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HEDGEHOG IN GLIOMA                                 Shh pathway plays an important role in the migratory
                                                              ability of cells derived from CD133   glioblastoma
           Hedgehog signaling pathway                         cells. [35]  Furthermore, the Hh inhibitor cyclopamine
           Hedgehog is a highly conserved signaling pathway and   has been shown to improve the effect of radiation on
           a key regulator of embryonic development, including   GSCs. All of the studies mentioned above suggest that
           the processes of cell differentiation, proliferation, and   Hh signaling is one of the critical pathways for the
           tissue patterning. [33,34]  In adults, Hh plays an important   maintenance, proliferation, migration, and tumorigenic
           role in the maintenance of stem cells, tissue repair,   potential of GSCs. Thus, targeting this pathway with
           and regeneration. The Hh family consists of three   pharmacologic inhibitors may inhibit GSC growth and
           secreted proteins, sonic Hedgehog  (Shh), Indian   improve the efficacy of conventional therapies.
           Hedgehog (Ihh) and desert Hedgehog. Two molecules
           that are important for Hh signaling are patched (Ptch)   The regulatory role of microRNA
           and smoothened (Smo). In the absence of Hh, Ptch   MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small noncoding
           inhibits the activity of Smo, a receptor-like protein   cellular  RNAs  that  bind  to  cis-regulatory  elements
           with seven transmembrane domains. In the presence   located primarily in the 3’ untranslated regions of
           of activated Smo, a complex consisting of the      target mRNAs, resulting in their translational inhibition
           glioma-associated oncogene family zinc finger (Gli) and   or degradation. The function of some miRNAs
           the suppressor of fused (Sufu), an important negative   has been determined to be important for neural
           regulator of Hh signaling, enters the nucleus, leading   development. [40]  Other studies have indicated that
           to nuclear translocation and activation of the Gli1   miRNAs play a potentially important role in glioma
           and Gli2 transcription factors, as well as degradation   biology. The relationship between the Hh pathway and
           of Gli3. Activated Gli subsequently promotes the   miRNA is currently being investigated.
           transcription of Hh target genes  [Figure  1]. Three
           types of Gli transcription factors, Gli1, Gli2, and Gli3,   It has been shown that stable miR-302-367 cluster
           have been identified in mammals. Gli1 and Gli2 are   expression is sufficient to suppress the stem cell-like
           activators of Hh target genes, while Gli3 mainly appears   signature, self-renewal, and infiltration of cells by
           to be a repressor. The function of Hh signaling is very   inhibition of the CXCR4 pathway. Furthermore,
           complicated and critical. Thus, it is important to   inhibition of CXCR4 leads to disruption of the
           elucidate the function and molecular regulation of Hh   Shh-Gli-Nanog network, which is involved in
           signaling, especially in GSCs.                     self-renewal and expression of the embryonic stem cell-
                                                              like signature. [41,42]  Wu et al. [43]  suggested that miR-5 can
           Functional studies of Hedgehog in glioma stem cells  specifically suppress Hh signaling by directly targeting
           Aberrant activation of Hh signaling has been shown to   Smo in Drosophila. In addition, miR-125b and miR-326
           be associated with the formation of gliomas. Several   have been identified as suppressors of Smo, and miR-
           studies have investigated the role of Hh-Gli signaling   324-5p targets the downstream transcription factor Gli1.
           in GSCs and found that it regulates self-renewal and   Down-regulation of these miRNAs allows high levels
           tumorigenic potential in GSCs. [22,35-37]  Importantly,   of Hh-dependent gene expression leading to tumor cell
           inhibition of Hh-Gli signaling enhances the ability   proliferation. [44]  Furthermore, functional analyses have
           of TMZ to inhibit GSC proliferation and induce cell   shown that miR-326 may be regulated by Shh activation
           death. [38]   Several  studies  have  demonstrated  that   and act as a negative modulator of Shh signaling by
           inhibition of Hh signaling blocks tumor growth and   directly targeting Smo and Gli2. [45]  Other studies have
           influences both proliferation and malignancy. [39]  The
                                                              demonstrated that miR-214 can inhibit Sufu, allowing
                                                              maximal activation of Gli-mediated transcription,  and
                                                              miR-941 targets key components of the Hh-signaling
                                                              pathway, including Smo, Sufu, and Gli1. [47]  Moreover,
                                                              miR-212 was found to be involved in tumorigenesis,
                                                              and the oncogenic activity of miR-212 was partly due to
                                                              suppression of Ptch1. [48]  Although many miRNAs have
                                                              been shown to regulate the Hh pathway as upstream
                                                              factors, the Hh pathway in turn has been shown to
                                                              regulate the mir-29b-1/mir-29a promoter [Table 1 and
           Figure 1: The off and on states of the Hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway.   Figure 2]. [49]
           Patched (Ptch) inhibits the activity of smoothened, which prevents the suppressor
           of fused‑Gli1/2 complex from entering the nucleus and promotes Gli3 nuclear   The studies mentioned above show that miRNAs affect
           accumulation, leading to low expression of Hh target genes. Hh binding to Ptch
           activates the Hh signaling pathway by promoting Gli1/2 expression  the expression of numerous genes involved in glioma

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