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Table 2: The distribution of HLA alleles in different ethnic groups
           Ethnic group      HLA       Alleles        Findings                                       References
           Caucasians        HLA class I              No correlations found                             [37]
                             HLA‑DR    HLA‑DRB1*01    High frequency in NMO‑IgG positive patients       [37]
                                       HLA‑DRB1*0301  High frequency in NMO‑IgG positive patients    [27,37,53]
                                                      Not demonstrated association
                                       HLA‑DRB1*1501  Not associated with NMO                          [37,54]
                             HLA‑DQ    HLA‑DQB1*0402  Higher frequency in NMO compared to HCs          [27,53]
                                                      Increased in NMO
                                       HLA‑DQA1*0102  High frequency in NMO‑IgG negative patients      [37,53]
                                                      No significant differences noticed
                             HLA‑DP    HLA‑DPB1*0501  Rare allele in Caucasians. No correlations found  [37]
           Japanese‑Chinese  HLA class I              No data                                         No data
                             HLA‑DR    HLA‑DRB1*01    Protective effect on anti‑AQP4 negative MS patients  [39]
                                       HLA‑DRB1*04    Increases the risk of non‑NMO MS, especially      [39]
                                                      HLA‑DRB1*04/04, 04/14, 04/15
                                       HLA‑DRB1*09    Protective factor for anti‑AQP4 negative MS, especially   [39,40]
                                                      HLA‑DRB1*09/15. Decreased the risk of anti‑AQP4 positive
                                                      MS in monovariate studies
                                                      NMO/NMOSD patients showed a significantly lower
                                       HLA‑DRB1*12    Increased frequency in anti‑AQP4 positive MS, especially   [39]
                                       HLA‑DRB1*15    Common in MS patients. Probable in correlation with *04,   [12,38,39]
                                                      *09, *12 alleles
                                                      Association with common MS
                                       HLA‑DRB1*1602  Higher frequency in anti‑AQP4 positive patients in Han   [40,41]
                                                      Risk factor only for anti‑AQP4 positive NMO/NMOSD
                             HLA‑DP    HLA‑DPB1*0501  Strong positive association with OSMS         [12,38,40‑46]
                                                      Associated with opticospinal MS
                                                      Increased frequency in anti‑AQP4 positive patients
                                                      Risk factor only for anti‑AQP4 positive NMO/NMOSD patients
                                                      Susceptibility in anti‑AQP4 positive NMO in Han Chinese
                                                      Important role in the development of MS in general, but not
                                                      in OSMS. The strong association of DPB1*0501 with OSMS
                                                      may be due to the over‑representation of the DPB1*0301
                                                      allele among individuals in the non‑OSMS
                                       HLA‑DPB1*0301  The most strongly associated allele with conventional MS,   [38,44]
                                                      complete lack in OSMS
                                                      Possible protection against the development of OSMS
           Brazilians        HLA‑class I              No data                                         No data
                             HLA‑DR    HLA‑DRB1*01    High frequency in NMO                             [56]
                                       HLA‑DRB1*03    High frequency in NMO                             [56]
                                       HLA‑DRB1*15    Low frequency in NMO, possible protective role    [56]
           African‑Americans   HLA class I            No data                                         No data
           and Afro‑Caribbeans  HLA‑DR  HLA‑DRB1*1501  None OSMS African‑American patient              [57,58]
                                       HLA‑DRB1*03    Highly noticed in NMO Afro‑Caribbean patients
           HLA: human leukocyte antigens; NMO: neuromyelitis optica; IgG: immunoglobulin G; MS: multiple sclerosis; OSMS: opticospinal multiple sclerosis; AQP4: aquaporin‑4;
           NMOSD: NMO‑spectrum diseases

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