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study has demonstrated the presence of GSCs near   chemotherapeutic agents. [17]  Temozolomide (TMZ)
           blood vessels, consistent with the perivascular niche   treatment, which could eliminate O6-methylguanine-
           for NSCs. [10,11]  Alternatively, Li et al. [12]  demonstrated   DNA methyltransferase-negative cells, increased the
           that GSCs could also be found in regions of necrosis,   stem population. [22]  Increased expression of drug
           which are hypoxic, suggesting that there may be more   transporters, such as ATP-binding cassette  (ABC)
           than one niche. Hypoxia promotes the self-renewal   transporters, could lead to chemotherapeutic agents
           capability  of both the stem cell  and  nonstem  cell   being pumped out of tumor cells and may be another
           populations, and also promotes the conversion of   mechanism of chemo-resistance. Recent studies
           nonstem cells into stem cells by up-regulating the   have found that the expression of ABC transporters
           expression of important stem cell factors, [13]  indicating   is increased in stem cells. [23]  Therefore, focusing
           that this niche may be important for GSCs. Therapies   on the connection between GSCs and their niche
           that target cytokines, such as hypoxia-inducible factor-  may help to elucidate the mechanisms behind the
           1α (HIF-1α) and HIF-2α, or cells in the niche, such as   treatment-resistant phenotype of GSCs, which
           glia cells and endothelial cells, may, therefore, show   may lead to solutions that reduce the resistance of
           promise.                                           gliomas  to  therapy  and  improve  clinical  outcome.
                                                              This information may also be useful in the pursuit
           Glioma stem cells and resistance to therapy        of effective therapeutic strategies for the treatment of
           Surgical resection, radiation, and chemotherapy    radiation-associated injuries.
           are  still  the  mainstay  treatments  for  gliomas  and
           are associated with a clear improvement in overall   Cell sorting and culture
           survival in patients with high-grade gliomas.      Several methods may be used in order to obtain purified
           However, recurrence of the tumor is common         GSCs for study. In some studies, fluorescence-activated
           following conventional therapy. Antiangiogenic     cell sorting and magnetic activated cell sorting have
           therapy against vascular endothelial growth factor   been used to separate GSCs from other cell types. [12,24]
           is another frequently used therapeutic treatment,   Glioma cell lines and clinical samples have also been
           but drug resistance is common. [14]  The mechanisms   used to isolate and culture GSCs. [25,26]  However, there
           of resistance are not understood in complete detail   is currently no standard definition of what constitutes
           and may be multi-factorial. The proposal that GSCs   a GSC. Specific markers for identifying GSCs are,
           are a prerequisite for tumor formation suggests that   therefore, required. The current definition of GSCs
           chemo- and radio-resistant GSCs are the main cause   is based on their capacity for self-renewal, long-term
           of recurrence. [15,16]  Liu et al. [17]  found that CD133  cells   proliferation, and tumor formation in vivo. The ideal
           were resistant to chemotherapeutic agents, whereas   marker, therefore, is a molecule that is specifically
           CD133  cells sorted from the same primary glioma   expressed on GSCs and functionally associated with
           cultures were not. Furthermore, Bao  et  al.       GSC maintenance.
           determined that ionizing radiation treatment enriched
           the CD133  population in human gliomas. Although   CD133 has been widely used as a marker for GSC sorting.
           CD133 does not identify all GSCs, these data       However, NSCs also express CD133, which limits its
           suggest that GSCs play a key role in resistance to   utility and reliability as a target. Some studies have also
           traditional therapies. The mechanism for resistance   suggested that CD133  cells have the capability to act as
           is complicated. Bao  et  al.  demonstrated that    GSCs. [13]  Moreover, CD133  glioma cells can give rise to
           CD133  cells contribute to glioma radio-resistance via   CD133  GSCs.  Other surface molecules such as CD15
           preferential activation of DNA damage checkpoints,   (SSEA-1), [27]  A2B5, [28,29]  and L1CAM [30]  have been used
           and that their resistance could be partially reversed   as markers but are not widely accepted. Interestingly,
           by inhibitors of Chk1 and Chk2. Other researchers   both CD133  A2B5  and CD133  A2B5  cells have been
           demonstrated that the bone morphogenetic proteins   shown to exhibit characteristics of GSCs. [31]  Therefore,
           and cannabinoids inhibit the tumorigenic potential of   these markers may only label specific sub-populations
           GSCs and promote their differentiation. [18]  Radiation   of GSCs. In recent times, one group exploited  the
           treatment may expand the GSC population, enhance   intrinsic auto-fluorescence properties and distinctive
           the aggressiveness of tumors, and induce expression   morphology of a subpopulation of cells  (FL1 ) in
           of GSC marker proteins, such as CD133 and nestin,   order to isolate them from human gliomas. FL1  cells
           as well as proteins involved in self-renewal, such as   are  capable  of  self-renewal  in  vitro,  tumorigenesis
           Notch2 and Sox2. [19]  The GSC niche may enhance   in vivo, and preferentially express stem cell genes, but
           the radio-resistance of GSCs as well. [20]  Besides   expression of FL1 did not correlate with the expression
           their relative radio-resistance, GSCs can express   of other proposed GSC markers.  This finding deserves
           high levels of multiple genes associated with drug   special attention as it may provide a new way to identify
           resistance [21]  and show  significant  resistance to   GSCs.
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