metastatic brain tumors. In the CNS, normal
                                                              brain neuroglial cells are relatively quiescent, thus,
                                                              the dividing glioma cells are selectively targeted by
                                                              the RRV. After achieving genomic integration, the
                                                              viral constructs can stably seed the tumor mass and
                                                              replicate within the tumor cells even as they infiltrate
                                                              in vivo. Pro-drug administration results in targeted
                                                              destruction of the cells harboring the RRV. Such
                                                              an approach utilizes RRV coding for yeast cytosine
                                                              deaminase. Upon administration of the pro-drug,
           Figure 2: Signaling imparted through interactions of advanced glycation end
           products (AGE) with the receptors for AGE (RAGE) versus interactions of   5-fluorocytosine, the drug is converted to its toxic
           pathogen associated molecular pattern (PAMP) or damage associated molecular   form, 5-fluorouracil. If sufficient time is allowed for
           pattern (DAMP) molecules with Toll like receptors (TLR). The schematic shows   RRV spreading, the administered prodrug converts to
           the two signaling pathways that operate in parallel but independent to each
           other; both lead to expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines. The presence of   a cytotoxic form, killing infected cells and providing
           anti-inflammatory (M2) cytokines inhibits the expression of pro-inflammatory   tumor cytoreduction. Predicated upon successful and
           cytokines of both inflammatory response pathways. NF: Neurofibromatosis;
           JNK: Jun‑NH2‑kinase                                extensive preclinical testing, [104-108]  phase I clinical trials

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