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GBM TYPES AND STAGES IN DISEASE                    was revealed. Cells encoding the mutant IDH1 protein
           PROGRESSION                                        were found to convert, in an irreversible reaction,
                                                              α-ketoglutarate to 2-hydroxyglutarate (2-HG). [19]  The
           GBM is classified as one of two types: primary or   function  of  the  accumulation  of  2-HG  and  its  role
           secondary GBM. Primary GBM arises as the de novo   in disease progression is not yet fully elucidated.
           high grade disease that has no discernible stages of   The fundamental role of 2-HG has been difficult to
           progression. Secondary GBM, on the other hand, arises   assign partly because its role is unlike conventional
           as low grade and over time progresses to a higher-grade   onco-metabolites characterized thus far. Rather than
           of malignancy. Therefore it is extremely difficult - if   promoting disease progression by conferring itself with
           not impossible -  to analyze the changes that arise   a proliferative or selective advantage, 2-HG initiates
           in a step-wise manner for primary GBM, while the   development of the cancer stem cell niche within the
           progression of secondary GBM can be closely followed.   frontal lobe. Thus, the onco-metabolite 2-HG is the first
           However, recent genomic analysis of primary resected   example demonstrating that although the derivation of
           GBM tissue has allowed for a second dimension of   cancer is mono-cellular in nature at initiation, much
           their grouping by gene expression/mutations patterns:   like tumor promotion and progression, complicated
           neural, pro-neural, classical, and mesenchymal. [15]  heterogeneous interactions involving multiple cell types
                                                              occurs. The cellular interplay also offers an explanation
           Contemporary theory links the phenotypic           to the challenges associated with establishing a tumor
           characteristics observed in the tumor microenvironment   model containing solely the IDH1 mutation both in vivo
           to each of three stages of glioma pathology: initiation,   and in vitro. [20]  This cancer stem cell niche may in
           promotion and progression. [16]  A defect in the switch   turn provide the mutant IDH1 stem-like cell with the
           for wound repair may play a major role in glioma   necessary factors to promote self-renewal, further
           development  because  it  leads  to  “type  2”  chronic   genetic mutations, and ultimately disease progression.
           inflammation that fails to shut off and this may drive   Indeed, previous studies in patients suffering from
           gliomagenesis. Further, “type 2” chronic inflammation,   the genetic disorder known as D-2-hydroxyglutaric
           which is propagated indefinitely in the tumor      aciduria, where the accumulation of 2-HG is observed,
           microenvironment, may be critical in triggering tumor   show ROS-mediated neural excito-toxicity upon NMDA
           initiation. The effect of chronic inflammation that   receptor chronic potentiation by 2-HG. [21,22]  The neural
           develops in the tumor microenvironment is far reaching   excito-toxicity fueled by the IDH1 mut  stem-like cell
           beyond the initiating effects, and it may also drive the   may initiate a neural-inflammatory cycle of wound
           second stage of disease, glioma promotion. The third   repair ultimately leading to pro-creation of a cancer
           and last stage of the disease, glioma progression, is   stem cell niche that promotes glioma formation and
           a stage of the disease that loops back adding to the   immune evasion. This niche provides the cancer stem
           intensity of the underlying inflammation.          cell with growth factors to sustain proliferation and
                                                              an environment that promotes the emergence of more
           The initiating event                               genetic mutations. Indeed, a connection between
           Embracing the cell of origin model, the theoretical   excitotoxicity and inflammation has been proposed to
           consideration of the inflammatory-initiating event   be linked by interleukin-1β. [23]
           beginning with a specific mutation in the cancer
           stem cell may occur either through oncogene        Tumor promotion
           over-expression/stimulation or production of an    Inflammation is the first line of defense in response
           inflammatory onco-metabolite. A traumatic event at a   to tissue injury and/or infection. Pro-inflammatory
           specific site in the brain may activate all the necessary   cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor  (TNF)-α,
           signal transduction pathways to initiate inflammation.   Interleukin  (IL)-1β, and  IL-6 are synthesized  to
           The site of injury could be a source of micro-damage   initiate the inflammatory cascade. [24]  IL-1 has been
           induced by chronic stress, depression, or some other   shown to be a key mediator in the proliferation of
           factor extrinsic to the host. [17]                 “reactive astrocytes”. [25]  Next, either of two types of
                                                              inflammatory processes may be activated depending
           As another consideration, the source of the micro-damage   on the stimulus. In the presence of microbial infection
           and neural-degeneration may be the cancer stem cell   or necrotic cell death classical “type 1” inflammation
           itself. Recently, a novel genetic mutation encoding the   ensues, characterized by the appearance of activated
           isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) protein known to be   T helper (Th) 1 lymphocytes. [26]  In the presence of
           present in a large number of low-grade to secondary GBM   parasites, allergens, or phosphatidylserine positive
           tumors has been identified as one of the possible first   early apoptotic cells the Th2 inflammatory cascade is
           events in disease initiation. [18]  Subsequently, following   activated. Interestingly, Th2 inflammation is closely
           the identification of this mutated oncogene, its function   related to wound repair. Indeed, the principal mode of

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